"No..." he shook his head, "I should have....I'm sorry." he wanted to give her her time...her space. it felt so right...so...but still he had almost. he shook his head again forced a smile but his eyes were saying what was inside
he took her hand, "But I shouldn't have pushed it." it was a strange conversation to be having. most of his friends had never had this conversation because they never thought about it. the girls they dated were totally...different, "I want you Crystal...I'm being honest but I don't...I shouldn't have pushed."
he looked away and took a deep breath. her eyes were so entrancing...he knew his self restraint was failing quickly and if he looked at her...it would vanish all together
ooc- i'm sry guys, but i'm afraid i'm going to have to leave this RPG. things have come up
ic- The next morning Carley resigned from the show, having just received an offer from the West End Phantom of the Opera. Excited, she packed her bags, and left.
it was beautiful but Niel stopped again. he wanted to be everything to her more than anything but he was also wanted to make it right...he didn't know what that was exactly but he felt like that night wasn't it. he just looked at her smiling and tracing the features of her face
Crystal felt him stop and wondered, she wasn't going to push him no way, she would let him when he was ready, she would never take that option from anyone, she knew what it was like so she just let him lay there with her and trace her face.