Death Dealer series

Jack sat on the floor with his head against the wall. He rested his arms on his knees and heaved a sigh. It was around noon when the soldiers had dragged him into the jail. So, far no one had bothered to speak to him or tell him why he had been imprisoned. The sun had long since set and moon was providing most of the light. A small candle flickered outside the cell where the guard was snoring.

The jingle of keys caused the guard to shift, but he didn’t wake. Jack lifted his head and watched as a shadow fell across the floor. A guard moved into his view.

“Jack Anders?”

Jack rose to his feet and walked to the bars. “Are you going to tell me what I’m doing here? Maybe feed me?”

The guard smacked the bars with his baton, “Don’t get smart with me.” He snapped. “You’re in here under the king’s orders. About eight years ago you were arrested and removed from court, all under the king’s orders and the advisement of Lady Danielle of Archon. The Lady Danielle has once again requested your arrest.”

“What? I haven’t done anything to her!” Jack grabbed the bars and began shaking them in rage. “Nothing! You have no right to do this!”

“And you had no right to touch that poor girl as those years ago.”

Jack yelled in fury. He reached his arm through the bars and tried to grab the guard. The guard pulled out his baton. He hit Jack hard on the hand. Despite the pain Jack continued to wildly grab at him. The guard hit him again, harder. Jack withdrew his hand and cradled it against his chest.

“We’re going to take you to the castle. Unless King Frederick and the Lady of Archon change their minds, you will be executed for your crimes.” The guard turned on his heel and left Jack alone once more.
Man--Before I was just indifferent to this lady Danielle. Didn't care that she'd accused Jack (after all it turned out for the better, since he got to meet Grace)--but now, Man, I really hate her.
^ what he said.

Jack yelled in fury. He reached his arm through the bars and tried to grab the guard. The guard pulled out his baton. He hit Jack hard on the hand. Despite the pain Jack continued to wildly grab at him. The guard hit him again, harder. Jack withdrew his hand and cradled it against his chest.

That felt very dry. Like you told, and didn't show; or something.
But the rest was good.
I see what you're all saying, but remember this is a first draft so I take liberty in being lazy with it because I know I'll elaborate at a later date. ;)
Chapter Two: The Beginning of the End

If there was anything more boring than having to stand around, guarding the door during advisor meetings, Grace had not yet encountered it. Grace just wanted to sit her legs ached from standing stiff as a board for two hours while Peony’s advisors filled the queen in on the various happenings of Otanna.

“Gentlemen, I thank you for your time and effort in constructing your reports,” Peony spoke softly. Finally it was drawing to a close. Once the last advisor was gone Grace would be able to move.

“Until next time, Majesty,” the advisors bowed and filed out of the throne room.

The last was an elderly general, Gavin, Peony’s oldest and dearest advisor. He was kind to friends and family and vicious with enemies of Otanna. Grace had liked him from their first meeting and through his guidance she had become a better fighter. If ever she was involved in a tournament again she had little doubt she would be the victor.

Gavin stopped before her. She was hardly recognizable in her guard regalia. She wore a royal blue cloak over the newly polished armor that was standard of all the guards, her hair and much of her face was covered by a helm with a black horse haired plume flowing down the back. The piece of the helm that covered her nose came down into the shape of an eagle’s head and it turned into eagle’s wing once the design reached the head. In her right hand she held a sharpened spear and in her left a round shield with the rearing horses of the Anir house. But it was easy to tell it was Grace hidden under all the gear, the woman was a head shorter than many of the guards that usually watched the throne room. Gavin knew her right away.

“You can move now, it’s just me.”

Grace loosened up, normally she would not have dared, but she knew Peony would not mind her taking such a small order from Gavin. The guard across from her also moved a little, clearly also at ease with just Gavin and the queen left.

Peony joined Gavin before Grace. She looked tired. The queen stretched out and patted Grace and the other guards on the shoulders.
“Simon,” she addressed the other, “You are dismissed. Go speak with Captain Cort, I am sure he has some other station to place you for the remainder of the afternoon.”

Simon bowed and left the throne room. How empty it seemed without the advisors. Grace enjoyed these moments after meetings. Peony always kept a few minutes to speak with Grace after she met with her advisors. She was always eager to hear an outside opinion on what had been discussed. Sometimes she would ask Simon what he thought, but more often than not she would ask Grace.

“No one spoke of the Sun Kingdom today,” Gavin said.

“No,” Peony shook her head and sighed heavily. “The trouble with King Frederick is escalating. Christian has sent ambassadors to Cesarnan to try to work out a compromise over the Nareroc Islands.”

“Frederick compromising? Unlikely.” Gavin snorted. “That fool has no business ruling a country.”

“Perhaps, but that is not something we can decide. If the Immortals deemed him fit to rule than maybe he was once worthy of the title king.” Peony spoke softly, Gavin snorted once more. “However, the clashing forces of the Sun Kingdom and Cesarnan do not yet concern us.” Peony turned her attention to Grace, “I have a message for the Captain Sadik of the northern company of riders. I know you are itching to get out of the castle again, will you take it for me?”

“It would be a pleasure,” Grace bowed her head and clashed her spear against her shield to show her acceptance of the task.

“Her camp has moved since last you look a message to her. The riders are now in the northern Fields of Valor.”

The Fields of Valor had been known as the Koyak Fields nearly twenty-five years before. But King Pedar and Peony’s twin, Pearce, had fallen in battle in Koyak and it was there Peony had accomplished great deeds. It was also where Peony became the only surviving member of the Anir line. Grace knew the Fields of Valor well. It had been many months since had last been able to ride across them. The fields were not far from the castle, but any escape from guard duty was a welcome relief to Grace.

“The message is urgent. You must leave today.” Peony removed a small envelope from the folds of her dress. It bore the wax seal of the royal family. She handed it to Grace. “Make haste, girl.”

Grace bowed and hurried off to gather the necessary provisions for her journey. She was curious as to the contents of the letter, but if the queen did not tell her out right she could only speculate what it was about. After she left Gavin looked long and hard at Peony. The two held many private councils together on the many issues that faced Otanna. The old general felt he knew what the message contained.

“Do you truly believe war is coming?”

“Cesarnan and the Sun Kingdom cannot compromise the way they have been forever. Sooner or later war shall be declared. We have no purpose in being part of that war and we cannot associate ourselves with any conflict between the two. However, if a company of rogue riders should decide to aid our allies against my ‘orders’ I would have no choice but to let them go. Captain Sadik is in charge of the finest company of riders and should war begin I need her prepared to take her men and horses to help our Christian’s forces.”

“You think this is wise? If you are correct and war begins, this could turn into a very dangerous game for Otanna to play.”

“I hope this can be avoided, but if it is not we must be ready. Also, I cannot turn my back on the Sun Kingdom. I was able to take the throne thanks to their aid. I owe them at least some assistance against Cesarnan.”

“I hope you understand what you are doing, Peony.” Gavin pulled Peony into a warm embrace. He knew full well she did not want to see another war tear through the lands. The decision to send help secretly had been a hard one for her to make, but she felt it was necessary. And even if he disagreed, Gavin would stand by her judgment.

* * * *
her hair and much of her face was covered by a helm with a black horse haired plume flowing down the back. The piece of the helm that covered her nose came down into the shape of an eagle’s head and it turned into eagle’s wing once the design reached the head.

I liked that descpriton alot, it came through very clear.
And speaking of the fields of valor...are you planning on writing more for Honor and Glory?
Captain Nikia Sadik was one of the first women to enter in to the riders. It had been Peony’s role as leader of the Tantarim Rangers that had caused everyone to reexamine a woman’s role in the military. Although women had always been trained to fight and defend none had broken into Otanna’s military until the queen had led the way. Captain Sadik continued a tradition of strong women helping lead Otanna’s army.

Grace had met the captain on a few occasions and always felt a bit intimidated by her. Grace stood before the captain’s tent on the Fields of Valor and waited patiently as she read the queen’s letter. The woman was short, muscular, and fierce looking. Behind her green eyes a great fury and pride blazed. Her strawberry blond hair was pulled back from her eyes, but a rogue strand fell into her eyes. She sighed heavily and tucked the letter away.

“I expect you want some rest after the journey,” it was the first thing Captain Sadik had said directly to Grace. “I will send my own messenger back to the queen and you may stay and rest for a few days if you wish. I suggest staying the night here at the very least.”

Grace bowed to Captain Sadik. “I thank you for your kindness.”

“Think nothing of it Grace. Soldiers should be looking after one another.” The captain gave Grace a smile, something very rare for her. She bowed to Grace and entered her tent to construct a letter to Peony.

* * * *

Grace had thanked Captain Sadik for the food and shelter for the night. And though Grace wished to stay away for a few more days, her place was not among the riders. So she began the ride home. Though her road headed south Grace had taken a slight detour to the north.

The northern forest had been in view of the camp, but Grace wanted a view of the legendary place where the Immortal King York had placed his sword. When Grace had first come to Otanna Peony and her advisors had given a slight tour to her on the way to the castle. However, they had steered clear of the forest.

Gavin explained to Grace that the Immortals had once resided there and to enter it without permission from a divine being was a crime against them. Grace had no intention of entering the forest, but her curiosity demanded she at least see if the stone that held York’s sword still remained, if it had in fact ever existed.

Grace left Olwen to graze as she poked around the edge of the forest. It seemed ordinary enough, but a strange wind blew out from it. It carried a strange fragrance with it and Grace felt a warm sensation envelope her. She let the feeling wash over her as she continued to look for the stone.

A sigh escaped her lips. She didn’t see a stone, looking far down the border of the forest, she saw no stone. Had it been nothing but a fairy tale? Looking into the forest something moved across her field of vision.

The great black wolf with the purple eyes moved out from the forest and stood before Grace. Diggery, or what Grace considered was Diggery, barked and backed back into the forest.

“You bid me enter this sacred place?”

The wolf barked again and Grace followed her into the forest. Once Grace set foot within the wolf took off running. “Come on now.” She groaned and gave chase.

Since the wolf’s first appearance Grace had learned not to question it or its motives. She ran after it, but barely kept pace with Diggery. She ran far faster than any human and at any given time was nearly a hundred feet ahead. Grace ran harder and faster than she had in a long time. Branches ripped her arms and they clawed at her like angry predators, but she pressed on. Finally the wolf ran into a pool and stopped, facing Grace.

Grace stopped on the edge of the pool and bent over, placing her hands on her knees. She panted and attempted to catch her breath. “You…certainly are…a strange…beast,” she puffed and looked up.

A bright purple light shot out from the pond and the wolf began to change. Her paws became hands and feet and slowly she rose up on her hind legs and stood erect. Grace’s jaw dropped and she fell to her knees. Before her was being many knew, but few had seen in her true form. She had long flowing black hair, stunning purple eyes, pointed ears from a race of Elves long since dead, and pure white wings. She was dressed in a white gown with a purple sash tied about her waist.

“Kitanna?” Grace whispered and dared to look up.

* * * *
LD said:
*whispers* sorry. I always forget offense. Its the username.
Actually, my username is a girl's name.

I see what you're all saying, but remember this is a first draft so I take liberty in being lazy with it because I know I'll elaborate at a later date.
"Hardwork may pay off in the future, but laziness pays off right now."
(demotivation posters):p

Very good, Nikia.
Sorry, I've just finished a huge term paper and after this weekend my time will free up and I'll be updating. In fact I'll probably work on it tonight.