Benonites II

Hokay,I take that back.
I found another interview...still disheartening.
Poor boy and his mum...his ladies...ugghhh.
If you ask ME...he will marry someone JUST like his mum.
What's odd is...she looks like one of my grandma's and acts like the other.
But as far as work goes she's creepy.

Ben keeps getting his timing right on that song..its four minutes not 4 1/2..3 1/2...
Oh c'mon lol! You seriously need to post links to the stuff you're finding so I can tell you if I've read it or not. :p

sorry. I'll get the link....The reason I didn't post was because it was a magazine scan,so i was enlarging pics and reading them.
Creepy thing is...He's so predictable...half my book was true!
(the stuff I thought I made up was!)
LOL that is so funny... and creepy. lol. Are you stalking him behind your own back or something.

I don't know! Like,in the book we always made Jack more popular and more(well in a certain sense) successful.
In those pics I was reading they said "Unlike JACK his brother,he was never the trendy or sporty guy at school."
So I was like,so you really WERE the weaker nerd and Jack was cooler than you?
Huh,lucky guess.
I think I just get hints out of things and then warp that into whatever I want not knowing it really happened.
Apparently Killing Bono is not as clean as we'd have hoped. It got a 15 certificate which is the equivalent of R here in the US :(. They say it's mostly for one scene. You can guess what's being done in said scene.
Apparently Killing Bono is not as clean as we'd have hoped. It got a 15 certificate which is the equivalent of R here in the US :(. They say it's mostly for one scene. You can guess what's being done in said scene.

Well DUH! I knew what was going to happen. They get accused of being gay(dressing up as ladies to sneak into somewhere) they play at a strip club and the reason they don't make the deal is because of Ben messing around with the manager's I already knew it was an out. I just focus on the funny stuff and wait for it to be on DVD so I can fast forward things!:D

Curses Ben! Your only kid appropriate films suck! agg! Maybe if I gripe about this some more he'll do a chick flick sort of comedy I could watch...seems to be working so far.
Okay,so I have a REALLY funny story.
I know Madame du Creepy banned us from talking about her or whatever but I have news. I was lurking around trying to find big pics of Ben to turn into wallpaper when I found one that linked to her site and geuss what I found?
I was right alllllll along,they DO act like a pack of wolves.
Some twelve year old stupid kid impersonated him on Twitter and she found out and all the girls on there got all riled up and went to go get him. They went to the Birdsong play,found him afterwards and told him their problem.
Then they gave him THIS SIGN:

Omg,anyway,if I am correct,that face means "Oh yes,I TOTALLY care about your problem." (in sarcastic tone) because OBVIOUSLY what does he care if some kid is impersonating him on Twitter? he doesn't even go on it...anyway.
Apparently they told him to have it removed,so we'll se how THAT goes.
Part of being in the public eye is accepting the fact that whatever you put out for the world to see can and probably will be used in a way that you had not intended. Your name/pic may be taken to make a false twitter account. Your screen name may be taken and turned into the bad guy in someone's book. Your rear end may end up all over the web. It comes with the territory of being in the public eye. This is the way of the world wide web. Some people would do well to accept that fact and get over it.
Part of being in the public eye is accepting the fact that whatever you put out for the world to see can and probably will be used in a way that you had not intended. Your name/pic may be taken to make a false twitter account. Your screen name may be taken and turned into the bad guy in someone's book. Your rear end may end up all over the web. It comes with the territory of being in the public eye. This is the way of the world wide web. Some people would do well to accept that fact and get over it.

Oh he doesn't care,but THEY DO...again,look at the smugness of that face!
:Dha ha,nice reference.
I keep having Dorian Gray dreams at night. They're like super funny though and I like having them. They have nothing to do with the grossness of the film,its just the characters and them doing weird stuff.

In other,what other news is there? I watched the Silence in the Square vid. It was funny(and odd) how everyone else got a big introduction and then the announcer goes "and here's Ben Barnes." he just said it all plain and flat and stuff:p
poor guy....
Oh I wasn't saying Ben needed to get over it. I agree with you, I don't think he really gives a rip.

I was talking about certain other people who get upset when people use a certain screen name in their books. These certain other people have an issue with false twitter accounts and people using Ben's name/face without his knowledge and consent. Yet these same people turn around and post certain pics that Ben probably didn't ok. I find this all very ironic and amusing.

On a different note, I thought his poems ver very moving when I watched it. I thought it was cool how what he had to offer was something kinda quiet and solemn rather than some other things that may be considered too loud and flashy for such an occation. I thought it was very nicely done and stood out because it was different from some other things going on. that may have just been me. And both the poems mentioned God if I'm not mistaken.
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YES! "those other people" are VERY ironic and much in fact I couldn't HELP myself but to feature them...they're like SNL to me:p

yes,it was just funny how nobody seemed interested. That one he read for the christmas lights was spooky almost. I dunno,the war one. I watched him read that and went to bed all spooked with awe and stuff. It was just MOVING!
The lights weren't that impressive though...Christmas in the park is waaaaaaaay more entertaining.

Any news on KB's release dates? I'm so bored that I've been trying to come up with a new version that's appropriate for us girls in the meantime.
Its called ROAD TRIP and its actually a spoof on their lives almost. His name is Ben Bernard. The other boys are Adam Olden and David Bennett. Its mostly focused on Adam but Ben has spotlight too.
Anyway,the story is pretty much like Killing Bono,except without Bono,dublin and the strip club. OH and the whole rivalry and brothers theme....
Okay,I watched the Dorian Gray trailer the other night trying to instigate some dreams and now....I AM CONFUSED. I thought I knew what happened but now I don't get it. I've been singing a literal song about it lately...

I'm getting a KEN to make into Ben Barnes,it has to be his birdsong short hair though. Any suggestions for the clothes? should I do an Easy Virtue outfit or a normal one? Stubble or shaved?:confused:
*blows dust off this thread* Sorry I never replied to this, Dusty. I have no idea what you should do if you are still interested in doing this. I love barbie/ken but I have never tried to model one after a real person. I would go with shaved though since stuble is very hard to put on a ken doll and the only Ken I can think of who comes with stuble is Shaving Fun Ken, who looks fine in the box but once you pull him out he has long wild caveman type hair that makes you think CREEPER. He came out a while back. My sister had my mom cut his hair because he looked so bad and now he has this mohawk thing going on :p

On the subject of the real Ben: new pics and interview can be found here

(beware of minor language)

and even MORE new pics can be found here

(And by new I mean like late February)
ken doll ehh, comes in with 3 bags of soil & seeds

ken doll ehhhhh hmmm sounds intresting, comes in with 3 bags of soil & seeds, digs a hole in spector's site :) plants seeds of lavendar & french lavendar, and some sweet basil, and 3 seeds of peppermint, waters them with her canister
*blows dust off this thread* Sorry I never replied to this, Dusty. I have no idea what you should do if you are still interested in doing this. I love barbie/ken but I have never tried to model one after a real person. I would go with shaved though since stuble is very hard to put on a ken doll and the only Ken I can think of who comes with stuble is Shaving Fun Ken, who looks fine in the box but once you pull him out he has long wild caveman type hair that makes you think CREEPER. He came out a while back. My sister had my mom cut his hair because he looked so bad and now he has this mohawk thing going on :p

On the subject of the real Ben: new pics and interview can be found here

(beware of minor language)

and even MORE new pics can be found here

(And by new I mean like late February)

He IS a creepy looking doll isn't he?
Yeah,I'm not real interested anymore. He's gotten boring and I came to my senses saying "why am I reading after this too old guy who won't do anything interesting for me to watch?"
Don't get me wrong,he's a brilliant actor and A handsome gentleman. I still like him as an actor but as far as personal life goes...I'm done.
I ended up Following Adam young around on the computer. He's a little easier,christian and does music I can actually ENJOY!

SO,I'm out of the SCA circle ya'll,Tsaress...he's yours.
now why would you give up on ben :)

comes in with a puzzled expression on her face, now why would you give up on ben, he's very talented & seems caring & sweet i understand about not reading about his personal life, carries a sign that says Ben's herb garden and places it in the middle of the garden she planted for ben
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