calling all girls for a question

Elf Of The Grey Havens said:
OoOoOoOoH show so I can make fun. I mean, so I can admire his awesomeness.
well, i didnt save it!! jeez, im not obsessed wiht him! :eek: hes actually cute!
Let me first say that I'm very disappointed in all of you ladies. All I hear is "being a girl sucks" and "i don't wanna be a girl" and "girls have to dress up." and then from the guys i jist hearin' "why you ain't wanna be a girl no more?" and rightly so, men. yes i would agree that bein a lady comes wit soem har thins but dang! why you gotta complain about 'em?! stop complainin' and loo kat the bright side a things....

favourite thing about being a girl....? hmm... I'd have to say gittin da guys. lol nah. but that is one thin. there is so many to chuse from. i like dat m'boys always open doors for me and stuff lik that. i like bein' chosen to do certain things that ladies are particularly and generally better at than men is. those is prolly my favrites of being a girl. oh and nice clothes. and being able to dress dirty and grungy whenever i feel like it and still look fly. dat nice too. and havin' the choice to either cut my hair really short or keep growin' it out long an look beautiful both ways. i sure glad God made me a girl. ('spcieally since i ain't GOT to do none a those things dem boys got ta do. but i cin if i wanna. dang, do i lov that.)

Dead Rain said:
Let me first say that I'm very disappointed in all of you ladies. All I hear is "being a girl sucks" and "i don't wanna be a girl" and "girls have to dress up." and then from the guys i jist hearin' "why you ain't wanna be a girl no more?" and rightly so, men. yes i would agree that bein a lady comes wit soem har thins but dang! why you gotta complain about 'em?! stop complainin' and loo kat the bright side a things....

favourite thing about being a girl....? hmm... I'd have to say gittin da guys. lol nah. but that is one thin. there is so many to chuse from. i like dat m'boys always open doors for me and stuff lik that. i like bein' chosen to do certain things that ladies are particularly and generally better at than men is. those is prolly my favrites of being a girl. oh and nice clothes. and being able to dress dirty and grungy whenever i feel like it and still look fly. dat nice too. and havin' the choice to either cut my hair really short or keep growin' it out long an look beautiful both ways. i sure glad God made me a girl. ('spcieally since i ain't GOT to do none a those things dem boys got ta do. but i cin if i wanna. dang, do i lov that.)

SPEAK THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DR*claps hands*
deepnarnianess said:
haha lol the pic from his 15 year oldness? lol cuz I saw that one...
yup, thats the one!

:eek: im sorry, but being a girl STILL sucks..even IF guys open doors for you!! its kinda disgusting at times...
Mar said:
yup, thats the one!

im sorry, but being a girl STILL sucks..even IF guys open doors for you!! its kinda disgusting at times...
why is it bad Marri like I said in my post Girls Are Smarter Than Boys are and we get to be feminine and cuter than boys ;) :) :p :D
All these pros are true, but I'd have to say the part about gals being abla to make the guys do all the work!
Elf Of The Grey Havens said:
You can't prove girls are smarter than guys, or vice versa, really.
You notice there girls, right? They still imagine themselves as the best.
Elf Of The Grey Havens said:
You can't prove girls are smarter than guys, or vice versa, really.
As usual, Elfy-Sama is correct. Boys are just as smart as girls. And girls are just as smart as boys. Just cuter...
Elf Of The Grey Havens said:
You can't prove girls are smarter than guys, or vice versa, really.
I never said smarter ( even though I know you weren't referring to me), I said we can have just as much fun. Both girls and guys have their smart people...and their incredibly stupid people...
*IOWW the Iasc* said:
I never said smarter ( even though I know you weren't referring to me), I said we can have just as much fun. Both girls and guys have their smart people...and their incredibly stupid people...
*Looks around* Not me, right? :eek: And blondes have more fun, we all know it...
Madman said:
You notice there girls, right? They still imagine themselves as the best.

*cough* offensive! not all girls are the same. especially not me. *twitch* lol. HAHA yeah Chelsea...blondes can think too though...but they dont have all the fun :rolleyes: I must say, to all the people saying it's not cool to be a girl, whatever! it's fun to me! I'd have equal amount of fun if I was a guy!!!!!!! so...that's my opinion...I even hold doors open for guys sometimes! and when they say ladies first I'm just like "ok...thanks..." so yeah...
Brunettes have brains blondes have fun blondes are left with little money brunettes are swimming in cash(no offense to blondes I have a shirt that says that) :)
JohnCenaLover290 said:
Brunettes have brains blondes have fun blondes are left with little money brunettes are swimming in cash(no offense to blondes I have a shirt that says that) :)

lol I must say that's not true :rolleyes: I'm not smart..and i have brown hair. lol.
Honestly? I like being about to act like a lady. It makes me feel good to walk with good posture and dress and talk in a way pleasing to God. (Plus when you are a lady and you have gentlemen friends, it's awesome to get the door held for you and all that jazz! ;) )