another harry potter rpg but its different

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ooc- lol how do you know that draco gets on my nerves hes all smug i was soooo happy when hermione punched him that was my fave part out of all the movies

stella brished a peice of hair out of her face "yes i am having fun" stella said noticing that pansy parkinson was glaring at her
ooc- ewww he looks like a rat lol now cedric diggory hes a hottie lol

stella mentally rolled her eyes (in her mind she rolled her eyes lol) "about who" stella said
"Oh, thanks, you look great..." Cho turned red and saw Stella. "Hi Stella, Draco." she nodded curtly at Malfoy.

"Thanks.." He replied to her smiling...Harry quite noticed the tension of the four of them since neither Harry or Draco would speak to eachother, Harry solved to say..."Cho...mmm...wanna dance?.." He asked her...
"oh of course not i was walking to go talk to susan bones and then i relised i left my potions book at the ravenclaw table so i summoned it and it ran into pansys pumpkin juice glass she was covered in it and she gave me a very funny look" stella said remembering and laughed a little
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"Thanks.." He replied to her smiling...Harry quite noticed the tension of the four of them since neither Harry or Draco would speak to eachother, Harry solved to say..."Cho...mmm...wanna dance?.." He asked her...

"Sure!" she said brightly, flicking hair out of her eyes.
He grabbed her hand and walked with her turds the dance floor :)D) he started to dance with her he leaned slightly to her ear and whispered..."I reallly cant stand Draco.."
pansy looked at stella with an expression of jealousy and dislike she stood with her arms crossed and she was standing in front of the snack table stella couldint help but laugh a little she never really liked pansy she remembered one time when stella fell off her broom in a quidditch match back in her third year and pansy flew up twords her and started laughing and said "wow starbright you may not be good at quidditch but your good at losing"
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