another harry potter rpg but its different

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"griffindor is hard to beat but hufflepuff is going to be unstoppable" stella said jokingly refering to the quidditch teams
Cho tried to giggle at her friend's words but found it difficult, seeing as she was so uncomfortable.
"Er.... Well... I can't wait to get to Hogwarts," Cho said, blushing still. "I hope I'll get on the Quidditch team," she added quietly.
stella couldint help but smile they were so cute together amd she did think it was pretty funny because they were so shy
"Er... don't make the Quidditch tryouts too hard, Stella," Cho said, trying to make a smart remark. "Seeing as your captain..."
Draco was walking by the compartment with Stella in it. He looked in and saw her. "Stella!" he thought happily. He knocked on the door and regained his composure quickly.
Fred and George satdown by Ron. "So, how's ickle Ronnie?" George said, in an almost perfect imitation Mrs. Weasley voice.
"Shut it." was all Ron said...
ooc- remember harrys in the same compartment as stella

"i hope its the candy cart lady" stella said opening the door
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