Clash of the Cliques!

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Raquel retreived two handfulls of candy and gleefully sat down in the sand and started unwrapping a watermelon flavored Now or Later.
After a few more hours at the party it started getting dark outside.
"We better head back to the hotel, it's getting kinda late." Raquel suggested.
ooc: Well it looks as though my people are saying good bye and I guess I am as well in this RP. :D it was fun y'all

Tina and Liana stood hand in hand saying good bye to all of thier new friends. this had been the best day of thier life so far and they knew it would be a chalange but in the same token it would just get better.
Chris stood off to the side as he watched the Girngos go. he had his eyes glued to Raquell as she walked off with Aiden. a pang of unwarented jealousy rushed through him. he still didn't understand it.
ooc- Okay, hope you had fun. :D

Two days later...

Saturday, May 3

"Come on guys we should've been at the airport 15 minutes ago!" Raquel somewhat frantically, standing at the door with her luggage in hand.
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"Gosh, does no one know how to wake up early." Raquel said slightly irritated at not being on time.
Once everyone was ready to go they all rushed downstairs to the lobby of the hotel and to the parking lot, where the mini van they rented earlier that week sat.
"I'm driving!" Raquel dibbed throwing her bags in the trunk.
Once everyone squeezed into the small mini van Raquel jammed the key in the ignition and backed out of the parking lot in a very half hazardly fashion and sped off towards the airport. With Raquel driving there was no way they were gonna miss their flight; Raquel was notorious for driving extreamly fast...and recklessly.
"And without a speeding ticket." Raquel smirked while gathering her luggage from the trunk.

After going through the annoying security checks they finally boarded the plane,
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