Broadway Show

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ooc. hey GS and iminlovewithedwardcullen just a reminder, this is a family friendy forum, so please keep it kid approptiate, thanks. :)
hey Tess is right I got a little carried away there and I am really sorry :o...lets delet the posts from when they are still standing to just the last few ones...just a thought.

He chuckled, "Ok," he didn't want to leave her side.
Cara grabbed her phone. "Hello?"

"Cara you said to ask and I know this is out of the needing a place to stay but I need a ride...Now." Liam shot as soon as he heard her voice

ooc: the way you delet is you go in as if you were editing your post then hit the delet button. tehn you will have to click on something that askes you if you are sure you want to delet it then there is one more delet button and there goes the post. I'll delet first so youll know where to start :D
"Cara you said to ask and I know this is out of the needing a place to stay but I need a ride...Now." Liam shot as soon as he heard her voice

ooc: the way you delet is you go in as if you were editing your post then hit the delet button. tehn you will have to click on something that askes you if you are sure you want to delet it then there is one more delet button and there goes the post. I'll delet first so youll know where to start :D

"Um, ok," Cara said as she pulled her shoes on and grabbed her keys. She went outside and jumped in her car. "ARe you at your house?"
ooc: I deleted all teh ones I thouth were questionable :D and again you guys I am really sorry. I was in a zone and...I am sorry. it was a bit harlaquin romancish wasn't it :o

"Yah I'll meet you out front." he said setting down the phone and running out to wait
ooc. dont worry about it. :)

ic. Cara sped through town and pulled to a stop infront of his house. She opened the door and pushed it open.
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