Bad News!!

PrinceOfTheWest said:
How about, "Worst Nightmare for militant atheists like Phillip Pullman"?


*cringes* ewwww

How about trying to imagine we live in a world that is ruled by Phillip Pullman?
Philip Pullman is an author who is an avowed athiest. His claim to fame is his Dark Materials trilogy which has sold a great number of copies worldwide. Some of his work include things such as gay angels, God being only an angel and then kills him off. He also hates all aircraft and has sought to have all flight plans over England stopped and flying banned. He's kind of a weirdo if you ask me.
NightMystic said:
Philip Pullman is an author who is an avowed athiest. His claim to fame is his Dark Materials trilogy which has sold a great number of copies worldwide. Some of his work include things such as gay angels, God being only an angel and then kills him off. He also hates all aircraft and has sought to have all flight plans over England stopped and flying banned. He's kind of a weirdo if you ask me.

Is it science fiction stuff he writes then? GAY ANGELS? He hates aircraft? Is it because they remind him of metal angels from heaven bent on vengeance or something?

Wow. Wild. Weird.
Aircraft ban

NightMystic said:
Philip Pullman is an author who is an avowed athiest. His claim to fame is his Dark Materials trilogy which has sold a great number of copies worldwide. Some of his work include things such as gay angels, God being only an angel and then kills him off. He also hates all aircraft and has sought to have all flight plans over England stopped and flying banned. He's kind of a weirdo if you ask me.

This sounds like the animal rights folks, who want all animal ownership or use ban (and try really hard to acheive this). Or, the enviromentalists, who want to drive everyone back into the stone age to protect the environment. Or, the 'food police', who want to ban fast foods, ice cream, etc. There are many more examples.

Extremists like this tend to have their 'own religion'. They err in believing that everyone else MUST ACCEPT believing as they do.
Did you know for example that global warming, while most people accept it as the truth, is not really all that true LOL? Try reading Michael Crichton's STATE OF FEAR. Many of the concepts of global warming you think you know about are actually false.
Pullman's gay angels are part of his apparent worship of ___ instead of God

As for a world ruled by Pullman's atheism, you'll find it in North Korea.

Speaking of Communist regimes: when any writer or artist fails to toe the Party line, they don't only call him treasonous; they also call him untalented! Something like this happened to Bob Dylan in 1979 and 1980, when he dabbled in Christianity. No one got on Cat Stevens' case for getting into Buddhism, just as no one picks on Madonna now for involvement with Kabbalah; but for Dylan to become specifically a _Christian_ was considered intolerable by the "tolerance" establishment. So, the same entertainment community which had idolized him suddenly turned against him. Overnight he went from being the prophet of the hippies to being accused of self-righteousness. "Saturday Night Live" did a hatchet-job skit accusing Dylan of having stolen his song ideas from Woody Guthrie. Having no root, as per the parable of the seeds, Dylan could not take the heat; so he "repented" of the "offense" of following Jesus. He gave an interview to "SPY" Magazine (I saw it), in which he said that it doesn't matter if Jesus is Lord--which is to say that He is NOT Lord. Somewhere a rooster crowed; but it went unheard amid the sounds of the secular kingdom "forgiving" Dylan. As soon as he denied Jesus, presto change-oh, he was once again regarded as a legendary talent by the media.
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Reepicheep the Mouse said:
Gay Angels?!?!?!? Is That Guy Crazy?!?!? He Hates Airplanes?!?!?!? Airplanes Are Sooo Cool!!!!

That's about as funny ( gay angels) as my two born again Christian gay decorator neighbors from the South...can you imagine anything more strange? They're a very nice 'couple' from South Carolina and Virginia...older, in their 50's, and they're always arguing about 'who found God first' and 'who knows God better''s pretty funny. :D
it is strange to think that peopul have voted them for that but as soemone said way back at least its not the oscors or anything important.
LifeMaiden said:
I'd like to think that 95% of the people who saw Narnia enjoyed it, at LEAST 95%!! :D

I would hope so. I just checked amazon and the DVD movie got a rating of 4 out of 5 stars from 566 reviews. Some of the negative reviewers you could tell had never read the books and were totally against the Christian overtones.
We had a huuuuuge discussion about that here in this very thread ;) about why a few people gave the movie negative reviews. Narnia has deep meaning for Christians, but all people of all religions and ages and backgrounds can enjoy the story, that's what I love about this movie.
aslan said:
Narnia was voted worst visuel effects, worst song, And worst title!!! :mad: THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID!!!!!!!
That sure darn steams me up, ya'll.

peterluvr4evr89 said:
wha the HECK id wrong eith these people are they hat mediocor???? :confused: :mad: :eek:?
I'm afraid they may indeed be "hat mediocor". If this is actually the case, we'll need to repeatedly bomb their houses and steal their shoes.

EDIT: Then burn their shoes.