Benonites II

I actually hadn't seen those pics, Dusty. I like never search for pics of Ben anymore. I kept running into Dorian Gray pics. I never saw the scary pic you found, but I kept seeing pics of "the kiss" which was enough to make me stop looking.

On a less frightening note MORE VIDEO INTERVIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yar,that one freaks me out. I have this sad feeling in the pit of my stomach that Ben is bad...too bad for me to handle. Then I read and watch more and then think,Hmmmmm,he's not bad....he's just....misguided.
I feel Adam Young is a bit more of a good boy than Ben,and its sad too see Adam excel in his christianity and adorableness while Ben goes further and further off the track. I blame his mum.

I will watch them vids oy!
K,I watched them....SEE THERE IT IS AGAIN!
I think the interviews on paper just make him sound like a jerk or something.
Because when there's video interviews you can study his facial is this confusing.
Georgie sounds like a real klutz...she's so gorgeous now though!
I saw all her premiere pictures,so glamourous...the hair was a BIT bed-headish though.

Anyway,I'm not doing any more Ben costumes for the next couple of halloweens,and I am hoping Killing Bono comes out late next year(since US gets UK releases late) so I'll have turned 14 and can go see it.
I want to make his question mark shirt too.
If you all go visit Arabella Morton's facebook fan page, there a few really adorable pictures of him with Bella :D

here's two:



I know, aren't they? :D Bella's mom comes on the fan page and posts a lot--she said that Ben really is good with kids and that he and Bella got along really well. :)


weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! He really needs to find a maternal woman,if he picks some girl and doesn't inquire about kids he'll be in for trouble.

And theres where I come in again. I practically label myself mum because of my crazy brothers! I gave them a bath and put them to sleep last night!

anyway,good for him. I am so jealous of that six year old:p
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! He really needs to find a maternal woman,if he picks some girl and doesn't inquire about kids he'll be in for trouble.

And theres where I come in again. I practically label myself mum because of my crazy brothers! I gave them a bath and put them to sleep last night!

anyway,good for him. I am so jealous of that six year old:p


Btw, by "six-year-old" do you mean Arabella Morton? Because she's actually 10. :p
I think she was 9 in those pics, since she just turned 10 this year. In some of the newer pics she looks a tiny bit older.

But anyway...Ben + kids = ADORABLENESS. :D

still...I've seen bigger nine year olds...theres a shark feeding on the growth hormones...:p

I know,its too much cuteness! writing the part with Skyler in my book was eazy breezy..
they can! He got to wear the makeup to be the ugly old hag in DG(accidental discovery..non-scary)

If he tries,he can be old.

I've just discovered something wonderful though! The more I gripe about Ben acting to rock starrish,the nerdier he gets! oh man its so weird! Just a week ago,I was all stuffed up about how he never accepts who he is and somewhere I read he's blown off all that steam...and now he's wearing ties and sweaters!!:D
hahahahhahahhahaha....awww man.

He is so weird.....
Another written interview!

I find this interesting. In talking about why he won't get the thing he wants for Christmas he says:


mmm thats a funny one. I'm indecisive though..oopsies! Right now I'm fickle on wether I love him or Adam,but my best bet is on him.
BUT,i'm also getting suspicious about the one so called "girlfriend" of his you found Chish. He always says certain things about women drive him nuts...could she have been THAT GIRL?

About that cabinet...the little son of a gun is flipping rich! Buy yourself the dam cabinet!:D
hmmm, maybe she is that girl...
Maybe e spent all his money on that copy of Rhindon :p or perhaps he knows that if you buy yourself a Christmas present that sucks all the fun out of it because you already know what you're getting.
hmmm, maybe she is that girl...
Maybe e spent all his money on that copy of Rhindon :p or perhaps he knows that if you buy yourself a Christmas present that sucks all the fun out of it because you already know what you're getting.

Oh honey I BET you she's that girl.
That part was cracking me up!
"Oh should we go to the cinema or the restaurant? I'm not sure,what do you think? I believe I half to study the menu for another half hour!"
Did he date some old lady:p

Yeah that's right. I know what I'm getting anyway,my parents are easy to see through. I just forget what it is and focus on my sister's present because she isn't as loose lipped.