Broadway Show

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ooc: well...I just...yah. I can't believe I let myself get carried away...I'm just glad a mod didn't see it :eek:

Liam nearly dove into the car, "We need to get to Florida." he told her
Crystal was feeling sleepy again, so she just held his hand in hers gave hin a quick kiss then lay down and feel asleep.

OCC: SAME :eek:

Quick delete all refernces to deleting so no one will ever know :D
ooc: ok we are good to go :D again and finally to both of you I am sorry.

"Anna called and said she and her sister are in trouble...I don't know why she called me but she did and we need to get her out of there."

Niel smiled and layed his head on the pillow. soon he was asleap
She nodded " yes, I'm all right they didn't hurt me that bad," she told him, taking his hand " Why on earth would they kidnap me for?," she asked.
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