Benonites II

very good interview :)

that was a very good interview i found it intresting :) ben always sounds very caring in all his interviews :) but his mom putting toilet cleaner and glass cleaner in his stocking sheesh :(
I wonder if he was just really bad that year. At least with a lump of coal you can't do much about it, but cleaning supplies, wow, what's that about.

"Santa isn't giving you any presents this year, Ben. He said you haven't been doing your chores and you better go catch up on them if you want anything next Christmas."

Poor guy.
I wonder if he was just really bad that year. At least with a lump of coal you can't do much about it, but cleaning supplies, wow, what's that about.

"Santa isn't giving you any presents this year, Ben. He said you haven't been doing your chores and you better go catch up on them if you want anything next Christmas."

Poor guy.

well his mum had better put SOMETHING un-fun in his stocking for doing DG in the first place....something reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyy bad...hmmmm,fruitcake?:D

I deduced one wait...two. Not sure,anyway.
I'm writing a letter to MATTEL soon asking them to make collectors dolls of Dorian Gray. Even though the film is disgusting,the costumes were gorgeous and so was the cast.
MAN what I'd do to get my hands on a Ben Barnes and Rebecca Hall barbie...they'd fit nicely in the dorm down the hall from Ghoulia and the Doctor:)
just came in to tell ben Merry Christmas

flys into the room with her wings on as the Christmas angel i doubt ben will be reading this just wanted to wish him a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year and good luck with future projects
the tag above said spiritual scenes affected the actor(Ben) COULD MY WHINING AND WISHING AND ALL OUR PRAYING HAVE WORKED?????
(Then I'll have two sweet little christian boys)

I watched it and I couldn't read the facial expressions because my computer was slow and just doing the audio,so please analyze it and give me your point.
I was disappointed a bit because the title lied to me but...I dunno,you watch it.
I don't know... Ben is extremely confusing. I've watched that interview and I didn't really know what to make of it. He never plainly states what he believes. I did ponder his quote and I'm still trying to analyze it.

"The very nature of being alive is questioning being alive."

I am not sure how I feel about that. Still thinking.

But (and I don't know if this means anything at all.) But I don't think he's an Atheist. I think he has some sort of faith which he's keeping on the downlow. I've heard him use phrases like "God bless you." and idk ifyou heard about him reading those poems for Remembrance Day, but both of the poems he chose mentioned God.

I just don't know. Of all the main cast of Narnia I think Ben is the most confusing. In every interview that mentions Narnia's spiritual themes he seems to find a way around actually stating his own beliefs.

If you do enough searches you can find out that William Moseley, Anna Popplewell and Georgie Henley all at least claim to be Christians. If I'm not mistaken, Liam Neeson is Catholic and Skandar Keynes is an Atheist. Yet in all my searches I can't find anything on what religion Ben is! I have yet to find out about Will Poulter as well. I hope he's not taking tips from Ben on how to keep your faith a secret.

(end of rant)

I think this is what Ben means when he says he's a private person. :( I think if he genuinely wants to keep something hidden he can. Let's pray that God will get through to him in such a way that he won't want to be quiet about it.
I don't know... Ben is extremely confusing. I've watched that interview and I didn't really know what to make of it. He never plainly states what he believes. I did ponder his quote and I'm still trying to analyze it.

"The very nature of being alive is questioning being alive."

I am not sure how I feel about that. Still thinking.

But (and I don't know if this means anything at all.) But I don't think he's an Atheist. I think he has some sort of faith which he's keeping on the downlow. I've heard him use phrases like "God bless you." and idk ifyou heard about him reading those poems for Remembrance Day, but both of the poems he chose mentioned God.

I just don't know. Of all the main cast of Narnia I think Ben is the most confusing. In every interview that mentions Narnia's spiritual themes he seems to find a way around actually stating his own beliefs.

If you do enough searches you can find out that William Moseley, Anna Popplewell and Georgie Henley all at least claim to be Christians. If I'm not mistaken, Liam Neeson is Catholic and Skandar Keynes is an Atheist. Yet in all my searches I can't find anything on what religion Ben is! I have yet to find out about Will Poulter as well. I hope he's not taking tips from Ben on how to keep your faith a secret.

(end of rant)

I think this is what Ben means when he says he's a private person. :( I think if he genuinely wants to keep something hidden he can. Let's pray that God will get through to him in such a way that he won't want to be quiet about it.

well at least I have my suspicions and glimmers of hope. I knew about Skandar,he's a little smart alec. I found out he's related to Darwin
Will poulter isn't worth bothering with.

YES! HE is SOOOOOOOOOOO confusing. I find he does that ALWAYS. Maybe he feels silly about going out and saying it(if true.) I mean,that always bugged me in sunday school. I was what 8 and they're like "reach out and tell someone about jesus." I was shy then and was asking why now and they said "well how about some kid on the playground?"
I mean how embarrassing is that? walk up to some totally strange kid and be like "Hi,have you heard the good news?" you sneak up on them,not blurt it out! Sorry I'm going of topic....
Ben might be shy on that topic,and if he wants to be quiet and keep to himself that is totally fine...but one day I am getting him drunk and making him spill ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL those little secrets of his...
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well at least I have my suspicions and glimmers of hope. I knew about Skandar,that seems to fit him. He's related to Darwin and quite a clever boy.
Will poulter isn't worth bothering with.

YES! HE is SOOOOOOOOOOO confusing. I find he does that ALWAYS. Maybe he feels silly about going out and saying it(if true.) I mean,that always bugged me in sunday school. I was what 8 and they're like "reach out and tell someone about jesus." I was shy then and was asking why now and they said "well how about some kid on the playground?"
I mean how embarrassing is that? walk up to some totally strange kid and be like "Hi,have you heard the good news?" you sneak up on them,not blurt it out! Sorry I'm going of topic....
Ben might be shy on that topic,and if he wants to be quiet and keep to himself that is totally fine...but one day I am getting him drunk and making him spill ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL those little secrets of his...

Yeah, I understand being nervous about sharing your faith, but when the opportunity falls in your lap (like it does in Narnia interviews) I guess I don't really understand hiding it because then it isn't like your forcing it on someone. It takes more effort in that sort of case to dance around the issues of faith than it would to just come right out and say whatever it is you believe.

OOOOOHHHHH speaking of secrets
I've been lurking on his imbd board and on benbarnesfan (staying away from scary pics though) according to some women who met him when they went to see Birdsong, he has some secret which will probably surface in time but he asked them not to tell.

I take this with a grain of salt of course. But it is interesting. What kind of deep dark secret would he share with fans he's just met???:confused:
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probably something little though...ooh oh...girl related most definitely.
But honestly Ben! these women are you-know-who-do's minions! don't tell them secrets! Oh well.

Yes his faith is so confusing...just keep praying and wishing and we'll get results...I CERTAINLY have. Its pushing through more and more!
Maybe he's going to announce that! Probs not,but its always good to hope...;)
Of the boys I like,he is the hardest to understand,yet the most relaxed...and the most mature.

My mum was ribbing me today about having seen and read nearly every interview possible about him. We just about have haven't we? I've read nearly all of them(I haven't researched them ALL),but I HAVE watched every single one(minus the DG ones) on youtube....I'm soooooo bored with researching him. I feel like I know so much I know TOO much.
I'm taking my news in nuggets now...
i went to his offical site the day after Christmas

i went to ben's offical site after Christmas and found some interviews if they are still there i'm checking them out on Thursday :) i made something for him after the 2nd narnia came out, but i'm not going to send it to him because i'm shy as a snail but here's what it is, it's a doorhanger made out of foam a craft thing with a crown and gems on it and it says ben barnes is cute with foam letters on it :) but i think i'm going to cut it up and recyle it :)
My mum is sucking the fun out of him again.
She doesn't know quite ALL about my little secrets with him,but its drives me utterly out of the world whenever she's like "Reagan,you're so obsessive." "You'd better not be like this with a real person."
Ding dong captain obvious! I'm just reading what's out there,I don't hunt him down and ask him to tell me every single one of his secrets!
I just wish I could do it,and I say that jokingly for God's sakes.
I love him dearly and am concerned for his that bad?
I'm not obsessed with his naked butt and all his gross stuff...I got mad at him about that!
I don't talk about him every second of the least,not in front of her and not now because I'm busy with Doctor who...who am I kidding,I don't blab about him every single second.
I don't have him on everything I own.
I've got a desktop,a poster and a book thats IT!

Ugghhhhhhhh......if she thinks I'm obsessive that her problem but you don't need to tell ME and suck all the joy out of loving somebody you can't have.
I'm 13,thats my job.

*end rant*

Chish,got any help?
I agree with you. I'll have to use that one on my mom. :p

Geez, I wish I COULD. I have to be perfect teenager and not sass back or my rep is ruined. Plus I get in big trouble for things like that.
I said to her in my head so thats good enough for me....

Besides I wrote down everything I knew in a book,gave it to my gramma and got it out of my system. I'm more relaxed about him now.
Plus I'm busy with Owl City and Sonic Screwdrivers to be worried about him.
I watched all his new vids and know he's doing a play. He's fine,I'm fine,we're all Back to the TARDIS.
YET oddly enough,my mother insists on reading the whole book I wrote on him...I'm confused:confused:

I saw VOTD today,Ben was really on a ROLL with his fighting.
Too bad he didn't do his kick butt dorian gray stare because of the plot changes,I was hoping to see a teeny bit more romance with Lilliandil was so abrupt.
Ben's eyes were simply gorgeous in that film though.
I wish they'd left his hair down though,those pony tails made him look too much like a girl with a testosterone problem.

Also that guy in the mist who was supposed to look like his dad...looked NOTHING like him...of course his real dad does neither but still.

If anyone is going to go see BIRDSONG,I got the closing date. it Jan 15.
No future projects for Ben reported...eagerly awaiting release of Killing Bono...
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Dusty, has your Mama-drama gotten any better??? its ironic.
She's been reading interviews about DAVID TENNANT!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
See! Brit(and evidently scot) boys are too irresistable! They're too interesting....
I haven't said anything,but I laugh to myself about how the tables have turned.

I heard KB is coming out in april,but not sure which region. Hopefully US and UK because I want to see that sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad!
For some reason I was skimming you know whosawa's site and I found some article the typed that cracked me up.
I'll just say the title because it says it all:

DING DONG captain obvious!
Any Benonite knows he hates the internet! Thats basic education in our studies!
Speaking of which,chish,you and me must've graduated because we're 'bought out of material aren't we?