Another stay alive

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Holly felt his hand take hers. She wanted to smile and thank him for tryng to comfort him, but all she could manage was a nod in his direction.
ooc: Ahhhh! Why did so much have to happen while I was alseep! lol. Martin is ready for whenever you need him now lol.

ic: Nate was shocked by everythign he had just seen but he had to act strong. For all of them. If he was in a tizzy he would be no help to anyone. Nate looked at Sage to see how she was feeling.
Nate saw how terrified she was by exspression so he edged back a little so he was closer to her. To give her more comfort.
Martin was so angry that Hugh had let the kid get involved. This meant that he would have to go and sort them both out. He got on all of his old kit inclueding his selecsion of knives and guns and waited for Hugh to tell him where to go.

Nate held out his hand. He tryed to comfort her as much as he could before the guy noticed.
Nate always had a way of smileing and flashed her a quick grin. He then turned his fack back to seriouse again and held onto her hand.
"What," COle asked in a low steady voice, "What do you want with us?" he already knew the answer...sort of.

“you see without all of you I am a dead target but they wont shoot at me it you all are in the way. So in short you are my human shield.” He smiled wickedly and then it vanished into his hard unyielding glare.
The patter of running feet echoed down the hall and soon Victor ran into the room. Hugh looked his way but didn’t say a thing. “Now listen All of you will walk ahead of us and do exactly as we say. I have a dead shot and don’t miss. Running isn’t’ really an option unless you want to be filled with led. Glad we have and understanding.” He pointed at Nate, “Open the door and walk out slowly. The rest of you will fallow.”
Nate had to let go of Sage's hand but gave it a reassuring sqwees first. He then walked forward and opend the door slowly.
Hugh spat as they filed out the door.
the sun was bright and Cole flinched. it hut his eyes. the bright warm sun that he would have welcomed any other day seemed cruel and daunting today.
Nate walked first out into the sun and saw all of the cars with the police behind them. "Where are we going?"
A van came pealing around a corner and stopped a few yards ahead.
“Everybody in!” Hugh commanded shoving them forward. Victor opened the two doors in the back and watched as the five got in. thee were no seats. It was a transport van. Cole sat down with his back against one side and watched the others climb in.
The van pealed away onto the highway and then the freeway. It was dark and Cole could barely make out the faces of his five companions.
“Penny for your thoughts?” he said in a hushed tone not to any one in particular.
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