
I do have a crush, but I'm not gonna type it here because I know for a fact that people from my school go on here sometimes (not as members though) and I can't risk it. :)
Sofi knows who it is tho. And Sofi, the guy in your sig is hot!
i have a crush on this girl at my school but i cannot say cause daphenilia would know and post it to all the ppls in our class
ok now that shes not here i have a crush on a girl in my class in other words the one i was arguing with daphenilia
I have......

My crush is this guy in my school and he is gonna go to junior high next year at the same school as me and his name is Aaron.I love his spiked hair!Should
I ask him out some time?
I'll admit, I have a crush on a guy named Keith. The only problem is I'm fourteen and he's 25. Go figure. I also like Pippin Took.
I got a crush!! someone that went to my shcool this year, but now shcool is done, (yay!!!!) and his name is James. he was not in any of my classes :( but i just knew him and stuff. but at the end of the year i figured out that he was going out wit someone :(

I don't know his name but I went to Space Camp and even up close this guy looked IDENTICAL to Skander Keynes my BFF asked him if he was Skander's twin brother he said no