Bad News!!

Guys, seriously. Your making a mountain out of a mole hill, here. RELAX. ibmd is nothing important when it comes to voting. THEY don't even decide, the poeple do. And most of the people who vote are too bored to do anything else and just vote randomly. Besides, even if they DID mean harm against the film, they are entitled to their own opinion. I love The LWW, too. But I'm not going to freak out and call them all stupid and start a war out of something that shouldn't have been worried about in the first place.. :rolleyes:

So calm down, please. I have homework to do and I don't want to say this over and over again.
well remember that is coming from the people who thought that 'dukes of hazzard' is better than war of the worlds...I mean they are entitled to their opinion, but obviously they don't really understand what makes a movie. :p
NO it wasent, Ive been to the link and it wasnt. The muisc did suck thoght, they should have had the tobyMac song from the cd

Okay, you guys, take a deep breath! Even if you don't agree with the people who didn't like Narnia, that doesn't give you the right to call them stupid. Some of you are doing a lot of Kong bashing yourself. How do you think the Kong fans feel when they see Kong getting bashed? Sometimes you need to just put yourself in other peoples' shoes. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I don't agree with the people who voted that it was "worst this, worst that," but that doesn't mean that they are stupid and/or need to go to a mental assylum.

(End of rant. ;))
and just how important is it? i mean, it won't kill you if some one on some site says a bad thing about narnia.
they just got the best family film award for the year, that should make us happy. and it does! :)
Worst visual effects? I don't even know who "they" is, but if anyone finds the effects for the movie sub-par, they need to have their eyes examined. They were just as (if not better) than the effects for Kong, and those have gotten wide acclaim. Harry Gregson-Williams has composed one of the best scores I've heard, and I have seen a lot of movies and analyzed the music, and I am a musician who WRITES music. I find it funny anyone would dislike the effects or music for this movie. :rolleyes:
Edmund's_Queen said:
I don't mean to start up a fight or debate, but Hollywood hates anything that has to do with faith, religious fantasy, or Jesus Christ.

Just my 2 cents.


I am going to have to agree completely with this statement. Also, you should add in anything set in a fantasy world, anything with sword-type battle scenes, and anything with talking animals.

Hollywood considers that virtually anything that is not controversial, violent, or politically motivated to be absolute garbage. This seems to go double for the people on IMDB, who take real pleasure from tearing down movies, no matter how good. I mean if you bother to read the actual posts on IMDB (which is a waste of your time) you will learn that these people have the intellect of a grade school bully and the writing skills to match. (Tis movei is dUm!!!!!!! -for example was the title of a post on time.)

As far as hollywood goes the violent, controversial, sexual in nature, and/or politically motivated seems to be the favored movie choice. (Think Brokeback Mtn., Syrianna, Hostel for this year ... FH 9/11, Bowling for Columbine, Traffic for years past)

How LOTR managed to win against all of this opposition is stunning to me. It's funny though that they had to wait until the last movie to finally award it the recognition it deserves.

So in conclusion, it does not matter what the critics say, it's what the fans think, and seeing as LWW has made over $277 million dollars I would say that there are many ,many fans, all of whom are very pleased with the movie!
People are dumbasses. Sorry but true. LWW is the best movie of the year!

Also rememeber those who did those votes are most likely those who vote those non english movies the best. Ones that make no sense at all.
Narnia being voted as the worst movie? From which angle? they even watch the film? I think these people are paid to fight against Narnia.
Ok, I think I got it:

CoN is the worst movie that came out between Dec. 8th and Dec. 10th 2005 that is based on a fictional fantasy British children's novel that was written between the years of 1950 and 1952 and cotains Christian allegories mixed with creatures from various mythologies that includes but is not limited to talking lions, centaurs, wolves, and griffins.

There, now I agree that CoN was the worst movie in this category!
As others have mentioned in this thread, why the fuss? Some people didn't like the film; lots of people on here did. If you like something, you like it - what other people think shouldn't have an effect on your personal taste in cinema. Not to mention that its a pretty tiny proportion - in Worst Song, its was 5%, meaning 95% disagreed. In Worst Visual Effects, LWW got 9% of the vote; 91% therefore disagreed. In Worst Title it was 7% - 93% disagreed. I'd say thats actually a pretty good result for a major film which had a great deal of hype. Anything seen as a Hollywood blockbuster tends to be unpopular with film connoisseurs, which I imagine is how the people on IMDb see themselves (I'm sure some of them warrant the term; there is usually a small proportion of genuinely knowledgeable people in any interest group).

I also doubt there was a backlash against Narnia as a 'christian' film. I'm an atheist, so proselytizing irritates me; however, I very much enjoyed the movie. I don't think it shoves religion down your throat, taking the much more sensible route of leaving interpretation up to the viewer. While it may be touted by church groups and the like as a rallying cry for christianity (and they're welcome to their opinion), the film does not alienate the secular audience. No doubt the makers of the film were careful to appeal to as broad an audience as possible, as in the end films are about making a profit, which would be difficult if a target audience is repulsed by the content.