another harry potter rpg but its different

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She glared into the mirror.
No they don't can we like stop talking about it now,?" she ask picking up her wand and point it to the Mirror.
Gretchen circled her wand looking thew the Mirror seeing that Bread was watching.
" what you thing about over there?," she ask turning around to face him.
Cho stared into the lake. "I asked her what she thought of Bradley, and she blew up at me saying it was none of business and... and then she said that you could 'have him' and that they were just friends... I just don't understand that girl." She twirled around some loose dirt with her wand. "I wonder if Bradley likes her."
Bradley shrugged. "I'm thinking about a lot of things...and wondering why you pointed your wand at the mirror."

She laugh.
" oh really I was playing with it is that all right with you,?" she said putting away her wand,
she looking at the floor for a little while then look back up at him.
" I have a qution you Bearly do you like me," she ask with a frown.
Bradley just looked at Gretchen for a while. "It's hard to explain my feelings for you. I don't know if I like you, but I like you more than I do most girls." He kissed her cheek. "But you're certainly growing on me." He smiled.
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