Bad News!!

i just looked at the link and these peolpe seriously dont like harry potter. it was in worst for everything!!! well that just shows they are morons puttin the CoN nd HP in the worst for anything. sure CoN was better than HP but they were definately not worst anything!!!!!!!!!
ok, slideyfoots earlier post is right on. my one question is what is going on in people's heads when they say that its the worst title? did these people miss the whole concept of it already being the title of the book, so its a little hard to change?
omg! they were voted worst this and worst that? Is the end of the world as we know it!!!!!! c'mon people! they weren't even at the top!!! :eek:
The only part I agree with is the song. I thought Wunderkind was horrible and I detest Alanis's voice :mad: It also didn't fit the film at all, IMO. The film really needed an epic song but received 3 mediocre ones. ‘Can’t Take It In’ was the only one that somewhat fit.
I’d really like to hear the Amy Lee song that was rejected; it probably was really good…

I completely disagree with them on the effects; I mean COME ON are they serious? They made creatures completely off of computers that looked REAL! I didn’t even know that Tummus’s legs were CGI until after the film since they looked so real I thought he was wearing very uncomfortable prosthetics
Not to mention that using CGI in day light scenes, such as the battle is very difficult since it requires flawless graphics work.
The people who claimed this film to have bad special effects should apologize to the special effects team behind this film since they did an amazing job that probably took hundreds or thousands of hours to put together!

And the title?! What did they want them to call it “Magic Lion vs Evil Witch”?
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slideyfoot said:
I also doubt there was a backlash against Narnia as a 'christian' film. I'm an atheist, so proselytizing irritates me;
I know that a lot of atheists/agnostics and people of non-Christian faiths love Narnia, too. However, there are A LOT of people who are picking on Narnia due to the Christian undertones, this is a fact.
Christine Marie said:
And the title?! What did they want them to call it “Magic Lion vs Evil Witch”?

ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my, that would be good. How bout 'Lions, and Witches and Fauns, Oh my'? ;) (The wardrobe wouldn't work here, as it is two syllables, and fauns is one :D...)
Namaste said:
ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my, that would be good. How bout 'Lions, and Witches and Fauns, Oh my'? ;) (The wardrobe wouldn't work here, as it is two syllables, and fauns is one :D...)
That might be too many words since Hollywood believes we only have the attention span worth 2-3 words
"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the.......OMG! Too many WORDS! I won't buy a ticket to this because it's too long! :eek:" :rolleyes:

Y'all are too funny. But you do have a point about the title being too long for people on IMDB to understand.

Here are what some long movier titles could be "dumbed down" to for people on IMDB:

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe -
The Closet With Animals

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Wizards and a hot cup

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - Rings and Kings

Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl -
Pirates and the Pearl


We could just tell everyone on IMDB that Jadis represents George W. Bush and that Aslan represents the Democratic Party overcoming the crushing totalitarian government regime!


We could just show them an imported version of the film from Frace with subtitles and tell them that it is the newest import - that has something bad to say about George W. Bush
Those ppl are prolly just jelouse becasue they cant make a great film like that :) seriously the visual effects were great! the acting was great! every thing was great!!!
"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe -
The Closet With Animals"

Funny that you should mention that since in France they call it:

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magic Wardrobe

Christine Marie said:
LOL!!!! I wonder who "the king" is supposed to be, Peter? Aslan? Elvis? :confused:

King of Rock & Roll : Elvis
King of Pop : Michael Jackson

King of Narnia : Peter & Edmund

King of Middle Earth : Aragorn, Theoden, Eomer, Witchking of Angmar, King of the Dead.

King of Animals : Aslan vs. King Kong??? Hahahaha :D

Aslan Roars vs. Kong's hairy chest drum! Hahahaha
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