Death Dealer series

After four days of seasickness, Grace had found her sea legs. She had become a productive member of the crew and she found love with the sea. When the islands came into view her heart sank, she was enjoying the sea so much. She would just have to keep in mind the fact that soon she’d be back on the ocean sailing for Glenbard.

It was mid-morning when they landed at the small port on the largest of the Nareroc Islands. Grace had her bags and Sawyer had hers. Rumor was that Kay was staying with her aunt in the next village, about three miles south of the port. Grace and Sawyer began the walk.

They talked the whole way, but when the village neared Grace changed the subject. “Are you excited to meet Kay?”

“I suppose, but what if she hates me? What’s goin’ to happen to me?”

“I will take care of you. You can stay in Glenbard with Donald and me.”


“For a while. If this visit with Kay does not go as planned you can stay with us for a few months, but I really think you should live with my uncles.”

Sawyer sighed, “I know that’s a good place to live, but I love being with you and Jack and Ridley.”

“I know, Sawyer, but let us just focus on the here and now.”

The two entered the village and found mostly native women working. Making bread, milking cows, sewing clothes. Grace liked the atmosphere and hoped there would be time to speak with the women. She had spent plenty of time in the villages of Arganis learning the trade of the women and she was always fascinated with it. She just hoped there would be time and that Kay didn’t run her out of the village right away.

Grace received directions to Kay’s aunt’s house. It was a larger house, clearly paid for by Kay’s pirating efforts. Looking over her shoulder one last time, Grace smiled at Sawyer, and knocked on the door.

An elderly woman answered. She was portly with black hair braided down her back. She wore a green sundress and her tan skin glistened with a bit of sweat. Grace wondered what she thought of the skinny pale girl standing there.

“Something wrong, dear?” She asked.

Grace bowed her head politely. “Are you Mama Bella?” Grace had been taught by Kay and Donald that native women of Nareroc over forty were referred to as “mama” whether they had children or not.

“I am,” she eyed Grace suspiciously.

“I am Grace and I heard Kay was staying with you while the storms move past the islands.”

“Oh you must be Grace Hilren; yes Kay has mentioned you from time to time. Come in and bring your young companion.”

Bella showed the two into her home and bade them to have a seat in the kitchen. There was a fine oak table with chairs to match. Grace recognized the make of the tables and chairs; they were the finest from Actis, a set reserved only for members of the nobility. Grace smiled, knowing exactly where Bella had received the table.

Grace sat at the table. She saw how the exquisite table seemed out of place in Bella’s quaint kitchen. She enjoyed the smells coming from her little stone stove.

“That smells delicious, Mama Bella.”

“Just a cake, nothing special. I’ll cut you a piece when I take it out. Would you like some warm milk, honey?” She said looking at Sawyer.

“Yes, please.”

Bella shuffled to a cabinet and pulled a clay cup out. Grace watched as she warmed some milk over the fire that was burning. She then cut some bread and drizzled honey over it. When the milk was warm she handed the cup to Sawyer and gave her a plate with the bread.

“Why don’t you go outside and sit with the dogs while I talk with Grace.” Sawyer did as she was told and went back outside. Bella sat across from Grace and clasped her hands together. “That’s Kay’s girl isn’t she?”

“You can tell?”

Bella nodded, “I knew one day that girl would find Kay. I mean her mama is infamous. I’m glad she’s still a girl and with someone level headed and not here to collect Kay’s head for leaving her.”

“I am sorry for coming unannounced,”

“No, no, it’s alright,” Bella smiled gently.

“Is Kay here?”

“She laid down for a nap. She and the crew had a late night. She should be up soon.”

Grace and Bella went on talking. They moved away from the topic of Sawyer. Bella promised to teach Grace some cooking tricks over dinner and Grace agreed to show Bella a little bit of swordplay. It seemed the woman had been interested in Grace’s story since Kay brought her the tale. Their talks and laughter ended abruptly when Kay walked into the kitchen.

“Grace? Missed me that much, had to come and bust into my aunt’s home?” Kay laughed lightly, but stopped when Bella and Grace didn’t join her. A confused smile lingered. “Something wrong? Did something happen to the Angel?”

“If you’ll excuse me, I have to get something outside.” Bella pushed away from the table.

“What is going on, Grace?” Kay folded her arms and Grace suddenly felt worried. Kay was bigger and stronger than her and if she got angry Grace was afraid of doing something horrible to defend herself.

“Do not get angry with me, whatever happens. We are friends and I did this because it is something that I needed to do.”

“What did you do?” Kay took a step forward.

Bella reappeared with Sawyer in front of her. Bella had her hands on Sawyer’s shoulders and was holding the girl to herself. Kay looked from Grace to Sawyer and seemed completely confused. Grace watched as her friend went through a wave of emotions.

“Sawyer?” Kay let her arms dropped to her side.

“Kay,” Sawyer responded.

“You’re alive and well, I see.”

“No thanks to you.”

Bella let go of Sawyer and stood by Grace. The older woman did not like the tension between mother and daughter and she could see Grace felt the same.

“Well, I suppose you want to know why.” Sawyer nodded. “Your father said he’d kill you if I tried to bring you on the Fearless Dawn and I was young and immature. Not a good thing for a mother. You were better off away from me.”

“You were too selfish to raise me?” Sawyer growled and folded her arms across her chest. To Grace and Bella she looked like a mini Kay.

“I still am too selfish. But I’m wiser and we have a lot to talk about. Let’s go for a walk, but I warn you if you call me mama…”

“No need to worry about that.”

Kay turned on her heel and walked out of the house. Sawyer grumbled and followed her.
Chapter Twelve: The Dragon, the Griffin, and the Queen

King Frederick sat in his private study. His usual band was not with him, just one person. The assassin was shrouded in black, calming waiting for instructions.

“North of the Sun Kingdom is the country of Aletson. Until recently they were unknown of to anyone, living past the mountains in the north. When they waged war on King Christian’s father they were beaten by that witch, Corine Huntley, that witch and her dragon. Christian placed a native of Aletson, Patrick, on the throne, but under the condition he never attacks the Sun Kingdom again. Patrick is a loyal puppet, but the people of Aletson are prideful. However they are frightened that if they step out of line the dragon will return. Corine Huntley is on the Nareroc Islands. If she is killed I can finally persuade the people of Aletson to attack the Sun Kingdom again. Go now with haste.”

The assassin bowed and disappeared into one of the secret passages in the castle.

* * * *

Grace kneaded some dough while Bella worked on a stew. “The spices are the key, Grace. The right amount of spices can make a good stew perfect.” Bella came over to inspect Grace’s work. The young woman seemed completely lost in her thoughts. “If you must ask, girl, just ask.”

“Who is Sawyer’s father?”

“Who was, would be the better question. He was the captain of the Fearless Dawn before Kay. No one knew about the child. They didn’t love each other. Kay wanted power and the captain wanted a son. Kay secured the captain’s trust, but he never received his child. A few years later it was Kay who led a mutiny and became the new captain after taking that man’s head.”

“Do you think they can work out their problems?”

Bella shrugged, “I can’t really say.”

Grace continued to work on the dough. Bella went to her garden to gather more vegetables for the stew. A few minutes later Kay came back into the house.

“Where is Sawyer?” Grace asked. She felt a chill run up her spine seeing Kay alone. There was no telling what she had done.

“Playing with some boys of the village.” Kay sat at the table and looked at Grace. “Sawyer told me how you were saddled with her. She clearly likes you more than she will ever like me. That’s no skin off my nose. As much as she hates me she expressed an interest in staying.”

Grace felt her heart skip a beat. She had wanted Sawyer to stay with her mother, but at the same time she enjoyed having the girl around. Still this would be a good arrangement.

“She’ll stay here with Bella.”

“It is best if she stays with family,” Grace said. “And you are not mad with me?”

Kay shrugged, “I’m more surprised than anything. We’ll see how all this turns out. But let me warn you if there are any problems I’m shipping Sawyer back to you.”

Grace just laughed and rolled her eyes.

* * * *

It was after midnight and Grace had snuck out as the Death Dealer. After dinner she had gone to the center of town with Bella, Kay, and Sawyer. Most of the village had turned out simply to talk and socialize after a day of work. Grace learned that tales of the Death Dealer had made it all the way to Nareroc. The talk had prompted her to go out that evening.

Grace had heard voices not far from Bella’s. She followed them and hung in the shadows of the palm trees to listen. A native man was talking to a tall figure dressed all in black. It was impossible to make out the figure’s features.

“The encampment is just up the road. Corine Huntley sleeps in the tent with the dragon on it.” The native pointed east, toward what Grace guessed was the encampment.

The figure produced a small dagger and nodded. Grace knew now that this figure was planning on murdering Corine Huntley. Swift and silently as a shadow Grace went after the assassin. He ran fast, but Grace kept up.

He stopped on the outskirts of the encampment, avoiding casting a shadow from the fire light. When he spotted the tent with the dragon on it he moved toward it swiftly. Grace made her move now and lunged at the figure. She caught him by the knees and the two crashed into another tent.

Grace wasn’t sure what she landed on, but he jabbed into her side. The figure was faster than Grace and no sooner had she brought him down that he was up and running. One of the guards chased after him into the dark. Five more guards surrounded Grace, who was lying in the remains of the tent. All five guards had their swords drawn. She raised her arms in surrender.

“What happened here?” A woman’s voice pierced the night air. Her voice was gruff and angry.

She pushed through the guards and looked down at Grace. Grace gasped when she saw her. Her brown hair was tied back and a streak of grey ran through it. But what was more shocking was her left hand, it was gone. Scars ran across her face. They were long and white and appeared to have healed long ago.

“What’s this?” She growled grabbing Grace.

“Why, I think that is King Frederick’s precious Death Dealer.” Another woman came up. Grace recognized her as Corine Huntley. Her voice and face were soft and her eyes smiled at Grace.

“There was an assassin, madams.” One guard said. “I believe this one was trying to stop him or perhaps trying to steal the kill from him.”

A third woman joined them. There was no mistaking her. Queen Peony laughed when she saw the mess that had been made. “I had heard the Death Dealer had a bit more poise than this.”

The first woman ripped off Grace’s executioner hood. When Grace was revealed no one spoke. It was Corine who finally broke it.

“How surprised Frederick would be if he knew his Dealer was a woman.”

“Lock her up!” The first woman snapped. “We can question her in the morning.”

* * * *
Hmm. a bit suprising. I would have thought Grace would have said something to try and justify herself to this supicious woman with Corine and Peony--and i would have thought someone would recognize her; Peony maybe?
Well, anyway, im interested to see how this turns out. Post more when you get a chance.
Hehehe, I knew that Grace would run into Peony like this sooner or later. Pretty interesting, but it happened a bit to fast to my taste. I still think it's great, but you may want to drag it out a bit to create a bit more suspense.
Grace woke up with her feet and hands bound. Her hands were behind her back and her legs were pulled to her chest with her feet tied. Grace had fallen asleep trying to undo the ropes on her feet.

A girl about Ridley’s age came into the tent holding a jug of water and had some bread on a tray. She had curly brown hair that she had pulled it up into a ponytail and her brown eyes smiled at Grace as she knelt beside her. She had a kind face, but in some way she reminded Grace of the woman from the night before.

“I brought you some breakfast,” Her voice was gentle as she spoke. She placed the tray and water on the ground and produced a dagger. She cut the ropes holding Grace.

Grace’s wrists and ankles had been cut by the binding and were horribly bruised. She rubbed her wrists to regain feeling and then she proceeded to rub her ankles.

“I’m Katarina.” The girl handed Grace the water jug. “Drink slowly,” she instructed as Grace took one long swallow.

Grace wiped her mouth and handed the jug back to Katarina. “I am Grace.”

“You are also the Death Dealer as I understand.”

“So news travels pretty quick.” Grace was a little worried about what was happening. The woman from last night seemed all to ready to take her head.

“We’re all pretty impressed, even my mother.”

“Your mother?”

“The one handed woman who ripped off your hood last night. She is more impressed with the fact you’re so small and yet you have done such great things.” Katarina handed Grace the bread.

“You do not happen to know what will happen to me, do you?” Grace was so nervous should couldn’t make herself eat the bread.

“Well, my mother wants to question you, but Peony and Corine believe you’re innocent. The assassin got away and so that put some doubt in everyone’s mind. If you really are innocent, though, you will be fine.”

Grace took a bite from the bread and took her time chewing. Her mind raced. She was unsure of what was going to happen. Katarina seemed confidence that all would be well, but if one person thought she was guilty Grace could well be found guilty of something she didn’t do.

* * * *

“The guards think she is innocent.” Corine said as she sat in Peony’s tent.

“But if that snake Frederick reveres the Death Dealer how do we know she’s innocent? How do we know Frederick didn’t send her here?” The woman with one hand growled.

“Wren, Frederick would never send a woman to do this.” Peony was absent mindedly petting the wolf by her side.

Wren scowled and shook her head. “Katarina is with her now. Maybe she can find out something.”

Corine stood up and smiled, “I think we are overreacting. We owe that young woman our thanks. Who knows who that assassin was targeting? She may have saved one of us. I suggest we all talk with her and avoid completely passing judgment until then.” Corine left the tent.

“If Corine has misjudged this Death Dealer we could all be in a lot of trouble.” Wren stormed out of the tent and Peony sighed.

“What do you think?”

The wolf got up and crossed the tent. I brought her here. The wolf sat and faced Peony.

“Is that so? And why is that?” Peony crossed her arms.

I showed her to you in Glenbard for a reason. She is no assassin.

“I can believe that, but why is she here? Once we question her we are just going to send her home. Why waste all this energy bringing her here?”

The wolf jumped across the tent. She knocked Peony out of her and pinned her to the ground. She growled in the queen’s face. I do not waste my time! Don’t question my motives!

“Peony had learned long ago not to struggle against the deity. She lay under the wolf and spoke again. “Then what are you planning?”

Take her in. She will be a valuable asset to you. Grace Hilren has been a wanderer from years, you are going to give her a purpose. The wolf moved off of Peony.

Peony sat up and saw that the wolf was gone. She grumbled and wiped off her trousers. It was time to do some questioning.
Hmm. a bit suprising. I would have thought Grace would have said something to try and justify herself to this supicious woman with Corine and Peony--and i would have thought someone would recognize her; Peony maybe?
Well, anyway, im interested to see how this turns out. Post more when you get a chance.
But none of them had really met her...except Peony (sort of) in Glenbard, and even then she never actually talked to her, so for all she knows Grace is an assasin.
I'm bumping this thread because I haven't had a lot of time to work on it. Though spring break is here so I can work on it now.
Grace had learned a lot from Katarina while she ate breakfast. Her mother, the Countess Wren of Salais, was in charge of King Christian’s work force on the Spice Islands. Corine and her eldest child, her son Nicholas, were visiting on their way back to the Sun Kingdom. Queen Peony had come to make sure all was well after what had happened in Frederick’s court.

Grace had enjoyed Katarina’s company very much. The eighteen-year-old was friendly and gentle and it surprised Grace to learn she was a knight in King Christian’s court. The girl kept assuring Grace that nothing would happen to her, her mother was trying to scare her and little else.

It worked. When Wren entered the tent Grace hid her hands behind her back so the countess would not see her hands shaking.

“Katarina tells me you overheard the assassin.”

“He was talking with a native about where to find Corine Huntley. I followed him from the village and I had to stop him.”

“So you threw him into our supply tent?” Wren raised her eyebrow.

“I am usually more discreet, but I did not have time to work out a plan.”

“So it seemed. I am wondering, though, why the Death Dealer would leave the protection of Frederick’s praise and come to Nareroc?”

“I have a life separate from the Dealer. Personal business brought me here, nothing more.”

Wren stopped her questioning and looked hard at Grace. Grace wondered how someone so severe could mother someone as kind as Katarina.

“We should take your head for being a spy.” Wren finally said.

“A spy? But…”


The tall, slender figure of Peony entered the tent. “Wren,” Wren stood and looked long and hard at Peony.

The queen brought her mouth close to Wren’s ear and whispered something. The countess sighed and nodded. She looked once more at Grace. Then she took her leave from the tent.

Peony went down on one knee in front of Grace. “She thinks you a spy.”

“So she has made vehemently clear, your majesty.”

“Rest assured girl, no one else believes the same. I have heard from a friend that you are worth something.”

“A friend? I know no one within your fair kingdom.” Grace dared a look into Peony’s green eyes. The queen’s eyes held wisdom and kindness and Grace was comforted looking into them.

“Yes, a furry friend perhaps, but a friend none the less.” Peony waited for Grace to register what she was saying.

“The wolf? Diggery?” The queen nodded and rose to her feet.

She extended her handand pulled Grace to her feet. “You come highly recommended, but let us see just how good you are.”

Outside the tent Peony handed Grace a long wooden staff. “A training stick. I want to see how you handle it.”

“Is she ready yet?” Wren was waiting, leaning on her own training staff.

“Your majesty,” Grace whispered, “I have an unfair advantage on her. I cannot fight against her when she only has one hand to wield with.”

“An unfair advantage? I understand, but please humor us.”

Grace and Wren squared off. Grace worried about hurting Wren, but as soon as the match began Wren showed she had no disadvantage. The countess immediately brought the practice staff down and Grace barely missed a blow to the head. Grace swung for Wren’s side, but she was blocked. Every second ticked by. Grace’s hardest opponent had always been Kay, but Wren was far superior to the pirate.

The match ended when Wren rolled from one of Grace’s blow. She caught Grace behind the knees with her staff and knocked her flat on her back. Grace felt the wind escape her chest and she gasped desperately for breath. Wren’s shadow fell across her and blocked out the sun.

“Never underestimate your opponent, Death Dealer. Regardless of their physical shortcomings.” Wren held out her hand, pulling Grace back to her feet.

The countess dusted her off. Peony clapped. “What say you, Wren?”

“She is good, but unrefined.” Wren picked her training staff up. “She has received some training, but there is much room for improvement. I am done with her, but I think you are a fool, Peony.” Wren walked away, leaving Peony and Grace to themselves.

“She is like a hammer.”

Peony nodded, “You will be hard pressed to find a fighter like Wren, though sword play and training staffs are not her focus. If she was fighting with her ax, the fight would have ended before it began. You did well.”

“My uncle and cousin are knights. I was trained a bit in my youth.”

“It shows, but perhaps you would like to receive more training?”

Grace raised her eyebrow, “Your majesty?”

“I said a friend recommended you. She brought you into my care and I do not cast away advice from my friends.” Peony clasped Grace on the shoulder. “Would you like to come into Otanna? To train among my riders and knights?”

Grace felt her voice leave her. Had the queen just offered her to come into Otanna? “Why?”

“I have found it is best not to question the immortals in their judgment. So, do you wish to leave Cesarnan?”
Chapter Thirteen: Into the North

The Angel was bustling around lunchtime. Jack sat across from Ridley at his usual table. A forlorn sigh escaped his lips. Not a word from Grace in over a month. Donald had come and gone and he brought no word of Grace. He was worried and so was Jack.

“She’s fine, Jack. Grace has a lot of fight in her.” Ridley said. She had said the same thing so often she barely believed it herself.

The two looked at each other and attempted to smile, but they were worried about their friend. Some time passed and suddenly the tavern was wild with activity. Jim, the innkeeper, laughed and clapped his hand. “What’s this? Little Grace all dressed in finery?”

Jack jumped from his seat and Ridley was at his side. Grace had indeed entered the inn. She was dressed in a fine royal blue tunic and she was covered in a black cloak with the image of two silver horses rearing on it. Fine black, leather riding boots covered her legs up to her knees. Her hair was tied back into a braid.

“What’s this?” Marcus came up and pulled Grace into a hug. “You go away for a month and come back looking like this?”

Grace smiled and returned the hug. “Friends, I am glad to see I was well missed, but I fear this trip will be short. I came to get my things and bid you all farewell.”

“Farwell?” Jim waved his hands and everyone fell silent. “You’re leaving us?”

“I am sorry, but it is time for me to say farewell to the Angel.”

* * * *

“You can’t be serious.” Jack sank onto Grace’s bed as she packed the last of her things away.

“Jack, I must do this.”

“No you don’t, Grace,” Jack grabbed Grace’s hand and positioned her in front of him. He looked up into her eyes. “Stay here, please.”

Grace stroked Jack’s cheek. “Come with me. The queen has already extended the offer to anyone I wish to bring. Leave Cesarnan, you have nothing here. I have nothing here.”

Jack stood and shook his head. “This is my home. I can’t leave, not even for you. Please reconsider going to Otanna.”

Grace kissed Jack’s cheek. “I am sorry. I will write and perhaps one day you will change your mind.”

* * * *

The ship was moving away from the dock. Ridley stood waving Grace good-bye. Jack could not stand to see her off, but Ridley knew he was hanging in the shadows. He emerged when the ship was far enough away.

Ridley smiled up at Jack, “Don’t worry, she’ll be back to see us.”

Jack said nothing and just watched the ship sail off toward the north, toward Otanna.

(and that's the end of Part II)
Another good story completed. I'm not sure if i liked the ending or was bittersweet. Grace is going onward to new adventures with the cool queen, but Jack had to be stubborn and stay behind.
Again: Good job Nikia. We'll all be awaiting for when you start part III.
That was amazing. I am eagerly awaiting part 3....
One question--what happened to Sawyer? Did she stay behind at the Nereroc Islands?
PART THREE: Chapter One:The Plans that were Made

It had been just over a year since Frederick and Christian had dared to speak to one another. It had been over a year since Frederick’s assassin returned from the Nareroc Islands, stating Corine Huntley was still alive. Since that time King Frederick had been planning furiously.

All was coming together now and on his orders things would be set into motion. The king of Cesarnan felt he had waited too long as it was. The spice islands belonged to his kingdom and it was time for the Sun Kingdom to be removed. It was time for Christian to be removed.

The yearly tournament held in Ursana was coming fast upon Cesarnan. Frederick would make his move as the tournament began. Then all loyal parties would be assembled in one place at one time.

* * * *

Foreign spectators were piling into Glenbard, all bound for the king’s tournament. Everyone in Glenbard had learned to ignore the strange folk that flocked into their city every year in the summer. The whole affair was a ridiculous show of the wealth of the nobles and it did not concern the working class.

Despite the cynicism toward the whole affair, those who gathered in the Angel Tavern longed for tales of the tournament. But few tales lived up to the story of Grace Hilren, the countess who made her home in Glenbard. Every year the tale was told since Grace’s arrival in the Angel. She would blush and ignore it, but not this year. This would be the first year Grace was not among the Angel patrons.

Jack had his feet up on the table and he absent mindedly smoked his pipe. The tournament was going to start in a few days and his mind turned to Grace. His mind was often on her, his confidant, his love. Only one letter had ever reached him since she left for Otanna. He had refused to write to her and so another letter never came. As the tournament drew near he contemplated writing to his beloved.

Ridley dropped a plate of food on the table beside Jack and plopped herself down as well. “Cheer up, Jack. One letter will solve all your problems.”

Jack turned his head slowly. Ridley saw the anger in his eyes. Jack had loosened up when Grace arrived, but since her departure for Otanna he had fallen into his old ways.

“Come on,” Ridley stuffed a piece of bread into her mouth. The food, however, did not stop her from speaking. “I got a letter from Grace just last week. She misses you, just write her.” A few bread crumbs flew from Ridley’s mouth and landed on Jack. Still, he remained silent.

A young girl near the age of twelve ran up to the tables of Ridley and Jack. Ridley smiled to see the girl and offered her a chair. Sawyer had grown so much since she had left Actis. It had been a great joy to Ridley when Kay had quit pirating and come to stay in Glenbard permanently.

Kay had left Sawyer in the care of her Aunt Bella while she continued to be the Fearless Dawn’s captain. But Bella nagged and nagged her to take proper care of her child. Finally Kay decided it was time to end her career as a pirate and she took Sawyer, Bella, and her fortune in piracy off Nareroc and into Glenbard. A month had passed and though Kay taught Sawyer the finer points of stealing and fighting, much of her time was spent on the docks talking to the sailors. Ridley enjoyed Kay and Sawyer’s company now that Grace was gone.

“My ma sent me to see if he was talkin’ yet,” Sawyer said, taking the offered seat.

“Nothing more than grunts, as usual.” Ridley handed half of her bread to Sawyer.

“A ship is leaving tomorrow for Otanna, maybe you should be on it, Jack.”

“My business concerns neither of you,” Jack said, taking his feet down from the table. “Surely there is some pick pocketing lesson you can give this girl, Ridley.”

Sawyer crossed her arms and glared at him. She let her angry face sink in, but Jack turned away and returned all his attention to his pipe. Sawyer and Ridley struck up a conversation. They enjoyed their lunch, despite the angry cloud of Jack hanging over them.

The pleasant conversation did not last for long. Five soldiers that were stationed in Glenbard burst in. It was rare to see them doing any work aside from arresting some poor debtor or maybe stopping a crime that they happened to see. The innkeeper, Jim Little, was the first to address them.

“Gentlemen,” he said, “It is odd to see men such as yourselves here. What brings you to the Angel?”

“Is there a Jack Anders here?” The captain of the soldiers said. He completely ignored Jim and he carried himself as though he was that much better than everyone.

Jack stood up and moved himself about ten feet before the soldiers. “I’m Jack Anders.”

“We have a warrant from the king; we are here to arrest you.” The captain signaled two of the soldiers.

Jack backed a few feet away, but when they grabbed him, he decided it was best not to resist. They shackled him and pulled him along. They were rougher than they needed to be.

“You can’t take Jack!” Sawyer suddenly screamed. She lunged forward, though Ridley tried to stop her. The girl flung herself onto the back of one of the soldiers. “You can’t take him!” She screeched.

The soldier threw Sawyer off and she landed and rolled a few feet into a table. The soldiers all pulled out their batons, incase anyone else dared to come at them. They forced Jack out the door. Ridley rushed to Sawyer and helped her up. What was happening? Where was Jack going?

* * * *
Kay paced back and forth as everyone else sat around the table in Marcus’s kitchen. As soon as Jack was dragged from the Angel Marcus set to work bribery certain soldiers around Glenbard. The few soldiers he had bribed knew nothing, but for a little extra would look into the matter.

No one could fathom what Jack could have done to be arrested. He barely left the inn. Everyone within the kitchen was nervous. If Jack Anders, a man who did little, could be carted off then which one of them would be next?

Marcus’s right hand man, Thom, came in from outside and shook his head. “Rumors are sweeping the streets like wildfire, but no one can really say what’s happened to Jack.”

“This isn’t right,” Ridley snapped, “They had no right to take him like that!”

“They work for the king, they have all the rights in the world,” Marcus said. His voice was sad as he spoke.

Kay leaned against the wall closest to the door. Marcus bent his head and placed it in his hands. Sawyer and Ridley shifted nervously. Slowly the sun sank in the sky and the stars appeared. As night went on Kay saw Sawyer beginning to drift. No word had yet come from the soldiers.

“It’s time for me to take Sawyer home. I’ll be back, but if word comes before that time, come and get me.”

“Of course,” Marcus nodded.

Kay and Sawyer walked in silence. Partly because of the event that had taken place in the Angel and partly because Sawyer was dead on her feet. The walk from Marcus’s to Kay’s was a short one, but tonight it seemed like an eternity. Finally they arrived and Kay swung the door open.

Her Aunt Bella was sitting by the fireplace knitting. Kay sent Sawyer upstairs for bed. She walked in to kiss Bella on the top of her hand and give her a quick hug.

Bella gladly accepted Kay’s hug and returned one of her own. “I heard about Jack, any idea why?”

“Not yet, but Marcus is on it. Hopefully we’ll know before sunrise. I’m going back over there to wait with the others.”

“Before you go, a man left a message for you earlier today.” Bella produced an envelope from her apron pocket and handed it to Kay.

She inspected the envelope, but only her name was on it. She carefully opened it and pulled out a small, folded piece of paper. Kay opened it. Upon seeing the content she grabbed her chest and gasped. The paper slipped from her hand and glided to the floor.

Everything she had ever feared was on that slip of paper. She thought she had escaped it, but there it was staring back at her from the floor. The one thing every pirate feared, the Black Spot.

* * * *
Wow. Lots of suspense hooks right in the beginning--nice. I can't belive Kay isn't a pirate anymore. There wasn't enough lead up for that!
Is Jack being arrested because in truth he is a noble?
Great beginning.