another harry potter rpg but its different

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Bradley chuckled. "What's so funny?" He looked at Stella.

Hermione stared at Harry. She shook her head. "He doesn't like me like that Harry." She didn't know what else to say.
Luna saw Nerville and was to him.
" Nerville," she said walking over to him.

Nerville smiled.
" hi Luna," he said sliding over so she can sit next to him

She sat next to him looking at the other boys.
" Nerville I was thinking about the Ball," she said looking down.

Nervilled frowned.
" what about it?, he ask

She still kept her eyes to the floor.
" Oh never mind," she said now looking up with a weak smile.
Hermione went with Harry to find Ron. She saw Gretchen walking around. She rolled her eyes. "There's Gretchen." She sighed.
Gretchen stop when she saw Harry and Hermione.
" Oh look the two love bird oh wait wrong couple," she said with a evil laugh
She nod.
" Of course I do," she said walking colse to Harry she put her finger on his shoulder,
she look at Hermione with a smirk on her face.
" were is you little boyfriend any way hermoine?," she ask
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