she smiled and nodded, "you will be the first to know," she said as she got out of the car and closed the door. she walked over to teh side walk and waited till he drove away
Brin took a deep breath pulled her back pack trap over one shoulder and started walking. this did not look good and now that Dan was gone everything was falling very quickly into perspective. her mom was going to be more than pissed and that was never a good addition to the already stressful house
Brin knew that a quite entrance wouldn't be possible now that her mother was woried. she would be expecting her to come home. she cringed as she slowly opened the door
she fidgeted with her bag strap that was over her shoulder, "I didn't want to go to school because of everything with dad this morning so Dan and I took the day off."
"Mom you wouldn't have.." she shook her head, "whenever dad is here things are so messed up and I didn't want to talk to you about it today of all days."