Bad News!!

Well, I don't like IMBD anyway, and plus most of the people who even voted for it are probaby those people who don't like happy movies! I thought it was wonderful (no duh I'm on this forum!) and thats all that matters to me!
It amazes me to see such intolerance. It is not necessarily a personal attack, but some people's opinions of a number of movies. Not everyone likes chocolate chip mint ice cream, either, but no need to get hostile toward them just because they don't like your favorite movie.

If nothing else, please calm down, enjoy the day, and celebrate life – not get caught up in the melodrama of "hatred".
most of the people who go on IMBD are grown-ups anyway and don't find our childeren fantasy's fasinating...(I'm not calling Narnia childish! I'm just saying THEY find it childish!) plus don't hate cuz they aren't like you...
I don't really look to IMDb for opinions on what's the best or worst movie. I just go to their site to find out the status of movies. I was going to say that maybe most of the voters were people who thought that King Kong was actually a better movie, but looking at the results I'm not so sure.

Wait a minute... Now hold on everybody. Narnia is listed towards the bottom of some Worst lists like Visual Effects (which is totally wrong, they don't even have a best visual effects list) and song (which song though?). But they're listed at 5% for Best Picture, 6% for Best Supporting Actress (Go Tilda!), 24% for Best Family Movie (they lost out to Harry Potter), 3% for Most Entertaining movie, and they got some votes but no percentage points for Best Animated Feature (Huh?). And by the way, Harry Potter got 20% (which was the highest) for Best Picture.

So maybe the people who did all the voting just didn't have a majority who saw Narnia or just don't appreciate it. That's wierd though when you put it on the Worst Visual Effects list. They practically listed all of the movies that used visual effects on there.
That whole thing is very strange.
Ice cream and hate

Wendygirljp said:
It amazes me to see such intolerance. It is not necessarily a personal attack, but some people's opinions of a number of movies. Not everyone likes chocolate chip mint ice cream, either, but no need to get hostile toward them just because they don't like your favorite movie.

Oh man!! Another person who doesn't like mint chocolate chip ice cream. Guess I will just have to hate them too ;-)

In all seriousness, look how often Brokeback Mountian is listed, and that film won a bazillion awards (and I would rank it 'worst picture of 2005!). So, I wouldn't even take this list seriously.
I don't listen to critics.... although it just seems odd that Narnia would get those 'dishonorable' awards. Well, who cares? This movie rocked, and we love it!!!!

Funny...I thought I was one of the few people who found Brokeback Mountain to be one of the stupidest movies around...I just thought the plot was dumb and the movie plain bad.
If they couldn't even pronounce Narnia's title correctly, then how could they pronounce "Brokeback Mountain" correctly? Or "Memoirs of a Geisha"? Of course these people might just not be as cultured as others, not to be hypocritical though. Yet their choices were kind of stupid.

As mentioned earlier, even Star Wars was given a bad review back in the 1970s, claiming it was nothing more than a "futuristic cowboys and indians" movie with little value.

Technically, the effects in the Chronicles was nothing "spectacular" from a technical standpoint, but that is not the purpose of the movie, now, is it? So why worry about what a few people who disagree with some of the folks in here?

I do not think their choices were "stupid", but they did NOT line up with the "popular vote".
But it still s*cks.....everything they've said.... :mad: How could those meaningful movie got a bad rate? And movie such a Brokeback Mountain..... :mad: *yucks* :eek:
There was someone who actually rated the movie ONE know the rating system here we have on the forum...I've seen maybe 3.5-3.8 shields, but someone must have really disliked the movie and only given it one shield! That's like, impossible for me to comprehend.