Death Dealer series

The feeling of being followed had come almost immediately after Grace left the castle. She had snuck out under cover of darkness and kept her Death Dealer clothes on for better cover with the intent to change at sunrise. But the feeling that someone was behind her made her change her mind as she saw the first faint rays of the sun coming up. If someone was following her they were more than mere highway robbers. Whoever it was meant business.

The sky was slowly turning pink when the challenge came. Grace had slowed her pace hoping to bring out her pursuer or pursuers. With the world becoming light once more the person following her issued a duel.

“You insulted my king and now I come to avenge his honor. Stand and fight.”

Grace turned Jewel around and only a few yards off Tristan of Escion sat atop his gelding. She was not surprised to see him. His love for Frederick blinded him much of the time and his ignorance toward the wider world gave her a headache.

“Turn around and go back to the castle and swing your little sword there, boy.” Grace turned Jewel around and continued down the road.

Tristan trotted his horse forward and placed himself on the path ahead. “I am an honored knight of King Frederick; do not speak to me like that! Fight me like a man or die like a coward.”

Grace made no move to get off. Tristan drew his sword and held it to her throat. “You are so revered among the lowly scum of the land, do you really want them to think you died a coward?”

With a heavy sigh Grace slid from the saddle. Tristan did the same. She had hoped to make it into Arganis with little conflict, but that way appeared to be closed. Fighting and possibly killing Tristan would solve nothing and it would make the flight north even more dangerous. The road would be under constant watch if Frederick’s favorite knight was wounded. It would make meeting Colin and riding him into Arganis impossible. Grace would have to go by foot and that journey was too long. She had to find an opening in Tristan’s defenses quickly and then knock him unconscious with the hilt of her own sword.

Grace drew her blade and squared off against Tristan. He crossed his blade with Grace as a traditional show of honor. She had seen Calvin and Leon do the same thing when they fought in the practice ring in Arganis. It was almost an unspoken agreement to fight fairly and the one with the most honor would prevail.

The two drew back their blades and began to circle each other. Tristan’s eyes burned with hatred. He was trying to project his angry thoughts into Grace’s head. Grace knew Tristan was a good fighter and soon he could well surpass Benjamin of Salatia, the best knight in Cesarnan, so it would be hard to find a weakness in his defense.

Tristan made the first move he lunged forward making to swing his sword down, but changing to a side blow at the last minute. Grace was barely able to deflect the hit, but she managed by twisting unnaturally to the side and catching his blade. He pulled away swiftly and went for another blow. Again Grace blocked him. Once more he attacked swiftly, then changed directions last minute. He was trying to confuse and tire her and it was working.

Grace needed to go on the offense now or he would easily beat her. Grace sliced down aiming to cut him in half, but he blocked her by putting his sword above his head to catch hers. As planned his midsection was left open. Grace pulled away and hit him in the stomach with her hilt, winding him for a few seconds. Tristan gasped and staggered backwards as Grace circled him.

The sun was rising ever higher and the sky was turning a pale blue. The birds that would usually greet the day seemed to be strangely silent. Grace barely noticed. She was concentrating completely on Tristan. He had successfully deflected three of Grace’s blows, now he was breaking away from defense of himself to double his attacks on her.

He cut hard at her right side and when she blocked it he pulled back fast and smashed his hilt into the center of her face. At first Grace simply staggered back, but slowly she felt blood dripping from her nose. It was nothing at first, but soon it was gushing. Breathing became hard with the executioner’s hood on. Tristan cut down, but Grace blocked, though her defense was slow and weak. Her mind had turned to breathing through the blood that was forced from her nose and into her mouth. Another attack from Tristan forced Grace to rip off the hood.

“You!” He cried. The anger in his eyes boiled over. The codes of chivalry and of knights dueling no longer applied to this fight. In Tristan’s eyes he was fighting a bewitched woman and it would be a good thing to kill her with or without honor.

He jumped at her and Grace blocked him, using all her strength to throw him off. But he came back hard and harder. Grace worked doubled to deflect his blow. Tristan had gone mad with rage and threw all he had into fighting and killing Grace. Still she continued her defense.

Tristan moved to cut Grace’s head, but she raised her sword and the blades clanged and rang through the forest. Tristan dropped his left hand off his sword swiftly and before Grace could even think to react the dagger appeared. Suddenly her side stung with a dull pain. Her sword slipped through her fingers and the dagger dug in deeper. Tristan ripped the dagger from her side, making sure to tear as much flesh as he could. The wound was now at least six inches across her side. He stepped back, sword in his right hand and bloody dagger in his left.

Grace dropped to her knees, clutching her side futilely, as though holding her hands there would stop the bleeding. Blood dripped to the ground and seemed into the dirt. Tristan stood precious inches away from her. Grace remembered and slowly moved her hand to her boot.

“I saw you leaving Henry of Egona’s window.” Tristan bent close to Grace’s ear. “When I have finished the job here I am going straight to Frederick and Henry will swing from the gallows before nightfall.” Grace wanted to cry. Her death meant nothing, but Henry did not deserve to die.

Grace had her hand on the Escionian dagger Jack had given her years ago. Now was her chance. Grace let out a feral scream and slammed the dagger into Tristan’s throat. He was not even allowed to scream. His eyes widened and his body flopped over to the ground, the dagger still lodged in his throat. His mouth moved slowly, as though he were a fish. The gaping slowed and stopped completely. Tristan’s eyes were still open in surprise and fear.

Grace felt cold all through her insides. She curled into a ball and let the grey mist cover her eyes.

* * * *

Colin and Kitanna found Grace and Tristan not long after their fatal fight. It had been Kitanna’s nose in wolf form that sensed the blood. The deity became human and rushed to Grace’s side.

“Is she alive?” Colin’s voice was sad. No one as young as Grace deserved death. Not even the young man she had fought deserved death so early in life.

Kitanna lifted her head from Grace’s chest, “Her heart still beats, but its drumming is growing faint. We must get her into Arganis for healing.”

“Can you not heal her?”

“If the Immortals have destined her to die, there is nothing I can do to save her. Her only hope is healing from someone we can trust, someone from her home.” Kitanna lifted Grace’s body and carried it to Colin.

The dragon gladly accepted the burden of Grace’s limp body and Kitanna. Kitanna held Grace close to her body. The girl stirred in the deity’s arms. Her eyes fluttered open, her gaze was thoughtful, but tired.

“Her hair is silver and her touch his cool.” She whispered. She struggled to get the words out. “The moon, Kamaria, she says I am welcome in the house of her father. How do I find my way there?”

“Go to sleep and when you wake you will be in the house of your father,” Kitanna smoothed out Grace’s sweaty hair. “Kamaria is not ready for you to join her, I know she is not. Rest now and when you awake we will all be waiting for you. Go now, Colin.” Kitanna instructed.
Chapter Nine: To the Winds

Two months passed and Arganis was buzzing with news. Queen Peony and Lady Corine Huntley had recently arrived thanks to Colin’s swift flying and council was being held to discuss the events between Cesarnan and the Sun Kingdom. Calvin, Leon, George, Peony, and Corine were all present in George’s library, even Henry had made the trip though it was under the pretense that he was bringing Calvin back.

“War,” Calvin moaned.

“And for Frederick to stoop so low,” Peony said.

“King Christian is distraught,” Corine informed them. “Frederick has gone too far in our eyes now. To hire pirates to kidnap Christian’s daughter, Racheal, and grievously wound his wife, Derica, and beloved sister, Gwendolyn. Not only are we in the Sun Kingdom angered, Archon will not stand for Derica and Racheal to be treated like that. Christian desperately wanted to avoid a conflict of arms, but where his family is involved he is willing to go to great lengths.”

“Frederick will stop at nothing to gain complete control of Nareroc and to mend his wounded pride.” Henry said. “When Tristan of Escion was killed by Grace Frederick naturally assumed the Death Dealer was an agent of Christian’s. To kill one of his best and favorite knights was unacceptable. It also leaves Escion without an heir. Tristan’s father is trying to right that wrong. He divorced his wife and married that harlot Danielle of Archon so she could produce a male heir.”

“The fool,” George was disgusted by the actions of the court, “He had a perfectly fine heir with Jack if he had simply taken his son’s side in that mess with Danielle.”

“That girl is trouble and the court should be weary of her. She is dangerous,” Henry stated.

“It will be dangerous for all of us now,” Leon looked around the table. “Calvin and Henry will be under even closer watch and Calvin will have to help the army.”

“This war is dangerous altogether.” Peony sighed. She wanted Christian to find a way around this, war had ruined so many lives in their days and she didn’t want to see another one. “Christian is going into this filled with rage and it clouds the mind. This could become far more grievous than any of us thought.”

“Destructive or not, we in Arganis will help the Sun Kingdom as best we can.” George bowed his head to Corine. “Frederick has always been an unfit ruler and I hope this war sees the end to his reign.”

Someone knocked on the study door. “Enter,” Leon called.

Cassandra entered and bowed to those in attendance. “It is time, Grace is finally ready.”

* * * *

When Grace was brought to Arganis dried blood covered her face and her clothes were stained from Tristan’s wound. Now her face was as clean and beautiful as it had been before. Jack kissed her forehead. He backed away from her and allowed the four people who represented the four winds took up her body. Jack took his place among the others who had come to see Grace into the afterlife.

The village shaman and priest of Ciro and priestess of Kamaria led them toward the burial grounds of the Hilren family. Ridley and Sawyer both clung to Jack, crying into his open arms. He let silent tears stream down his cheeks as he followed Grace’s body its final resting spot.

Her tomb was next to her mother’s and already it was adorned with hundreds of flowers from those of the household. Kitanna moved from the crowd and stood beside Jack. She smiled weakly and put her hand on his shoulder. The four winds walked Grace’s body into her tomb.
“We pray now that the winds carry Dedre’s soul safely into the arms of the siblings. That Ciro shows her the majesty of his world of light. That the great Sun gives her a ray to shine upon this household.” The priest said.

“We ask that Kamaria cradles her spirits. The majestic Moon should place Dedre’s spirit among the stars so that on cold nights she might guide her family.” The priestess continued.

Finally the shaman spoke, “To her family, uncles, Leon and George, and her cousin, Calvin, she was loyal and loved each of you as fathers and brother. Though she left Arganis in body her spirit and love remained here as a reminder to us. It was always her hope to help others and in Glenbard she served as many as she could and as the Death Dealer the common folk no longer feared being bullied. Now Grace and the Death Dealer pass silently into legend.”

The four winds exited the tomb and began an ancient dirge. The song was hauntingly beautiful. In the song Ciro and Kamaria’s charge was giving a place in the heavens among the stars. Almost everyone wept openly.

No one cared that the good works of the Death Dealer were now gone forever. The woman behind the hood had perished because she had come to save her friends. It seemed unfair for the Immortals to take her life like that and then send a war upon them. Still there was no accounting for what those in the heavens chose to do.

Grace’s friends and family watched as the tomb doors were closed. She was now shut out of their lives forever. How fragile life seemed as one so young and kind was laid to rest in a dark tomb forever.

The End.
Oh, great!! That means that I've got to read the previous one and finish it!! It's like if I know there's a new epic movie coming, and I haven't seen the others I have.:D

I expected that you'll continue your work, and that's something I praise to you!
What? She dies?! But...Jack...and...NIKIA!

You are really not into any form of happy endings are you?

*shakes head*

I actually had an idea where she meets up with Kay and when Kay is killed she survives, but falls into the same situation as King Christian's daughter and they'd work together as minor characters in the sequel. But I decided that was not the best idea.
Seeing as Maese Delta nominated Honor and Glory as best fantasy, I nominated Death Dealer in the Action category in the story competition. Good luck to you, Nikia.
I was lurking on the polls for Best Action story and I'm pleased to see Death Dealer is in the lead. Oh Nikia, I know this story is finished and all, but I'd hate to see it fall through the cracks because of inactivity. More people need to read it, I demand it.
So I think I'm going to bump this thread once in a while for a few months, trying to draw in more readers for you. Death Dealer deserves it.
But what about Warrior's Valor? I want to know more about it!
My biggest goal right now is getting further in Honor and Glory, so Warrior's Valor might slip through the cracks. But if it does I'll bring it back and finish it. We'll see. I want to work on both at the same time, but it gets to be a pain trying to do them at the same time.
As long as the threads are not erased or something... and I wish that you have some really useful time to work on both stories. Mmh, trying to imagine what confussion could be with the soon-to-be-dumped Warrior's Valor. But I like to imagine how would it look when it comes to the completion as Death Dealer.
Hello, there =)!

Ow... dear friends of mine... you've been banned!:(

But, luckily, no one can't ban you from life!:D

Anyway, I was wondering if Nikia has ever read Amadis of Gaul, or at least she has ever heard of it? Maese Delta told me about it and I got really eager to find it, and with the fact that I know spanish, well... I did read it... and it was quite awesome, even Cervantes praised it.

And with the new knowledge that seeped inside me, and knowing of what not to do, I'll follow both Nikia's and Delta's stories... and also, to play and being nice to others here.
Hello there, Morrigan!

Geez, I didn't I was going to have my account activated! My name...

OK,ok, now that I'm here, I hope we can keep alive Maese Delta's threads, and to remember to be nice here at TDL.

And about Amadis, has she joined here? And I wonder if Nikia has ever heard of Amadis of Gaul (Amadis de Gaula)
Here's some info =)

Amadis de Gaula (original Portuguese version) (English: Amadis of Gaul, Spanish: Amadís de Gaula) is a landmark work among the knight-errantry tales which were in vogue in 16th century Iberian Peninsula, and formed the earliest reading of many Renaissance and Baroque writers.

The first known printed edition was published in Zaragoza in 1508, by Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo (or Garci Ordóñez de Montalvo). It was published in four books in Castilian, but its origins are unclear: The narrative comes from Portugal, originates in the late post-Arthurian genre and had certainly been read as early as the 14th century by the chancellor Pero López de Ayala as well as his contemporary Pero Ferrús.

Montalvo himself confesses to have amended the first three volumes, and to be the author of the fourth. Additionally, in the Portuguese Chronicle of Gomes Eannes de Azurara (1454), the writing of Amadis is attributed to Vasco de Lobeira, who was dubbed knight after the battle of Aljubarrota (1385). However, it seems that in fact the work was a product of João de Lobeira, not the troubadour Vasco de Lobeira, and that rather than originating with him it was the revision of an earlier work from the beginning of the 14th century.

In his introduction to the text, Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo explains that he has edited the first three books of a text in circulation since the fourteenth century. Montalvo also admits to adding a fourth as yet unpublished book as well as adding a continuation (Las sergas de Esplandián), which he claims was found in a buried chest in Constantinople and transported to Spain by a Hungarian merchant (the famous motif of the found manuscript).

The story narrates the star-crossed love of King Perión of Gaul and Elisena of England, resulting in the secret birth of Amadís. Abandoned at birth on a barge in England, the child is raised by the knight Gandales in Scotland and investigates his origins through fantastic adventures.

He is persecuted by the wizard Arcalaús, but protected by Urganda la Desconocida (Urganda the Unknown or Unrecognized), an ambiguous priestess with magical powers and a talent for prophecy. Knighted by his father King Perión, Amadís overcomes the challenges of the enchanted Insola Firme (a sort of peninsula), including passing through the Arch of Faithful Lovers.

Despite Amadis' celebrated fidelity, his childhood sweetheart, Oriana, heiress to the throne of Great Britain, becomes jealous of a rival princess and sends a letter to chastize Amadís. The knight (later famously parodied in Don Quixote), changes his name to Beltenebros and indulges in a long period of madness on the isolated Peña Pobre.

He recovers his senses only when Oriana sends her maid to retrieve him. He then helps Oriana's father, Lisuarte, repel invaders. A short time later he and Oriana scandalously consummate their love. Their son Esplandián is the result of this one illicit meeting.

Rodríguez de Montalvo asserts that in the "original" Amadís, Esplandián eventually kills his father for this offense against his mother's honor; however, Montalvo amends this defect and resolves their conflict peaceably.

Oriana and Amadís defer their marriage for many years due to enmity between Amadís and Oriana's father Lisuarte. Amadís absents himself from Britain for at least ten years, masquerading as "The Knight of the Green Sword". He travels as far as Constantinople and secures the favor of the child-princess Leonorina, who will become Esplandián's wife. His most famous adventure during this time of exile is the battle with the giant Endriago, a monster born of incest who exhales a poisonous reek and whose body is covered in scales.

As a knight, Amadís is courteous, gentle, sensitive and a devout Christian. Unlike most literary heroes of his time (French and German, for example) Amadís is a handsome man who would cry if refused by his lady, but is invincible in battle and usually emerges drenched in his own and his opponent's blood.


Amadís of Gaul is frequently referenced in the satirical classic Don Quixote, written by Miguel de Cervantes in the early 17th century. The character Don Quixote idolizes Amadís, and often compares his hero's adventures to his own.

And to believe that someone like Cervantes, indeed, praised Amadis as a child (like those tough critics who watched LOTR and then became children, seeing it over and over =) )... because, having mentioned Amadis more than 45 times in Don Quixote! That's gotta count for something! =)
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Hello there!

AAh... speaking of my favourite beloved story!!:D

And I'm hoping great things from this story, Death Dealer. I think I will read this first rather than Honor and Glory... though with some descriptions Maese Delta told me about it... I'm only more interested to finish this one. Then, I hope to see more of Peony. =)