another harry potter rpg but its different

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Gretchen was eating her candy whaile she petting her dog.
" all of you think you can have some fun well think again," she said to herself

Luna look up at Harry with a smile.
" Harry I was wondering if you like come with me to my father's Office onw day," she said in her quite voice.

once every one got off the train they went on the boats that led them to hogwarts now they are all in the dining hall after the sorting ceromony now dumbledore has an announcement to make

"in honor of hogwarts thousanth year we shall be having a wizards ball im sure all of you shall enjoy it also classes shal start tomorrow at nine in the morning" dumbledore said

Hermione thought A ball? I wonder who Ron... She glanced at Stella. Maybe somebody else will first.

Bradley sighed.
Luna look around.
" A ball I wonder who well ask me," she ask herself walking up to the others

Gretchen was siting by the slytherins.
" Oh goody a ball how fun," she said with a evil laugh.
Rose sighed, looking glum. A wizard's ball? What's the point? He'll never notice me, much less talk to me for more than a few moments.
She glanced over to the Slytherin table, looking for his silver blond hair.
Maybe I should just give up.... It's not worth all this...
Bradley smiled. "Yeah, it should be fun." He took a deep breathe, his heart beating like mad. "So...who are you hoping to go with?"
"Alright." Bradley put his hands in his pocket. Ask her! Ask her now! Bradley turned and walked away. He couldn't do it.
"Who are you really hoping to go with, Stella?" Cho asked quietly, taking a bite of mashed potatoes and peering over at the Gryffindor table.
"Look at Draco," Cho said with disgust, nudging Stella. "I think he might like you." After deciding Malfoy wasn't worth looking at, she returned her gaze to Harry.
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