Corrupt a Wish Game (Please Do Not Delete)

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granted but just as you start to use him somone bonks your head with a giant pretzel and you forget all about it

I wish music was free and world-peace wasn't so wacked.
Granted, but now our world is filled with blinding bright colors that make everyone blind so we can't see our colorfull world and we have to have our world described to us by mimes.

I wish that my salad didn't run off with my pop-tart to get married at the McDonald drive-through.
Granted, but now that you have courage you get into a fight and you lose your tail and then you have to get help from Dorothy again. *sigh*

I wish that Sophocles wrote more than he did.
granted but he wrote that your neighborhood should form an angry mob against yoyu. Of course following the great advice, they do. Tough luck!

I wish Joy were online.
Wish granted but Joy was taken over by alien zombies that came from Jupiter and Venus, and she tries to take over TDL and in the end gets everyone that's on TDL to be overtaken by zombies that are actually mimes that love to impersonate cheese.

I wish that my brain worked.
Wow actually she is now. For once my wish came true. :p
Granted, but it only works so that yopu commit suicide.

I wishes the voices would go away! *goes crazy*
Granted! But your brain works so much now that you go on brain overload and pass out. When you wake up, your doctor tells you to lie in bed and do nothing-not even TDL, for 3 days...

I wish I could see again....

Whoops, okay, Wish Granted! The voices go away, but then you can't hear anyone...

...I still wish I could see....
Wish granted, but now that you can see you wish you could go back to not seeing since you now see that the world has been overrun my mime zombies.

I wish that I could go see my brother.
Granted, but he has been sick for a while, and as soon as you see him, you catch it.

I wish the zombies would go away and no mob would attack me...
Wish granted, but now you are all alone in the world since everyone but you was either a part of a mob or was taken over by zomie mimes.

EDIT: Wish granted, but now you are able to think and then your brain goes into overdrive and explodes.

I wish that I got rid of that cold I got from my brother.
Granted, but you get a most horrible disease made up of every sickness in the world. So of course, you take every kind of medication in the world. And you die because of so much medicine.

I wish I could wish for something to wish 4.
Granted! But it wasn't what you hoped for, and somehow you find your foot encased in a plastic soda bottle, while your at the bottom of the sea....your dead.

I wish I could be a wolf....
Granted, but now you don't have a pack to be with so you're all alone....howling in the night and then hunters come and capture you and you're taken to a zoo where 2 yr olds have really sticky fingers.

I wish that I brought all my bouncy balls with me to college. (yes..xD I'm a geek that has still has bouncy
Granted. But as they bounce, whenever they hit something they multiply! Soon your room is filled with quickly multiplying bouncy balls that form a mob and chase you off the campus!:D
I wish I had a boyfriend.
wish granted, but someone from the next town over steals it using duct tape and then you sue the Order of the Duct Tape and then TDL collapses from the insanity......*tear*

I wish that I didn't have to do the dishes
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