calling all girls for a question

deepnarnianess said:
nope :D I swear, I'm gonna fail my triple e test.... :D
*GASP* Don't talk like that! *smacks* :D

Just kidding, babe. *hugs* YOu are just have to believe i yourself.

I went from practically failing elementary school to being honors elegible in junior high. Just give it time. lol

And that's a very good point, Fish. :D
somebody said something about opening doors for guys too.... i'm totally wit ya on that. though i personally have been trainin' my boys to open doors for the ladies.. i ocationally get to the door first and end up opening it fa them. and there are those few men that i just like "no way is you openin' that door for me, boy!" and i rush to make it so they can't open the door for me. anyway, how bout the rest of ya'll girls throw out some real answers to the first question. :)
we've get more things :) we get the better jewelry, we get the nicer clothes, hairstyles, shoes, we get more of everything, we get to go on random tantrums and people don't question cause it can be blamed on pms (althoguh i don't recommend it) we just get mroe stuff in general. I think its better to be a girl cause of all the physical things. and we're better emotionally as well. but i think it'd be more adventerous to be a guy *shrugs*
There's a lot of things I like about being a girl/woman/female :p . The best is that when I go shopping, the whole store seems geared for women in department stores.
GAGAGA I LIKE BEING A GIRL BECAUSE...BECAUSE...we can play video games and be bad at them and still be considered cool cuz we play them :eek: *twitch*
I looooooooove being all girly because I get cuddled and hugged by people a lot then. :) And I just like to see my male friends get all overprotective whenever I'm around, haha, and that wouldn't happen if I wasn't a girl.
I dunno. I mean I know, but I don't. There are downsides of it. *cough* every *cough* three *cough* weeks *cough*...AHEM. Sometimes it's just plain annoying, my guy friends sometimes tend to look down at me. Until I do something tomboyish. Then they're like "Woah.eerrr..Elashia, I thought you were like...not tough.."
if I was a guy, my Dad would give me more liberty.
Dressing up is fun. My Dad HATES wearing a suit, or a tux. He says its annoying.
Oh, my guy friends know better than to look down at me. :rolleyes: They know I'm a fierce creature who doesn't like to be treated as a weak little girl. Which doesn't mean that they've stopped cuddling me, but it does mean that they aren't surprised whenever I have one of my "moods" again. :D

But yes, I guess that sometimes guys are given more freedom. That sucks.
Solya said:
Oh, my guy friends know better than to look down at me. :rolleyes: They know I'm a fierce creature who doesn't like to be treated as a weak little girl. Which doesn't mean that they've stopped cuddling me, but it does mean that they aren't surprised whenever I have one of my "moods" again. :D

But yes, I guess that sometimes guys are given more freedom. That sucks.
oh haha, good for you. and my friends..we hang out with guys most of the time...cuz I have a LOT of guy friends....:D But..probably what I like about being a girl is......uhhh.....we can make more excuses for stuff.....IDK!!
Best part of being a girl is that we can act boyish and do boyish things, but also we can dress up and be all girly. being a girl does suck sometimes cause you have to do a lot more to proove urself to people and work a lot harder at like sports and stuff, and then just some other things, but it still is awsome to be a girl.
So what I love about being a girl is its easier to surprise people!

Like some guys were like 'We ain't scared of you, your just a girl' and I was like 'Not-uh!' and cowed them in a few minutes, without doing much. But it always surprises people when I cow them. And I love the look of shocked horror when I do....*ahem*

Girls do have to work harder to prove themselves but in the end it just makes us tougher!


Because what I've noticed is, you pull a girls hair she will barely wince, because shes used to the brush, you pull a guys hair and he screams in agony (I know this from first hand observation, so don't be telling me it ain't true). Also because of what Elashia said *cough*every*cough*three*cough(though its 6 for me)*weeks*cough*, we can handle more, many a time I've done heavy duty stuff during that most painful time. And finally all the guys I know can't handle holding babies for very long where girls can go 9 months holding a baby non-stop..LoL
Most of the guys I know r slow. NOt just phisically but also mentally. Tht includes school and reality. Nut there r some guys out there who r pretty smart. I guess they're ok. ( I'm only saying this because I'm a tomboy.)