Bad News!!

Octesian said:
Yea, me and my freind were talking about it. He thinks that it could be partially because it was Christian based

While I love Tilda Swinton, I was a bit dismayed to hear her political views and how she called Hollywood ultraconservative, and bashed Christians. To me, an actor or actress should avoid remarks like that, and avoid taking political stances. They should just concentrate on their acting and be happy for the roles they portray.

I wouldn't doubt for an instant that Narnia might get bashed because of its strong link to Christianity and Christian symbols. These days, Christians are fair game.
Christians are fair game? Did you know that the most hated group in the U.S. are atheists? Muslims get a pretty bad drag through the coals as well as do many other groups.

Again, I think the reviews were just opinions by some folks who just did not like the movie. Not everyone has the same tastes. Getting upset because someone did not like the title or the soundtrack is not a reason to get hostile, though, is it?

As I had said before, Star Wars got a pretty bad thrashing in the 1970s as well. Should Star Wars fans get angry at the reviewers? How about those who think that Bridges of Madison County? Some folks did not like that movie. Should we make a "stink" because someone is not a hopeless romantic? Maybe we should get upset at the movie "Driving Miss Daisy" because it has issues of racism and religious issues. Hmmm.

Personally, I doubt seriously that it was an attack on the movie because it "hints" at Christian (as well as other religious) thinkings. So does "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran.

Why not everyone calm down, take a breath, and look for good news.
i totally agree with you LM. like one of the girls in my class watched it and she said she liked it until she heard that it had a christian background and she was like "why ruin a good movie with a christian background" or something like that!!!
well it doesnt matter what the critics say because Narnia is a wolrd wide popular movie so they were wrong!!
Wendygirljp said:
Christians are fair game? Did you know that the most hated group in the U.S. are atheists?
Where do you find this data, WG? Obviously not in the pages of the New York Times or on any mainstream television station. It's an open secret among the media that anti-Catholic bias is the "last respectable prejudice", though of late anti-Evangelical bias has been included in that as well. (And, of course, our old friend anti-Semitism is making a resurgence.) As I mentioned in another thread, there's an underground group of Christian journalists in the U.S. who meet in secret and don't publish their meeting places or minutes because they'd lose their jobs if they revealed their faith. It doesn't compare with being dragged off to prison like people are in China, but it counts as being "fair game".

Thus it comes as no surprise that the critics would decry Narnia because of the Christian overtones. They did that to Lewis when he was alive. He kept being voted down for a full professorship at Oxford for decades, though he was more than qualified. He finally had to go to Cambridge to escape the bigotry against him.
These people have no idea what they are talking about. The visual effects were great! King Kongs visual effects were great too! In fact, all of those movies had great FX...
Why would it be voted for whateva!? Why do they vote anyway? Sorry. I just don't get why everyone's freakin' out! I mean just because some stupid person does this or that doesn't mean that it's the end of the world and we're all gonna die, right? :confused: :mad: :( :)

1st freak
LM said:
These days, Christians are fair game.

WG said:
Christians are fair game? Did you know that the most hated group in the U.S. are atheists? Muslims get a pretty bad drag through the coals as well as do many other groups.

Although POTW has already commented, the incongruous nature of this exchange is what really amazes me. LifeMaiden made a remark that was an absolute statement and had nothing to do with comparisons. She simply said that she feels there is a tacit license in the public arena (by implication in the U.S.) to bash Christians.

WG responded with a classic relativistic non sequitur: "Hey, what's this about Christians being bashed?! Remember that in the U.S. these other folks have it hardest of all!"

This type of propagandist muddying of the waters is precisely what is being talked about, and once again WG provides us with an excellent oject lesson in what we are facing. LM never denied--in fact never addressed--whether other groups are reviled in the U.S. I'm sure she would have no problem agreeing that Satanists who sacrifice kittens and puppies are not terribly popular, and probably are less liked than Christians (though from what I hear from my son, Wiccans* have more freedom of religion through prayer in the military than mainline Christian groups). She merely declared her perception of things from her experience. But WG has to immediately compare--bringing in the plight of other groups (real or imagined) to denigrate her statement. He can't even bring himself to say, "Remember, other groups have it tough too." No, his rhetoric is clearly styled in an attempt to completely supplant her statement--it isn't Christians who have it tough in todays increasingly secular society, it is other folks. And so the real nature of this angle on "comparative religions" comes into clearer focus.

So all you Christians just clam up, calm down (I just love that one), and be reasonable. Even though I am not a Christian and cannot possibly grasp what offends, frustrates, or alarms you, I know better than all of you what you should be concerned about. So just take a deep breath.

Where would we be without a voix de raison like this?
*All Wiccans can relax; I don't think you sacrifice kittens and puppies.
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LOL -- PK is being pithy again! So nice to have you back.

I totally believe Narnia got all these "worst" votes because of the Christian aspects. The media today hates Christianity, and they are systematically training society to hate and fear Christians.

Ah, back to the old twisting comments again, I see. It is amazing to see you still believing that I am only here to make everyone else wrong (which is completely untrue), or to denigrate Christianity (which I am not). I merely stated, without boring statistics, my opinion and the opinions of a few studies about Atheists being THE MOST hated group.

Yes, the Christian does not necessarily have it easy, but neither does any other group, due to human nature seeming to want to belittle another group in order to "bolster" their own position. It appears by other writings that "Christians are the ONLY ones being picked on - poor me", and I was adding that they are not the only one. Is that a problem for you? Or do you believe you are the only ones being persecuted these days?

How about we get back to the mature conversation instead of twisting to humor the younger folks in here just to make yourself feel better about yourself, because that is exactly how you appear to me and a number of others.