Bad News!!

aslan said:
Narnia was voted worst visuel effects, worst song, And worst title!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID!!!!!!!

Umm..that's not entirely true. They wern't voted the 'WORST' for anything. Infact, everything they were voted for as worst didn't even pass the halfway mark on the list. It's most likely the people that have nothing else to vote for and have not seen the movie, like it was said in an earlier post. There's no need to stress out about it. It's not like it's the oscars or anything. :)
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Now there, great patriots fought to defend the freedom of people to be that utterly stupid, deranged, unholy and clueless. This "vote" at IMDB proves that they did not fight in vain.... ;)
Who the hell said dat????????
They r out of their minds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Narnia has brilliant visual effects and the rest!
It was a job well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aslan said:
Narnia was voted worst visuel effects, worst song, And worst title!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID!!!!!!!
Well at least it is just the Imdb members who voted for the best and worst. Not really a good prediction of what will be nominated.
By the way does anyone know when they will announce the Nominations?
Why are you griping..

Just because it's on a list doesn't mean anything... It's not like it's at the top of it... Besides.. The music I can understand because it is horrible.. Alanis Morsette... BLAH!! I'd vote that 10 fold... The instrumental throughout is fine.. But on the cd itself some of the music is kinda annoying.. Some of the songs were reprised from the old music from back in the day.. Like that Turkish Delight song.. I have to skip over that.. It rots my teeth when I hear it. It's to childish to listen to in this day in time.

As for the Visual effects.. I can see where there could be cause for attack.. I noticed the second time around alot of scenes you can tell is shot against a green screen and they didn't do a good job of blending it properly.. I think that's where the cause of these attacks come from.. The animation is nice and blended fairly well, so I don't think that's what they're going after.. Some scenes should of been remade where the greenscreen was used .. IE: When Edmund and Beaver and those Centaurs are standing on the hill.. There's just a bad effect going on visually when ya stare at it.. It hits my eyes pretty bad when I see it.
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The movie was Wonderful! It bacame my fave movie right after I watched it!
How do those people think! :mad: :confused:
I agree. It was great! And you don't really notice to much bad visuals unless you look freakishly hard. What happened to enjoying a movie instead of looking for faults. Narnia deffinetly ROCKS!!
Uhm. I don't see why this is much to freak out about, people.

On that page they posted, I can see nearly every movie of 2005 somewhere in there. This is a poll, not a standpoint. No actual one person said this. And polls can be easily manipulated if you know how to do so.... and even so...

307 votes against bad title? Out of what, 3750 votes? That's not bad if you ask me.
Bad music, 191 votes? Out of 2750 votes?!
Visual effects, 461 votes out of 4600 votes?

I can guarantee you there's more than 461 movie haters for nearly every motion picture. Narnia did good. It's a poll, take it with a grain of salt.
Er...this is IMDb. Most of the people over there one, either put down the show entierly (I know I spelled that wrong), or two, start thread wars because they disagree on something. I agree with lamer. Don't take this too seriously.
aslan said:
Narnia was voted worst visuel effects, worst song, And worst title!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID!!!!!!!
Whoever said like that one,They're so so so absolutely originally stupid...Maybe they're one of the worst people in the world that have no sense of music!Or maybe they can't hear!!
some people are stupid i thought the movie was great it will always be the bestest for me anyway who voted that????!!!
if u tell me i will give them words!!!!!!