calling all girls for a question

Mar said:
same...... :eek:
Yeah there are like 1000 things we girls go through that guys are very lucky to not have to! I mean great things about being a girl? hmm...that's a tough one, I never thought about that before!
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msjaredleto said:
Yeah there are like 1000 things we girls go through that guys are very lucky to have to! I mean great things about being a girl? hmm...that's a tough one, I never thought about that before!
You missed the word 'not' in "guys are very lucky not to have to". :eek: I told some of my friends that I wish I were a guy, and they were all "What for?" I'm like "o.0, don't you want to be a guy?" LOLZ. :rolleyes: :p
Tweetsie said:
You missed the word 'not' in "guys are very lucky not to have to". :eek: I told some of my friends that I wish I were a guy, and they were all "What for?" I'm like "o.0, don't you want to be a guy?" LOLZ. :rolleyes: :p
i dont really want to be a guy, yet, i dont want to be a girl either!! :D
wow i have no idea. i guess getting AWESOME clothes and shopping ALL day and wearing make-up and just that kind of stuff but i could list more things that i don't like about being a girl
I'm allowed to have long hair without getting wierd looks, I can wear pretty dresses, sewing and crocheting isn't looked down upon

but people also assume that I like the color pink, and shopping, and things like that. I like hanging out with guys sometime. like being on a team with mostly guys. like leading a team of mostly guys :D
-Basketball Girl-93- said:
I have no idea..... Mostly boys have alot more fun then us girls :mad: Since they get to play sports and don't have to dress nice and don't have to brush their hair and............ There isn't anything I can think of? :confused:
I resent that.

-I've been playing sports since I was 4.
-Girls don't HAVE to dress nice. Some choose to. I know I don't. lol
-You'd be surprised how many guys brush their hair. Half the guy population at my school does.

Now, I think girls can have just as much fun as guys can.
Looking back on some old pics, I dressed more girl than than boy. I thought I was being punk...

Anyway, boys and girls are the same, except for some slight differences, and they can dress however they want.
Señor Puntos said:
Looking back on some old pics, I dressed more girl than than boy. I thought I was being punk...

Anyway, boys and girls are the same, except for some slight differences, and they can dress however they want.

True... We're all man kind... HAHAHA!! That was funny... :D Ahem... But those small differences can make people happy, or unhappy..
Lilith said:
Why does every girl wants to be a guy now???!
That would be kind of gross. I would prefer being a girl, but we do go through so much more in life, but still I would not want to be a guy! I like girl things! Although I would probably be gay if I was a guy cause I ride and most guys who do, actually like 99% are not straight and I love guys so much!
msjaredleto said:
That would be kind of gross. I would prefer being a girl, but we do go through so much more in life, but still I would not want to be a guy! I like girl things! Although I would probably be gay if I was a guy cause I ride and most guys who do, actually like 99% are not straight and I love guys so much!
lol, that's a good way of putting it, I guess...

Girl power. :D
msjaredleto said:
That would be kind of gross. I would prefer being a girl, but we do go through so much more in life, but still I would not want to be a guy! I like girl things! Although I would probably be gay if I was a guy cause I ride and most guys who do, actually like 99% are not straight and I love guys so much!

Just to let you know: I just said that cos there were so many complains... :D
Señor Puntos said:
Looking back on some old pics, I dressed more girl than than boy. I thought I was being punk...

Anyway, boys and girls are the same, except for some slight differences, and they can dress however they want.
NO!! :eek: they are not that same at all!!!
George, I second that :D lol. sometimes I dress in basketball clothes(which and other times I wear tight jeans and a tank top lol, all depends on how I wanna present myself at the time...what I like best about being a girl...umm...dont know! nothing! lol! I couldnt care less if I was a guy or a girl! we all in this world together! lol...talking my class...again..*grunt*