another harry potter rpg but its different

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She just ketp her eyes on her.
" that little she well pay for this," she said to herself.

Luna sat next to Harry and the rest of the crew.
"i know i dispise drama" stella said pulling a cat carrier out from under her seat and opening it letting mindy out coincedentally stella has the same eye color as mindy

Bradley pet Mindy. "She's cute. What's her name?"

Hermione looked at Grechen. She could tell they both felt the same way about Stella. Hermione would definately use this to her advantage when the time came.
OOC: well we still on the train and well my girl was fighting with Dragco and stilla was getting scared she well be trun into a toad.

Gretchen pulled out a book .
" if I ever run into her again she well get it," she said in her mind

Luna look at her then the others.
"ah, can someone please tell me what was just going on here?," she ask
Bradley looked at Luna. "Your guess is as good as mine. Hopefully nothing more than two students having a small disagreement." He looked at Draco and Grechen and raised his eyebrows. Then he turned his attention back to Stella. "You think so?"
Harry had been thinking in how was about to be the year and he hadnt listened to anything they had been talking about.... so he just glanced at everyone there wondering what they have been saying...
Luna mod.
" OK," she said looking at Gretchen

Gretchen Growl at them.
" I you can think what you want but I well have......," she said then she stop when she notes someone was biting on her leg she pulled out a bag with a dog in it" this belongs to any one," she said pointing her wand at it.
Cho looked up, surprised. "Oh, they were fine..." she stammered. "Very Peaceful. And yours?" she asked, forgetting momentarily who Harry stayed with during the summer.
Bradley reached into his pocket and pulled out a small rat curled up in a ball, sleeping. "I brought Chuck here. He's really sweet, but he sleeps a lot." He laughed.
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