Death Dealer series

Soon, soon. Don't worry and there's a sequel in the works so the characters won't be away for long after this story ends.
Grace blushed. Colin’s riding blanket had still been draped over Charger’s back when she let the horse go.

“No worries, Grace,” Colin said, “But the ride will be uncomfortable for your friend. It would matter little in any case; I left my saddle with your uncles while you rescued this man.” The dragon lowered his immense body to the ground and held out his front claw for Jack.

Jack had no desire to go to Arganis. Not without Grace joining him. The look on his face must have conveyed the message to Grace, but she stood firm. “Now is the time. It is only a matter of time before the guards find our camp. It could be days or even hours. Go to Arganis and I will join you soon.”

“Grace,” Jack pulled Grace to his chest. He took in her scent and kissed the top of her head. “Come with me now, Marcus will send word when he reaches Glenbard.” Jack whispered.

Grace moved away from Jack. Every moment she clung to him, she lost the nerve to go to Glenbard and help Kay. Going into Arganis now, would be running and deserted her other friends, even if Jack failed to see things in that light. Grace took Jack’s hands in hers and nodded toward Colin.

“It is time to go, Jack.” She dropped his hands and took another step back.

The hurt in Jack’s eyes was unlike any she had ever seen before. But this was how it had to be. He stepped onto Colin’s offered front leg and swung up onto the dragon’s back. Colin lifted his body and spread his great wings.

Grace moved up to Colin and patted the dragon’s great front leg. “I gave my word to return you to safety,” The dragon snorted, lowering his head close to Grace’s ear. Jack and Marcus did not appear to have heard.

“I have to go to Glenbard, but in a month’s time return to this area. I will return here either to head for Arganis or to return to my duties in Glenbard.”

“Be careful, Miss Hilren, the king is furious with the turn the tournament took. He is searching for the Death Dealer and Jack Anders or so the animals and birds claim. Frederick is relentless.”

“Then I will have to forsake the Death Dealer garb for some time, now go before the night grows on anymore.”

“Travel well, dear.” Colin hobbled away from what was left of Marcus and Grace’s campsite. He flapped his great, leathery wing, and gusts of wind blew back at Marcus and Grace stood by watching the dragon take to the sky.

* * * *

Two weeks passed slowly. Grace’s ankle throbbed and she moved slower than she would have liked. Marcus was patient and carried her over his shoulder when he could, but it made the journey to Glenbard slow. But when the port city came into view after the long road Grace smiled in spite of herself.

Her ankle had not fully healed as it should. The constant walking had done more harm than good, but each day it improved a little. Now she would have a few days to sit at the Fallen Angel tavern and gather news and create a plan with Marcus. Or that had been her plan.

Ridley was within the Angel and seated with her were two people Grace had never seen before. A young man and a young woman. Marcus seemed to regard the woman quite highly when he laid eyes on her.

“Samantha Yuli, it is not like Max to allow his gatherer of information to be so far from his seat at the Ruby Dagger.”

Samantha looked to be a bright and cheery girl, not far from Ridley’s age, however, her eyes were troubled and her smile was forced. “The road must have been long, King Marcus, and you should eat before we speak. The news we bring is far from pleasant.”

Ridley pulled Grace aside and whispered in her ear, “Samantha has a plan, but I’m so afraid for Kay right now.”

“Jim!” Marcus clapped for the innkeeper. “A meal, quickly,” he turned to Samantha, “I will eat as quickly as I may and then we will retire to my ‘throne room’. No doubt you bring news in which my friend has traveled a great many leagues to hear.”

Marcus bad Samantha and her male companion to join him, Ridley, and Grace for dinner. They accepted, but Grace declined. Instead she took her meal in the kitchen, gathering news from the cook and Jim about all the happenings of the port. The tone was nervous and Jim’s words hid what they really meant. Fear had clearly taken over once Jack was arrested and word got out that Kay receiving the Black Spot had been Frederick’s doing.

After finishing Grace rejoined the others for a council in the King of Thieves throne room.
Chapter Seven: Ridley Tells the Tale

The throne room of the King of Thieves had always been a back room in the Angel tavern. Grace had never been in it and she had secretly never to have to. The throne room was normally used only for war councils and murder plots. She did not wish to be involved in either.

This meeting in the throne room was meant to be small, so Marcus’s usual contingent of thieves was not present, only Thom had been called in as the right hand man to the king. Marcus took his seat at the head of the long rectangular table. He motioned for the other five to sit as well.

“I do not care for any pleasantries here, Miss Yuli, introduce yourself and your companion and then speak without delay.”

“Of course you know I am Samantha Yuli, Max Yuli’s niece and with me travels a member of my uncle’s crew, William Bennington.” She cut her eyes to Grace, “This woman is not of your court. Why is she present in our council?”

“Grace Hilren’s business here is her own and will be made known when I say so,” Marcus glared at Samantha, “Remember this is not a place within Max’s power and so you hold no sway. Do as I asked and tell me about Kay.”

“I can only offer so much information on Kay. Ridley is a far better source of exactly what happened, for she was with Kay the whole time. I, however, can tell you, Kay may be far from your help. It has been weeks since she left the care of my uncle’s ship for the Fearless Dawn.”

Marcus looked at Ridley. “What happened?”

“Max Yuli promised us a ship and a crew. Kay demanded that he allow members of his inner most circle to sail with us or she would declare his aid useless. She demanded Samantha sail with us until we caught the Fearless Dawn. She also requested safe transport for me to return here, but things did not come to pass that way.”


“Max Yuli refused to surrender his niece to Kay’s service,” the young man, Will, spoke for the first time that Grace had heard. “He said if Samantha sailed, than Ridley must too. He knew, as we all knew, Ridley was dear to you and that Kay was all but in your service these days. If something happened to Samantha war would break out between the Pirate King and the King of Thieves.”

Marcus gritted his teeth and Grace saw his color begin to turn red. “He would dare such a thing?”

“My uncle was acting foolishly, but rest assured I would not have allowed anything to cause a war between the two most powerful rogues of sea and land. But it was Max’s decision that Ridley must sail against Kay’s protests.”

“But Kay was hell-bent on getting even with the crew of the Dawn,” Ridley said, “Max provided a flimsy crew, but a sturdy ship for us. And disregarding his pride he named Kay its captain, with Samantha her first mate. And we set sail, following the trail Samantha provided for the Fearless Dawn. The weather was bad and Kay was locked away in her cabin most of the time, staring mindlessly across the sea from her window. She was going quite mad. There was this crazy light in her eyes and she refused to skirt the ship when we hit storms, instead she sailed us right through. If it was not for Samantha’s skills we might have sunk.

“After a few days of doing nothing, but sitting in her cabin, she came onto the deck and stared out at the horizon. Never, uttering a word, just looking off into space. More days passed and I stayed by her side, hoping she would speak and address the crew. Will, Samantha, and I convinced them not to mutiny, but you could tell the men hated Kay and were swayed by rumors the men of the Fearless Dawn had spread. Finally I asked Kay what she planned to do when we caught the Dawn.

“’Teach them a lesson,’ was all she said. But how could I accept that? We were sailing during the stormy season and after a week of sailing the men were ready to mutiny. So I told her she needed a better plan. Kay refused to say another word.

“Finally one morning the Dawn came into sight. Samantha assumed we would battle, despite telling Max she wouldn’t, but what other choice was there? If we didn’t give battle to the Dawn, then the hunt would have been in waste. So Samantha ordered the cannons loaded and she sent a few men down to man the oars in case the wind moved from our favor. But Kay stopped them.

“She called everyone on to the deck and she addressed us all. ‘It has been a pleasure serving you men,’ was all she said. Then she jumped abroad one of the lifeboats and ordered that some men lower her to the water. Samantha went into a rage, screaming and carrying on, trying to stop the men from following Kay’s orders. She took a hold of Kay’s hair and pulled her clean out of the lifeboat.

“Kay would have killed her too, if Will and I hadn’t jumped forth and pulled them apart. ‘You’ve gone mad!’ Samantha screamed, fighting against Will’s hold on her. ‘You’ll get yourself killed attempting to board the Dawn like this!’

“’Shut up dog!’ Kay cried back, ‘You are nothing more than Yuli’s fetching hound! Now let me go and lower me down!’ Kay threw me off and I barreled into Will and Samantha. She climbed back into the boat and said she’d kill everyone if they didn’t lower her right away. So a few crew members lowered her boat to the water and we watched her row toward the Fearless Dawn.

“For a while it seemed Samantha planned to give chance and at least try to aid Kay, but instead she set course for Glenbard. There hasn’t been any word about Kay since that day.” Ridley fell silent.

Grace couldn’t believe Kay had gone so mad in her pursuit of the Fearless Dawn. Marcus and Thom seemed just as stunned.

“I wanted to be here when the tale was told, Marcus,” Samantha said silently. “Kay went mad as soon as she returned to the sea and her fate is regrettable. I entertained notions she could still be alive and nothing more than a captive and even now I believe that could be true, but each day that lessens. We could still go after her if you request it?”

Marcus came out of her daze and stared at Samantha. Had she really just asked if he requested to bring Kay back? “What?”

“Kay was your friend and you are well respected, if you wish, I will return the crew to the sea and track the Dawn. Max would not approve, but Kay was a worthy sailor and it would be a travesty to at least not learn of her fate.”

Marcus waved his hand, “No, no, Kay’s fate was of no concern to herself it seemed. She walked into her own death and I would rather preserve her memory as she was, than as a half-crazed captain who went to her own death so foolishly. Sail back to Nareroc and lie to Max about her fate if you can.”

“I will tell the crew to not speak of Kay’s final moments with us,” Samantha said. She stood from her seat and bowed, “I will retire with Will and leave you all to your grief.”

* * * *
Grace, Ridley, Thom, and Marcus remained seated at the council table. Marcus seemed the most distant of all of them. He put his elbows on the table and leaned his head into his hand. The silence penetrated all four of them. Kay’s clear madness on her final voyage had not been news Marcus and Grace wanted to hear. The trip to Glenbard had been in vain it seemed. It seemed unfair that Kay should perish in such a way.

“Does Bella know?” Marcus cleared his throat.

“I went straight to her and told Bella and Sawyer what had happened.”

He nodded and signaled Thom to come to his side. “Ridley, Grace, go and rest. Tomorrow I’ll address the tavern with the story of Kay’s death. There’s no use hoping the crew of the Dawn kept her alive.”

Ridley and Grace did as they were told and left the throne room. In the Angel’s common room Will and Samantha sat in the far corner, the same area Jack had always frequented. To Grace it seemed wrong to have strangers seated in Jack’s place. But this tavern was no longer Jack’s place. In fact, the tavern didn’t seem to belong to any of them anymore. It was just another tavern in Glenbard where sailors and thieves drank away their sorrows.

Samantha waved Grace and Ridley over. She pointed to two seats she had placed at the table. “Join us before leaving for the night?”

“I need to see Bella before she retires,” Ridley said, “Grace, come to Bella’s when you are finished here.” Grace nodded and wished her friend a good-night.

“Marcus said you would make your intentions known, but it seems the news regarding Kay destroyed any intentions you had.” Samantha looked thoughtfully at Grace. She forced a smile.

“Marcus and I had plans to help Kay against the men onboard the Fearless Dawn. But we are too late or so one must assume.”

“Ah. Kay’s demise will be greatly felt among the pirates. She was a fine captain and had she not retired she may have usurped the title of Pirate King from Max one day. But no one can see all ends.”

“I wish I had been here to help her.” Grace sighed. In this spot barely three years before Kay had first made herself known to Grace. She had been jealous of Grace and threatened her for winning over Jack. But they had been friends and it grieved her to know her friend would not return to the Angel.

“None of us could really help Kay. I think she always knew in her heart it would come to the Black Spot. But to be dishonored by pirates bought off by Frederick was too much.”

“What will become of the Dawn now?”

“It’ll probably continue its legacy of piracy. Of course without a strong captain at the head it may fall into obscurity and become legend.” Samantha sighed, “It’s a shame really, it was a fine ship and for decades a thing to be feared.”

“Why does the Pirate King not captain it? If your uncle is so great and so feared why doesn’t he take control?”

“He tried. Max was a crewman on the Dawn when he first began sailing. He tried to take control in a mutiny, but failed. It matters little to him now. He has other ships he captains. I think he enjoys being known as Max Yuli rather than being a man who led the Fearless Dawn.”

Grace wished the Dawn would sink in a storm or that one of Queen Peony’s ships would sink it. The men onboard had disgraced the pirate’s code and sold their souls to a king. They had killed one of their best captains, not because she failed them or cheated them, but because they were granted clemency. Of course pirates cheated and murdered one another, but not in the name of a king who had previously tried to destroy them. Grace would have had more respect for the crew if they had killed Kay while she was still captain and they just wanted a change. This was different, none of them deserved to live.

Staying in the Angel much longer would cause Grace to lose her mind completely. She excused herself. “I really need to find my way to Bella’s before her door is locked for the night. Thank you for trying to help my friend in her last desperate hours.”

“Good night, Grace.”

* * * *

Marcus and Thom walked home through the lonely streets sometime after midnight. They had counseled one another for hours and came no closer to solving their problems. Kay was most likely dead. There was unrest in the Thieves Guild because of Frederick’s want to crush the thieves, especially Marcus. It seemed things were coming down around their ears.

Marcus walked up the path slowly, Thom trailing behind. There was more to discuss and the Angel was not the place to do it. The King of Thieves was glad Ridley was staying with Bella and Sawyer. He didn’t have to worry about their meeting waking her. All this needed to be resolved before he spoke openly about Kay’s death. After that he would need to call the entire Guild to him and for the first time in two decades a meeting of the entire Guild would be held. He did not look forward to it.

The moment Marcus set foot into his home he knew something was wrong. It felt different, even the air was not right. Thom felt it too, but neither man was fast enough.

A figure rushed from the shadows and threw Thom out of the way. Marcus reached for his sword, but the figure kicked it from his hand. The figure punched Marcus in the nose, causes it to break and blood to run freely into his mouth. Someone had hired an assassin and Marcus had a pretty clear idea who.

The assassin retrieved Marcus’s sword and even in the dark Marcus saw his blade penetrate Thom from behind. His best friend squeaked in pain and withered while the assassin rotated the blade. Blood pooled on the floor. Thom’s color was draining and his mouth moved as though he were trying to speak. Marcus groped for a weapon in the dark.

The assassin swiftly pulled the sword from Thom. It was time to finish this business. Marcus could find nothing that would serve as a viable weapon, but he still had some fight left. He put the table in the kitchen between himself and the assassin. When he lunged for Marcus he flipped the table. Marcus ran from the kitchen into his study, knowing there were other weapons in there.

In his study Marcus found another sword. He watched the door, knowing any moment the assassin would come through trying to finish him. Minutes ticked by, but nothing came through the door. Clutching the sword Marcus ventured back to the kitchen. Nothing.

Then the cold feel of steel through his body. The shadows had hidden the assassin well. Whoever had been hired was no novice. They were quiet and efficient. Marcus, even in his dying moments, had to respect that. This assassin would have made a great thief.

Marcus fell to his knees and then to his face. His sword stayed where it was. The assassin had left as soon as the sword entered Marcus.

* * * *
“The king is dead!” Grace opened an eye and scanned the guest room Bella had put her in. The only thing she heard were the birds nesting outside the window. The screaming had been part of her dream, nothing more. She rolled over and closed her eyes to resume her sleeping.

“The king is dead!” This time there was no mistaking it. The crier and the cry were real. Grace kicked off the quilt and grabbed a robe to cover herself. She rushed from the room and she rushed downstairs into the front room. Ridley and Bella were bustling about, looking out from behind the curtains.

Sawyer appeared at Grace’s elbow, “What’s going on?”

“I am not sure,” Grace shrugged.

“The king is dead!”

“Frederick?” Ridley asked, backing away from the window.

“Jim Little is hurrying up the walk,” Bella said, “He’ll be able to tell us what’s happened.”

Jim did not even bother knocking. He barreled into the house, out of breath and looking drained. “The king is dead.” The women didn’t move. They needed elaboration.

“What had Marcus said of this?” Ridley asked. Surely if Frederick was dead, Marcus would be elated.

“Stupid girl!” Jim grabbed Ridley by the shoulders and shook her, “Marcus is dead! The King of Thieves was murdered!”

The color drained from Ridley’s face. Her eyes glazed over. Marcus? Dead? Impossible. Jim was wrong. Her knees quaked and her body shook. Marcus had taken her in when her father died. Marcus was her father. He couldn’t be dead. Thom was protecting him, Thom wouldn’t let it happen. Ridley swayed.

Ridley’s eyes rolled back into her head and if Jim hadn’t been holding her by the shoulders she may have knocked her head on the hall table as she went down. Jim carried Ridley into Bella’s sitting room and laid her on the couch.

“The poor dear’s fainted. Sawyer, get me a damp cloth.” Bella leaned over Ridley.

Sawyer returned with the cloth and Bella tended to Ridley. Grace and Jim stood a few feet back, giving plenty of room to Bella and Ridley. A few tense moments passed before Ridley’s eyes opened and she shot straight up.

“Marcus!” She cried. “Marcus!”

“Calm down, dear,” Bella patted her hand. “Take a deep breath.”

Ridley pushed Bella away and jumped to her feet. She strode up to Jim and shook him as he had shaken her minutes earlier. “What happened to Marcus?” She was wild eyed. The calm that had always surrounded Ridley melted away.

Jim took a firm hold of Ridley’s wrist and held her in place. “Calm yourself!”

Ridley sank to her knees and cried. Her sobs pierced Grace’s heart and she soon found herself crying over Marcus. Jim looked around at the women. Bella’s eyes glistened, while Sawyer hid her face to hide the tears.

“He was found early this morning. The door to the house left open. Thom was lying near him, both run through. Whoever killed Marcus used his sword.”

Marcus’s sword. The sword he’d acquired from the King of Thieves before him. “Where’s the sword now?” Ridley looked up to Jim with her red, swollen eyes.

“Kevin, he’s the one who found them, took it and came straight to the Angel. I haven’t seen him or the sword since.”

“Kevin,” Ridley repeated. She failed to believe Kevin would kill Marcus. He wasn’t a leader and he had always been as loyal as she to Marcus.

There was a great pounding on the door. Sawyer went to answer it, but Grace grabbed her by the arm. “It could be too dangerous to open that door.” She whispered. “Who is it?” She called.

“Samantha Yuli and Will Bennington!”

“Come in,” Ridley said. She pulled herself off the floor and prepared to greet them. Had it been them? No. Why would two pirates need to kill the King of Thieves.

Samantha and Will were out of breath, they had obviously run over to Bella’s. “I see the innkeeper brought you news of Marcus’s death.” Samantha bowed her head in respect. “My sincerest apologies for his death, but now is not the time to grieve.”

“What news do you bring?”

“News from the docks,” Will said, “I was headed to our ship to alert the crew we were leaving soon and supplies were needed. It was then I saw the Fearless Dawn had sailed and anchored sometime during the night. The new captain was speaking to some hooded figure. I snuck forward and listened as best I could. From what they said I believe the Dawn had been waiting just out of sight of the port for some time, waiting until they received the signal from their man in Glenbard. They were waiting for Marcus to be killed. I don’t know what signal could have been sent out, but when the hooded figure said Marcus was dead the captain seemed pleased.”

“Pleased?” Ridley was dumbstruck. “Why would the Fearless Dawn want Marcus dead?”

“I may have misheard or missed important information, Ridley. But from what I could hear that is what seemed to happen.”

“There’s more,” Samantha said. “The Thieves Guild locked themselves away in the throne room as soon as Kevin appeared with the sword of the King of Thieves. When they emerged it seemed like they would first go to Marcus’s and take the bodies of Thom and Marcus to the Temple of Ciro, then they’d come here.”

It could be real trouble if the Guild came hunting for Ridley. It was impossible they would ever believe she had killed Marcus, but if the Guild had planned it then they would certainly kill his most loyal follower. Grace didn’t like the turn of events. Ridley was the Princess of Thieves and outside of Thom, Marcus’s most trusted ally. There was no telling what they would do to Ridley.

“There’s more.” Samantha continued. “The crew of the Fearless Dawn is heading this way too. They know the Guild is coming and obviously you’re a liability to whoever killed Marcus, whether it was the Dawn alone or they acted on behalf of the Guild.”

Ridley straightened up and pulled her shoulders back. She held her head high and took in a deep breath. “Jim, go back to the Angel.”

“But you…” Ridley gave him an icy glare and he nodded. “If you need any help I’ll be in the Angel awaiting your call.” Jim bid them all farewell and left quietly.

“We all need to dress and look our best,” Ridley addressed those who had stayed. “Samantha and Will, I need you to stay. Not for long, if things turn violent flee and take Bella, Grace, and Sawyer with you.”

“Of course.”

Ridley left the sitting room and slowly walked upstairs. Grace followed. They would all dress for the company that could not be far away.

* * * *
Grace had pulled on her black trousers she normally only wore when she was the Death Dealer. She slipped into a blue blouse and her riding boots. She wore her sword on a belt and tucked her dagger in her trousers near the small of her back. Downstairs the rest waited by the front door.

Ridley was dressed much the same as Grace, only her blouse was a vibrant red. At her hips were her throwing daggers. Though Grace did not see them she knew at least two knives were hidden in her boots and one more somewhere within her clothes. Samantha and Will both wore their swords at their sides. Bella had armed herself with a butcher knife and Sawyer had retrieved the ax they used for chopping wood.

“They’re coming down the road now,” Will said from his post by the front window.

“We’ll go out and greet them.” Ridley flung open the front door and strode out onto the porch. The rest filed out behind her. Bella and Sawyer stood closest to the door incase they needed to hurry through and escape quickly through the backdoor.

The Guild and the crew of the Fearless Dawn arrived together and took up much of the space on the lawn. Kevin, a young man of twenty-six, with dark brown hair and grey eyes came forward as the leader among the Guild. Grace had met him a few times and always found him charming, now she was unsure what to think. Looking at him he seemed grieved and even a little angry.

The new captain of the Dawn came forth as the clear leader among the pirates. Grace knew him by name and reputation, she had steered clear of him whenever the Dawn came to Glenbard. Albert Quinn was his name. A Nareroc native which thick black hair and tanned skinned. He had a straggly beard and beady, brown eyes. He was a cruel man who would murder his own mother if there was gold in it for him.

Ridley stood tall and firm upon the porch. “We grieve for our dear friend in this house, what business do you have here?”

“The Thieves Guild is here to discuss the murder of King Marcus with his adopted daughter,” Kevin said, his voice calm and level. Grace searched for malice behind his words, but found none.

“The men of the Fearless Dawn heard the Guild was without a king. We came to fix that problem.” Quinn said.

“That doesn’t explain why you’re here, Quinn,” Ridley spat back.

“Isn’t the Princess of Thieves of the highest standing after the king and his right hand man? It seems obvious I should make my proposition to you, especially since the Guild members of Glenbard are present as well.”

“Proposition?” Ridley tried to keep curiosity from her voice, but Quinn’s “proposition” worried and intrigued her. Had Quinn and Kevin worked together on this? Was Quinn going to suggest putting Kevin in charge in exchange for something? But what?

“The Thieves Guild is without a king. I’m here to take Marcus’s place.”

Ridley clenched her fists and almost flew off the porch in a rage, but she managed to hold herself back. Angry murmurs rushed through the Guild. That was good. The two groups weren’t working together at least. Kevin’s face turned a red and he was fuming as much as Ridley.

“You?” Ridley choked out, still trying to control her anger. “Why would you even dare to ask that. You who killed Marcus’s friend, Kay, you who probably had a hand in bringing about Marcus’s own death. You dare insult us all by coming here to replace Marcus?”

“You think I had a hand in his death? Such ideas from such a silly, little girl.” Quinn laughed.

“You were signaled to come ashore when Marcus was dead. Don’t deny it. Your being here on the very day he was killed is no coincidence.”

Quinn cut his eyes to Samantha and growled. “I see Yuli’s seeing eye dog brought you some news.” He then addressed Samantha. “Don’t you need to get back to your master? He must be going mad without you to tell him what day it is and what the weather is like outside.”

“Max Yuli will have your tongue for that,” Will said, “And he will take your ship when he learns you offered to become a landlubber and take over as King of Thieves.”

“Who’s offering? I will be the new king and I will also continue to captain the Fearless Dawn, even if I have to use force to do it. Come on, little girl, acknowledge me as your new king here, in front of the Guild, and I’ll make sure you have a nice life as my new wench.”

“You will have to kill every member of the Thieves Guild, here and all across Cesarnan,” Ridley growled, “They will never see you as their king. They know you sold yourself to Frederick. They know you killed Kay because Frederick ordered you to. No one will follow you, dog.”

“Perhaps I did make a deal with King Frederick. So? I came out ahead and now he has promised I can be the new King of Thieves. And I will be and there will be changes made for my benefactor.”

The Thieves Guild shouted and would have rushed forward to rip Quinn and his crew apart if Ridley hadn’t stopped them.

“I come forward then!” The crowd on the lawn stopped. “I will become the Queen of Thieves.”

“You? They are less likely to follow you than me,” Quinn laughed. He began to walk up to the front, his sword drawn. “It’s time to stop this foolishness girl and since you haven’t behaved we stop it the hard way.”

“If you touch our queen I will gut you!” Kevin yelled and rushed forward. He put himself between Quinn and Ridley. He had the sword of the King of Thieves drawn. Other members of the Guild joined him.

“You rally to her? Her? What does she have to offer you? Help from a fat old woman, a royal brat you fled from one house of nobility into Otanna, a b***** child of a pirate? I can offer you more, fools!”

“We rally to the one who has shown loyalty to the Thieves Guild.”

“Remove yourself from this house and go back to your ship, seadogs.”

Quinn’s face soured, but he lowered his sword. “You have all made the gravest of mistakes.” He signaled for his men. They filed off the lawn and made for the docks.

The members of the Guild turned their eyes to Ridley. “We make for the throne room. Now.”

* * * *
Grace was the only person present in the throne room who was not a member of the Thieves Guild. About twenty men had come from Bella’s home to the Angel and all looked to Kevin and Ridley for guidance. Ridley sat at the head of the table. So few hours ago Marcus had occupied the same seat, how strange it seemed to see Ridley there now. Kevin had placed Marcus’s sword before her to show everyone present she was now recognized as the queen.

“Never before has something of this nature happened,” the oldest member present said. “The king killed without the usurper taking over. How can we even respond to this?”

“We responded as best we knew,” Kevin said, “Ridley came forth. It’s best this way. Can any of you honestly say you’d rather have Quinn here?” The murmurs indicated a no. “Ridley was trained by Marcus and if I didn’t know any better I’d say Marcus was training Thom or Ridley to follow him.”

“The King of Thieves never picked an heir,” someone called from the far end of the table.

“Because people weren’t afraid to take the crown by force,” Kevin continued, “When the Death Dealer helped Marcus against Mac the rules changed, it showed he had a very powerful ally and no one would dare fight that. Now we have a bigger problem though. Ridley is young and its clear Quinn sees her as weak, the Guild is in great danger.”

“Quinn is going to strike us hard and soon.” Ridley finally spoke, “He knows all the Guild houses across the city. He will destroy them all to get to me.”

“What if you left Glenbard?” Grace asked. Eyes turned to her and many glared. She was an unwelcome addition, but Ridley had insisted they needed her. “Go to Arganis. The port city there has housed many thieves over the years.”

“Then Quinn will definitely take over here. The only thing worse than staying here is running for the problem.” The old member said.

“No, Grace may be right,” Ridley waved her hand. “Perhaps leaving Glenbard will benefit us.”

“How so?” The old man was annoyed by how ignorant the youth were acting toward this matter.

“I can gather more support going abroad. Rogue thieves may join the Thieves Guild and the more people who support me, the harder it will be for Quinn to sweep in and take over.”

“And there are many female thieves who refused to join the Guild because a man was at the head.” Kevin said. The wheels were turning in his head and Grace’s idea to head north was making sense. “If they see Ridley as the new leader they may give us a great deal of support.”

“Arganis is sparsely populated though,” it was becoming clear the old man was set against the idea. “The ‘port city’ is a few cottages that house the fisherman and dock master and a run down inn.”

“So? Ridley wouldn’t have to stay there. She could go there and then travel from place to place bringing in members. Then when the Guild’s strength was its greatest she could return to Glenbard.” Kevin smiled, proud of himself.

“Well how do you propose getting Ridley from the city?” One man said, “Quinn must have spies around and he’ll know she’ll have left. Then he’ll make his move.”

“Make it known she is leaving,” Grace said. “Make sure his spies only here that Ridley is leaving Glenbard, but not to where she is bound. Let him know when she plans on leaving and on the appointed day send two carts bearing the Thieves Guild insignia in opposite directions. Send one to Arganis and one to Escion. If he follows both he will have to split up his forces and weaken any attack he would make on Ridley. I suggest burying Marcus and getting away as soon as possible. If Frederick promised the Guild to Quinn he is not going to wait very long to seize control.”

Ridley nodded and smiled. She knew Grace would come in handy, even if members of the Guild felt she would be useless. “I want messengers sent out today with word of Marcus’s death and my claiming of the throne. Everyone needs to spread the word that I will be leaving Glenbard, but be sure my destination is not known. Someone go to the Temple of Ciro and pay the monks to prepare a funeral for Marcus. We will put him on the pyre in three days, on the fourth I leave for Arganis. Go now. Cooper, Kevin, stay a moment.”

Kevin remained seated and the old man who was against her leaving moved closer to her. He did not look pleased with her final decision to go.

“You should stay here, Ridley. Quinn will snatch the throne if you leave so soon.”

“That is what you must prevent.” Ridley smirked. “Cooper, Kevin, I want you two to keep things in order in Glenbard when I am recruiting. I trust both of you. Cooper, you are the oldest and wisest and Marcus trusted you. Kevin, you have been loyal since joining the Guild and you turned over the sword when you could easily have taken control yourself. You two are the best for watching the Thieves Guild while I am away.”

Both men bowed and Ridley dismissed them. When they had gone the room was left to Grace and Ridley. In the few hours since taking the throne the young girl had grown up a lot. She wasn’t the same fun loving girl who had eagerly befriended Grace and led her through Glenbard.

“You should go home and grieve. I can see in your eyes it is what you wish to do.” Grace laid her hand on Ridley’s shoulder.

“You will be leaving soon, then? You came to help Kay and that is no longer possible.”

“I want to stay, but I cannot. I will attend Marcus’s funeral and then I will make a final errand in Ursana. After that, we shall meet in Arganis before I return to Otanna.”

“Take Jewel on your errand. My horse will be of little use until I reach Arganis anyway.”

Grace bent over and hugged Ridley. “It is always darkest before dawn. We will all live to see the sun again, I promise.”

“Go get some rest,” was all Ridley said.

* * * *

Two funeral pyres had been set before the Temple of Ciro. Most of Glenbard turned out to see Marcus and Thom to the Afterlife. The priests of Ciro chanted while the priestesses of Kamaria threw flower petals around the bases of the pyres. They danced before the pyres and moved to the chants in a haunting motion. The chief priest presented Ridley with two torches.

It was usual to see next of kin set the pyre aflame, but Thom had no next of kin that anyone knew of so Ridley would light his fire as well. She slowly moved between the two and held the torches before her. She looked at the lifeless bodies of Marcus and Thom. They were nothing to her now but hollow shells of the men she loved so dearly. Thom with his quiet demeanor and loyalty to Marcus. Marcus with his strong character and large heart. Both were dead and gone and what lie on the pyres was nothing to her.

The King of Thieves was gone forever. The responsibility fell to her. Ridley would make things right. The Guild would continue the honorable tradition Marcus had started and they would seek revenge against those who killed Marcus in such cold blood. Death take her if she failed to avenge her adopted father.

Ridley let a single, final tear slid down her cheek for Marcus and Thom. She threw the torches upon the fire and walked back to stand between Kevin and Grace.
What can I tell you, Nikia... your story is one where the most conspicuous decadence to be noted (and remarked) is the one inside the minds and hearts of the persons rather than the foetor and decay of filthy vermin or witless, worthless Pariahs, as well as the usual decadence of mountains and buildings.
I'm working on the final two chapters. It's slow going because classes are starting for me. I'm hoping to update a little today.
Chapter Eight: The Death Dealer Retires

Henry of Egona was a prisoner to the court. Frederick had suspected him of treason ever since Princess Elisabeth’s wedding and King Christian’s ill fated visit. Henry had done nothing in that time. He had never spoken ill of Frederick, but Frederick remembered. The king knew Henry had always felt some sort of sympathy for King Christian and Queen Peony, so now he kept Henry under close watch. There were few times he managed to sneak away, but as Frederick prepared for his war those times became less and less.

Dinner in the great hall had been as bland and full of inane chatter as it always was. Henry relished the fact he was finally heading to bed. He at least had a bit of privacy in his chambers, even when Frederick had a guard patrolling outside his door. Entering his chambers Henry felt something different in the air. The window was wide open and he knew that was not his doing. Servants in the castle were not prone to such careless errors as leaving windows open. Henry could only guess Frederick had sent someone to look through his room.

“Hello?” In his youth Henry had been a fine knight, but age and good food had slowed him. Still the count put his hand on his sword hilt and waited for a response. “Anyone in here?”

“Just a friend,” the voice was familiar. Soft and feminine, with a hint of mystery. From the inner most chamber, where Henry’s bed was, a figure dressed in black with an executioner’s hood over her face stepped forward. The Death Dealer reached up and removed the hood.

“Grace?” Henry had to control himself from screaming with joy and alerting the guards to her presence. The count rushed toward Grace and wrapped his arms around her for a great hug. Grace smiled and was glad to see Henry once more. “What are you doing here? How did you get in?”

Grace motioned to the window. “The Death Dealer card gets me the keys to the castle. Stable hands are willing to help since I helped in freeing Jack. But there is no time. I must be gone soon and hurry toward Arganis. But I need information from you first.”

“Information? What information can I provide?”

“Calvin said Frederick keeps you hear because of suspected treason. Calvin is under such suspicion himself, but Frederick has not kept him imprisoned in Ursana like you. Please, you must hear rumors of war and what Frederick is planning.”

Henry shuffled toward the door and opened it, carefully looking outside. The guard was at the far end of the hall, it would be a few minutes before he moved toward their direction.

His attention returned to Grace. “I cannot say anything for sure, but no doubt everyone has heard the rumors that war is coming. Frederick has been removing thorns in his side for some time. Marcus and Kay were the two he needed to get rid of. They had the power to sway the common men against him, with them gone he can truly declare open war on the Sun Kingdom. He wanted to execute Jack for the Lady Danielle because he felt Archon would side with Cesarnan if that wrong was righted. But since the king’s sister is married to Christian Archon will not ally itself with Cesarnan. And there have been a murmur that Danielle was an unwelcome member of the court in Archon and that is why she has returned to Cesarnan. Frederick cannot make allies out of Archon and so he has tried to convince the king and queen of Sera, but Roger and Jacqueline refuse to involve themselves. But Mutar remains our closest ally and even more so now that Elisabeth and Aaron are married.”

“Any word on when Frederick will officially strike?”

“Nothing. All I have heard comes from whispers through the guards and what Drake knows. Frederick is keeping it all quiet except with a few individuals.”

The footfalls of the guard picked up and the two fell silent. The guard stopped before Henry’s door. The count had a pained expression cross his face. Grace motioned toward the window and put her hood back on.

“A far drop,” Henry whispered. He looked down and could not fathom how she managed to get up in the first place. There was a ledge just outside the window, but there was barely any room to stand upon it.

Grace reached carefully for the ledge and produced a rope that had been tied securely. “The boys in the stable were more than willing to help.” She whispered. “I must go now and deliver what information I can to Queen Peony so that she might give it to King Christian. Thank you, Henry, as always you have proven to be a most welcome and valuable friend.” She hugged him once more before descended down the rope and into the night.

* * * *