another harry potter rpg but its different

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She look at cho.
" hi," she said quitly takeing another bite of the apple,
she stop she got up and place her wand between her ears.
" who well you ask is Gretchen?,she ask .

ooc:Can you repeat that please. I don't really understand what you said.

Bradley gave Stella a half smile. "Hey."
ooc:Thanks.:D Don't worry about it.

Bradley shrugged. "I'm not real sure who I'll ask. I'm just...I don't know." He looked at the floor.
"No. I'm probably going to ask...someone." Bradley turned his attention to Cho. "Hey! Ready for the game?"

"Yeah! I'm really excited! How about you?" Cho was going to try to say something about Stella but now that she was right with them, she decided not to.
Luna smiled.
" well you can go with that slytherin girl she have no one to the ball," she told him walking out the door.
"Maybe. See you later Luna. Yeah Cho, I'm really excited. We're going to win this game, I just know it." He mentally thanked Cho for not saying anything. Then he considered Gretchen. Later
Hermione snorted. "I'm just trying to make pleasant conversation. But you obviously won't let that happen! And I'm guessing you don't have a date for the ball yet, do you?"
She cross her arms.
" oh do you fine I don't really care about the game," she said truning around,
she didn't really like Hermoine or her little friends either.
" Maybe I do maybe I don't I'm not tell you," she said with a rude tone in her voice.
Hermione rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Well good luck. I hope you don't get beat too bad." She slammed her book and got up from the table. She turned around to leave.
Hermione rolled her eyes as she made her way to the field.

Bradley sat back in the couch. He was feeling abnormally anxious about that night's game. He felt butterflies in his stomach, though he wasn't sure if that was because of the game or Stella.
Gretchen stop at the Raverclaw's door.
" Bread can I talk with you?"," she ask with a sceeky tone in her voice she was nerves.
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