another harry potter rpg but its different

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"oh erm one time when i fell off my broom during a quidditch match in my third year and pansy made fun of me saying that i couldint play quidditch" stella said
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ooc- um yeah cedric so is cuter you know what ill accually make a poll about this lol

"oh and good quidditch game today" stella said
ooc- cedric is cuter and nicer and dousint look like a rat lol

"i dont think i played my best i only made two goals if i played better ravenclaw wouldve won plus i think cho was a little too destracted she was really excited to go to the dance with harry" stella said looking over at cho and harry
ooc- btw there should be a plot involving voldemort and cedric is way cuter than draco

"next time im sure ravenclaw will win" stella said
ooc- any ideas for a plot and draco wishes he looked as good as cedric

"doubt it if cho wasint so excited to go with harry to the dance and if pansy hadint almost knocked me off my broom when i had the quaffle slytherin wouldve lost" stella said
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