Bad News!!

I would love the music, even if I was not a Fan of Narnia. The music was flawless, and at times, made me have a sad and yet happy feeling inside

And the effetcs were great
stronger_WM said:
Wait where it this? What is this for?

AND EVERYTHING ROCKED!!...the title? dood its a frikin book you can't change the title of a book :mad:

Yeah you can't I'm mean come on it's the book title i'm getting my flame thrower i'll see them in HECK!
Well, all I can say is that The Chronicles of Narnia was right in there with some of the top grossing films of 2005.

King Kong

Brokeback Mountain (not talking about content, just money made off the film and awards earned)

Star WarsIII

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

These were all top grossing money makers for 2005. And some won Acadamy awards including LWW. So the heck with what these people say. But someone was right. If it's a film that is good and decent with a Christian theme to it, Hollywood doesn't like it. Take a look at "The Passion of the Christ". Hollywood didn't like that film either, yet it was a huge success. All the negative Hollywood press did was to make people want to see the film more.
aslan said:
Narnia was voted worst visuel effects, worst song, And worst title!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID!!!!!!!

What kind of people who could say that NARNIA WAS BAD??? Those people DON't HAVE BEAUTIFUL DREAMS!!!! :mad:
Who would say that the Narnia movie was bad? Maybe the same people who said that the original Star Wars was "nothing more than a space cowboy western and not worth the money to see it"? Thankfully, this was one of the times when the media was not listened to. Usually, many believe what the media says, no matter how incorrect they may be.
aslan said:
Narnia was voted worst visuel effects, worst song, And worst title!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID!!!!!!!

thats not mad...OMG HOW CAN THEY SAY THAT? AGHHHHH we should team up on them (DUH HUH DUHN) it was saying almost everywhere it was the winters best movie...or whatever like seriously the visual affects rocked , gonna track those people down who said that
:eek: How can that be the worst title!?!?!
It was named after the book!!!!! :mad:
:eek: How can they make fun of a dead man's book title???
And the effects were great!!! :mad:
Narniafan357 said:
:eek: How can that be the worst title!?!?!
It was named after the book!!!!! :mad:
:eek: How can they make fun of a dead man's book title???
And the effects were great!!! :mad:
which one? wer did u read it? who ever wrote that about narnia must be really mean.
I generally don't listen to critics. I mean Chronicles of Narnia is over 50 YEARS old for crying out loud! It's a story read by millions worldwide. The film was absolutely brilliant. The music is awesome, in fact my brother said it was better than Harry Potter filmscore... the visual effects stunning, especially when the Phoenix was shot out of the arrow at the Witches troops.

This critic is just jealous, all critics are jealous!
That's crazy!!!! They can't change the title, it's based on a book for goodness' sake!!!!!!! The music was great and so were the visual effects!!!! Those people are retards. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
That is outrageous! What has the world come to?? Why can't everyone just be normal people (like us) and like the movie. I seriously don't see how Narnia could be a bad movie and how anyone could dislike it!
I think this is a sign that the world is coming to an end...
um no offense or anything but you should all know none of this is true,

maybe some random dude said it to the persomn who made this thread but not the critcs and those kind of ppl.
Thats INSANE!!! Narnia is one of my most fave movies Ever! It was titled after the book... Music was just Wonderful..I loved it! And talking about visual effects..It was simply mind boggling! Every scene was beautifully done! N who'll vote for that? They must not be Sane!
Cherry Prue said:
Thats INSANE!!! Narnia is one of my most fave movies Ever! It was titled after the book... Music was just Wonderful..I loved it! And talking about visual effects..It was simply mind boggling! Every scene was beautifully done! N who'll vote for that? They must not be Sane!

yEA NArnia is a good movie! Who wuld hate NArnia?!