I have nothing against Miranda Otto; but I have a complaint about something the _writers_ did with Eowyn's dialogue, ruining the original intent.
In the _book_ of ROTK, as Eowyn is recuperating from the big battle, a Gondorian physician pulls the Alan Alda moral-equivalence routine, trying to make Gondor and Rohan accept part of the blame for the war as he lumps together all "men of swords." Eowyn VERY properly rebukes him, saying, "It takes only one foe to breed a war, not two; and those who have no swords can still die on them." This was a splendid rebuttal to pacifistic idiots who accept the protection of their country's soldiers and then try to make those soldiers feel guilty for providing that protection.
But Jackson and Co., transplanting this bit of dialogue to the _movie_ of TT, erased the important first half of Eowyn's statement, and put a phrase about women in its place, redefining Eowyn's words as being _only_ about feminism. Which brings to mind an irony: many hard-leftwing feminists, who rejoiced at seeing Eowyn wield a sword on the screen, would nevertheless insist that the real-life Miranda Otto should NEVER be allowed to own a handgun to protect herself against the real-world equivalent of Orcs!