
I don't know if I "like like" this guy or if I just like him...I'm new to the whole boyfriend "like like" gig, and in 7th grade, only 14 yr. old who has never gone out!

anywho his name is Matt...very plain but like super nice and considerate, plus i have three classes with him!!! :D that i really care about....
his name is mike, he makes me laugh ..ALOT, i almost cried once
but i admit he has anger issues..(only in sports)
he loves hockey and skateboarding
we're friends and i started to like him
...and he looks ALOT like's scary....
Every time i get a crush on someone, they either:
A. as i like them , they go out with one of my friends,
B. Already goes out with one of my friends!
C. Or just isn't "single".

Ok, at the mo, i have a crush on skandar keynes, and a guy in my class called jarred.
I acually had a short convo with hiM! lol.
Yay, as time goes by, my obsession with this..person-in-my-sig is growing greater!:eek::D
GAH WIREIMAGE!:eek::D Do you like scented candles? I love scented castles *has a tick--has just seen pics of this-person-in-sig smelling scented candles* Scented Candles rock.
I Wanto Be A Skandar Nite Too

I wanto be a Skandar nite but how?? I send ~Rogue~a private message but I think she never read him :rolleyes: hahaha.... Sorry Rogue!
we (Skandars Queen and me) have a forum to... click here
hope you visit it too ;) cuz Sofia and me are the only members... :( hahaha ;)
xxxx Me!
I have a huge crush on this guy named Cameron. But we are going into different middle schools next year, and he chooses the day right before school let out to tell me that he liked me! But he can make me laugh anytime, though!
o my gosh! :eek: I was just looking at your(skandarsQueen's) siggy while the computer was loading and than the dude started moving! OK i know he is supposed to it just freaked me out when it started.Oh and i used to have a crush on a guy named Cameron and then my little sister(jesusgirl(the copycat))told him! i was soooooooooooooooooooooo mad......
jesuschick said:
o my gosh! :eek: I was just looking at your(skandarsQueen's) siggy while the computer was loading and than the dude started moving! OK i know he is supposed to it just freaked me out when it started.Oh and i used to have a crush on a guy named Cameron and then my little sister(jesusgirl(the copycat))told him! i was soooooooooooooooooooooo mad......
Ok was that too random and scary? 'cause all of the sudden everybody just stopped posting, like they were in shock......