another harry potter rpg but its different

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"Um...well Cho's talking to her now. Come on, we should get going. Can't hang around in transfigurations class all day." He led Gretchen out of the room.
"Let's go, Stella," Cho said, grabbing her hand. "Wait. I'll be right back." she ran up to Gretchen. "May I have a word?"
Cho♥Harry;1203871 said:
Gretchen look at her.
" what is?," she said crossing her arms,
she lookat Bread she told him to wait a sec for her.

"What do you think of..." she jerked her head towards Bradley.
"Never mind," Cho said, blushing. She had never expected a reply like that. "Just wondering if you were just friends or... whatever," she muttered, turning back to Stella.
She look at her.
" we just friends thank tell your little friend that she can have him,"she said turning to find Bread,
when she did she grabbed him by the arm.
" Come brad lets go some were else but here," she said her face with all red.
She turn to look at him.
" oh it isn't any thing Brad just fro get all right," she said with treas rolling her cheek,
she lead him to the same room that she took him before.
She shook her head.
" she just wanted to know if I like you or not happy now," she said in her loud tone,
she said sat down on the bench.
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