Death Dealer series

Chapter Two (conclusion)

Grace arrived on Tristan’s arm to the jousting ring. She scanned the crowds for Henry. She spotted him waving to her for the second row of seats.

“There is the Count Henry of Egona, let us sit by him.”

“As the lady wishes,” Tristan led Grace up to sit by Henry.

Henry was shocked to see Grace with Tristan. He had hoped she would not get involved with the knights of the court. He had respected her because she was different from most of the women you turned out for the tournament, but seeing her with Tristan made him sigh inwardly.

“Grace dear, have you and Tristan come to join me? Please, sit children.”

Grace took a seat between Tristan and Henry.

“Child, I saw Donald this morning in the stables. He told me about the accident with your horse. I do hope you are alright. It is not nearly as bad as I feared. The way Donald went on I thought all the bones had broken in your body.”

“Yes, it is not as serious as Cassandra and Donald are making it out to be. Just a scratch.”

Henry patted her hand lightly and turned his attention to the ring. “This is going to be an excellent match. Calvin is a real natural at jousting and Benjamin is one of the king’s best.”

As Henry turned his attention away Tristan slipped his hand over Grace’s. Grace looked at him with raised eyebrows, but Tristan was looking toward the ring where Calvin and Benjamin had appeared at opposite ends. Tristan acted as though this was normal. It didn’t feel normal, but Grace said nothing in objection.

She too turned her attention to the ring. The herald announced the knights and the two made ready. Grace sat upright; this was an important match for Calvin. She watched anxiously as the flag went down and the horses charged forward. The lances were lowered. Every second ticked by an eternity until there was a crash and Benjamin’s lance made contact with Calvin’s right shoulder. A point for Benjamin. Calvin still had a good chance of winning.

Again they squared off across the ring. The flag went down and the horses charged once more. Grace watched in slow motion as Calvin’s lance hit Benjamin squarely in the chest with a loud crash. Everything moved far too quickly after that. The next thing Grace saw was Benjamin laying flat on his back and the crowds cheering. Calvin had unhorsed the finest jouster in the kingdom, Calvin had won.

Grace jumped from her seat, “I have to go see him.” She was lightheaded with delight.

“I’ll take you down to him,” Tristan said. Taking Grace by the hand and leading her off to where the knights were.

Grace could barely speak. Her excitement was overflowing and it seemed to take forever to walk to see Calvin. It took even longer when Tristan stopped them.

“Your cousin did well. No one has unhorsed Benjamin since his first tournament.”

“I always knew he could do it.”

Tristan nodded and suddenly, with no warning pulled Grace into a kiss. It lasted a moment, but felt a good deal longer to Grace. Tristan pulled away and continued to lead Grace to where Calvin was. She was breathless and shocked. Were these things normal in the court?

Once she saw Calvin she forgot about Tristan’s kiss and rushed at her cousin. She threw her arms around him. With he hugged back with his left arm. Grace pulled away and moved to hug Donald as well. It was a bit of his victory as well.

“Grace, will you be joining us at the sword fighting ring? Calvin is to fight there in less than ten minutes.”

“Would I miss seeing Calvin win again? Of course I will join you.” She turned to Tristan, “Will you join us?”

“I am afraid not. I have my own jousting match soon.” He gave Grace a peck on the cheek, “But we shall see each other later.”

* * * *

Calvin was fighting again Tomas. The knight who Grace saw win the day before had advanced far and proved to be a worthy opponent. Grace had no doubt of her cousin’s victory though. The knights stepped into the ring and then it hit Grace, Calvin was not going to win this time.

He held his sword in his left hand. He had been taught how to fight with both hands, but his right was dominant. It puzzled Grace why Calvin would switch sword hands now. She looked at his right; it hung helplessly at his side. The fight began and Grace knew it was already lost for Calvin.

Calvin’s right arm has become dead weight and he could not use it even to block. Grace looked away to spare herself from watching Calvin lose. The fight ended quickly and Calvin stormed from the ring. Grace and Donald followed him closely, all the way back to his chambers.

* * * *

Calvin sat on his bed in his breeches and riding boots. Grace had tended to his shoulder. There was little she could do. Cassandra was ready with a bowl of warm water and a rag for them.

“Benjamin’s lance hit a weak spot in my armor. I felt my shoulder shift and now it’s useless.”

“You need to go see the healer.” Donald said.

“Your shoulder is not beyond repair, Calvin.” Grace helped Calvin off his bed.

“I will have to withdraw from the jousting. I am supposed to joust against Prince Drake in less than fifteen minutes. I will tell the herald’s I must forfeit, and then I will go to the healer.”

“No, you see the healer first; Donald and I will go to the herald for you.” Grace looked at Cassandra. “Can you bring him to the castle healer?”

“Of course, come on Calvin. You will be good as new before you know it and next year you will be able to win this jousting tournament.”

Cassandra and Calvin left the chambers. Donald sighed, “I guess it’s best if we do this now.”

Grace looked at Donald and shook her head. “Donald, help me into Calvin’s armor.”
I've only read the first bit so far but.... *sobs* Oh my gosh! Why can't I have fantastically amazing ideas like this?! It's so cool!

Good luck with the trilogy, I'm sure it will go far someday! *goes back to reading the story*
Chapter Three: Banished

It was sweltering in the armor. Grace was wearing extra clothing to make Calvin’s armor less loose on her body. It helped a bit, but for the most part it made her sweat uncontrollably. Beads of sweat trickled down her face and she desperately wanted to wipe them away, but the helmet prevented her from doing so.

She sat atop Calvin’s horse and Donald was leading them to the ring by the reigns. The squire had not even tried to stop Grace. He was confident Grace could joust in Calvin’s stead. As long as she stayed on the horse no one would be able to tell that she was too short to be Calvin.

Donald stopped the horse on their side of the ring and handed the reigns to Grace, “Prince Drake has only lost a few times, mostly to Sir Benjamin. He keeps his eyes on the target, your chest, at all times. He will not tilt his head back like most knights at the time of impact. I do not suggest you do the same. Aim for the right side of his chest.”

Grace nodded, “I have seen him joust. Drake will not be easy to best, especially since my jousting is not up to par.”

Grace had been jousting against Calvin for a few years, but her cousin usually unhorsed her after one or two blows. She had bested him a few times, but it was based on where her lance had landed on his armor, not her skill level.

Donald handed her a lance and it felt heavier than the ones she had used before. She looked at Donald threw the eye slits of her helmet. He nodded and patted her leg.

The herald stood before the crowd and in a thundering voice spoke and announced Drake and “Calvin”. Grace was deaf to it all; she watched the armored figure of Drake across the ring. The flag dropped and she kicked Calvin’s stallion into a gallop.

* * * *

Donald watched anxiously as Grace took off. She had complete control of the horse, but it looked as though she could not get the lance up high enough. If she did not bring it up soon she would barely make contact with Drake’s armor. “Pull it up, pull it up,” Donald whispered to himself and crossed his fingers.

Finally, Grace managed to get the lance high enough and as Drake made contact with her left side she shattered her lance on his right. Donald sighed with relief; both jousters were awarded a point for breaking their lances. Grace circled the horse around and returned to Donald.

“He hits like a hammer,” she gasped and gratefully took the second lance from Donald.

“He keeps his lance arm steady and he makes sure his horse never falters or slows. Keep your lance arm up this time.”

Grace moved the horse into position and waited. When Drake was ready the flag dropped and they were off. Donald saw Grace’s arm sag a little, but for the most part she managed to keep it up. She was wobbly at best, but she managed to catch Drake’s right side a second time. This time Drake hit her square in the chest and for a moment she looked like she would fall off to the right side. Her broken lance tumbled from her head and the woman slumped back in the saddle, but she remained horsed. Another point was awarded to each. Donald sighed with relief.

“One more go and you may be able to get a draw. Try to get his right side this last time and hope he does not get you with another hit like that last one.”

Grace was rasping under the helmet, so she simply nodded. That last hit had winded her and Donald could see her breathing deeply as she moved into position.

Moments before the flag dropped something the crowds caught Donald’s eye. Calvin and Cassandra were near the king and queen and it appeared the king saw them. Donald saw the anger in King Frederick’s face and the horror that was painted on Calvin and Cassandra’s.

“Stop!” Donald’s yelled, but his voice was lost in the cheers as the horses charged for one another.

Donald covered his eyes, afraid of what ever was going to happen next. There was a loud crack as wood shattered on armor and then there was a thud as a body hit the dirt. The squire looked up expecting to see Grace’s unhorsed, but it was Drake who was struggling to his feet. The applause was thunderous from everywhere, except those by the king.
Chapter Three (cont.)

“Imposter!” The king yelled at Grace, “You have stolen Sir Calvin’s armor and jousted under his identity!”

Guards grabbed Donald from behind and dragged him forward. More guards dragged Grace out of the saddle and forced them in front of the king and queen and the rest of the court. Donald looked at Calvin, the knight looked angry, but Donald saw fear in his eyes.

“How dare you!” Calvin snapped.

Grace looked out from her helmet and knew her cousin was not really angry. He had probably already guessed who had been jousting in his stead. A great hush had fallen over the crowd. She looked around the faces and many were waiting in shocked awe. Her eyes fell on Tristan he looked annoyed that someone had dared to do something like this.

“This is a great crime, impersonating a knight of the king.” Frederick’s face was red with anger. He fought to keep his voice level, but it seemed to be a losing battle. “Remove his helmet!”

Grace felt someone wrench the helmet from her head and as her hair fell out, not a word was spoken. The very air seemed to have been sucked from the arena. Grace dared to look up. Tristan’s face had turned a bright red, Count Henry looked utterly confused, Calvin and Cassandra had expressions of utter horror, and the king was angriest of all.

“A woman,” He whispered. His anger had robbed him of his voice, “A woman?” He said, this time louder. “A woman!” He finally screamed. “A woman parading around as a man? This is a crime punishable by death! Hang her immediately, for impersonating a knight and practicing witchcraft. Hang the squire too, for aiding her in this mischief.”

“Witchcraft?” Calvin said, looking at the king.

“How else could a woman beat a knight so well trained as Drake? Clearly she put a spell on him to ensure her victory. She must be killed for these heinous crimes.”

“Your highness,” Calvin broke in again, “Grace Hilren is my family, my only cousin, and though I am filled with a great hate for her over this, there is still a family bond. Please, she must be punished, but can you not banish her? Banish her and my squire.” Calvin looked pained just saying it. Grace lowered her eyes; this was not going to end well.

“You want to save the woman who made a mockery of your house in Arganis?” Calvin nodded. “If another will speak for this witch and the squire, then banished they shall be.”

No one spoke. Tears welled in Grace’s eyes. Not a soul in the whole court would speak for either one. “Hang her!” Grace looked up and saw the voice belonged to Tristan.

“She mocks us with her very presence.” Grace saw so much hate in his eyes. How could this be? He had tried to win her over earlier and now she was lower than dirt to him.

“I will speak for the girl,” Count Henry said. “A witch may change there ways when given a second chance.”

“I will speak for her as well.” Everyone was surprised when Drake spoke up as well. People murmured, unsure why their prince had spoken for a woman who had just bested him in the jousting ring.

“Very well, take her to the stable and strip away that armor and then make sure they are taken off the castle grounds. But I am been merciful this day witch. Never come in contact with any members of this court again as long as you live or you will quickly find yourself in the hangman’s noose.” Frederick waved his hand and dismissed them. The guards grabbed Grace and Donald and pulled them away toward the stables.

* * * *

The sun was setting and Grace and Donald trudged along the path. They had nothing, no food, no extra clothing. Just what they had been wearing when they were banished. Grace still wore the extra clothing she had had on under the armor and Donald was wearing the colors and crest of Arganis on this tunic. They were both hungry and tired, but the two vagabonds were trying to put as much distance between the castle and themselves as possible.

Grace had been stripped of her title of countess and lost all claims to her father’s fortune. That did not bother her as much as Tristan’s reaction. He had followed them to the stable and slapped Grace after she removed the armor. He called her a witch and spit in her face, saying she had mocked everything sacred about the tournament by daring to compete. Then he claimed his feelings for her had been one of her spells. The final injury he caused was when he said he would kill her himself if they ever met again.

The young woman angrily kicked a stone that was in her path. Donald was in his own thoughts. They could not even speak to one another.

Behind them a noise picked up. It was hoof beats, traveling fast. Grace looked at Donald and the two moved to the side of the road. No longer could they share the road with any members of nobility. The two lowered their heads and waited for the horses to pass.

They grew closer and closer and slowed as they came within feet. Grace just wanted them to hurry along. The horses were stopped.

“Do not lower your eyes to us.” Calvin’s soft voice floated to Grace’s ears.

She looked up and saw her cousin with Cassandra. He slid from his horse and pulled Grace into a hug. “I am so sorry, Grace. I could not let them kill you, I am sorry, this was the only way.”

“No, I could be the one apologizing. I should not have been so rash, but I did not want to see Arganis have to forfeit the tournament. Forgive me, Calvin.”

“Grace, do not worry about that. The tournament does not matter.” Calvin released Grace and motioned to Cassandra. The handmaiden got off her own horse and pulled down two bags with her.

“Milady,” She said hugging Grace. She released her and then hugged Donald, “Sweet Donald.”

“I thought you might need these things on the road ahead. Uncle George will of course hear of this soon and will make it a point to uphold your banishment, but there are ways for us to keep in contact and as long as I dwell in Arganis you are welcome. Please write me from wherever you find yourself. I will worry too much if you and Donald fall out of touch.” Calvin hugged Grace one last time and then mounted his horse again. “And this is for you, Count Henry of Egona wrote it for you. Be careful and do not keep us in the dark about your whereabouts.”

Cassandra handed Donald and Grace their bags, “Watch over her, Donald and do take care of yourselves.” Cassandra hugged each one, one last time and then mounted her own horse.

After they were out of sight Grace opened her bag. Two plain, cotton dresses and some food. She looked around some more and felt the cold touch of steel. Her sword and the Death Dealer clothes were stuffed into the very bottom.

She looked at Donald. Calvin and Cassandra hoped she would continue her work. She wondered what Donald thought.

Donald guessed what was in Grace’s bag and he smiled. “I hear the port city of Glenbard is a breeding place for murderers and robbers, perhaps we should head there.”
nice additions. i liked how you made Drake agree with the count and calvin...does he come into play later, or was it just a little twist? anyway, i liked it.
Lost Dreamer said:
nice additions. i liked how you made Drake agree with the count and calvin...does he come into play later, or was it just a little twist? anyway, i liked it.
I'm planning on having Drake appear every once in a while, though how is going to be a surprise.
I didn't believe you when you said you posted a story on here. I'm surprised and I also see you've stolen the Sun Kingdom and Queen Peony from me. That's cool, because I know you'll use Peony well if she comes into your story. Be careful with her though, she's my favorite character I've ever created.
Chapter Four: Home of the Damned

Glenbard was located was located on the eastern coast of Cesarnan in Ursana, close to the northern border of Egona. It took Grace and Donald two weeks in the blistering heat to arrive in the port city. By the time they finally made it both were so sun-burned they looked like tomatoes. Grace had every intention of getting a room at the local inn and staying inside for a week.

Donald stopped infront of a tavern which appeared to have rooms on the upper level. “I suppose this is as good a place as any. We are not likely to find the best or safest lodgings here in Glenbard.”

“The Angel Tavern,” Grace looked at the sign hung outside. It was an old wooden sign that appeared to be cracked. The picture of an angel was cracked and faded, but one could tell the angel had been very beautiful. “Let’s go get ourselves a room then.”

Donald held the door open for Grace and she stepped lightly into the common room. It was only midday, but the tavern seemed to be bustling. Most of the fisherman and merchants of Glenbard were escaping the noon heat by taking their meal in the common room. The place stank of sweat, ale, and the faint smell of vomit that had been cleaned up. The heat always brought up smells that seemed long since dead.

Grace looked around and tried to get a feel for the place. She sensed no real danger for her or Donald. The people within did not even seem to care that two strangers had entered. A few looked up, but only for a quick glance of the newcomers. Grace liked this place. She liked the idea that people might not care what she looked like or where she had come from.

Donald took her by the elbow and led her to the innkeeper’s desk. “Excuse me, sir?”

A burly man with a baldy head and scraggly grey beard looked at Donald. He had probably been a strong man in his youth, but years in an inn took their toll on him. “Yes?”

“Are you the innkeeper here?”

“I am, and who might you be, laddy?”

“I am Donald and this is my friend, Grace, we are looking for two rooms to rent.”

“Well you’ve come to the right place, there are plenty of rooms here, that is if you’ve got the means to rent them.”

Grace turned away as Donald and the innkeeper haggled over a room price. She continued her scan of the inn. A group of people stood near the stairs. They seemed to be standing around an older, fierce looking man who was seated, drinking from a pint and smoking a pipe. Every now and again he would wave his hand and one of his followers would rush off. A teenage girl with curly blond hair sat on his right side. She had an intense look about her. She looked as fierce as her male counterpart. Grace watched them for a minute before moving her eyes elsewhere.

Finally her eyes landed on a lone figure seated in a dark corner. His head was bent toward his food and drink and he looked very sullen and angry. His brown hair was cut short and he was attired in black breeches and a gray tunic. He was the only person in the entire inn not conversing with anyone. As though he sense staring eyes he looked up and caught Grace’s gaze. They held each other’s stare. Normally others looked away under Grace’s watchful eyes, but this man just kept staring.

They probably would have stared at each until day ended, but Donald touched Grace’s arm and she was forced to look away.

“We have two rooms, let’s go unpack, Grace.”

Calvin had given the two plenty of money to live off of until they could get everything sorted out. Donald planned on unpacking and going to see what kind of work could be had around the port. His father had been a carpenter in Arganis, so he hoped a carpenter in Glenbard had need of an apprentice. Grace planned on unpacking and then she would talk to the innkeeper about being a barmaid for the inn. If that failed she wasn’t sure what other jobs she could do.

* * * *

Donald was out and Grace had found her way back into the common room. She strode up the innkeeper’s desk and cleared her throat to get his attention.

“Can I help you, miss?”

“Yes sir, I am in need of work and I thought perhaps you may be in need of an extra hand around here, perhaps a barmaid?”

“You’re awfully well-spoken, aren’t you? But I haven’t the use for another barmaid. The ones I have are sass mouthed women who aren’t worth what I pay them. I don’t need another one hanging around.”

“You have no jobs I could do for you? None at all? I promise I am not a sass mouth.”

“I need another stablehand. You look too prim to be mucking out my stables, though.”

“I can take care of horses for you, horses, cows, any kind of animal. And I learn fast, I can muck out the stalls for you.”

The innkeeper looked over Grace. She looked small and rather helpless, but he admired her determination and the fact she didn’t mind getting dirty for the job. “You’d have to start every day at sunrise and work until sunset. At sundown Liam comes in to take care of the animals. You’ll be working with Mayhew and he likes everything done nice and fast and has no patience for anyone. He’ll work you to the bone and it’ll make no difference to him that you’re a girl. Think you can handle that?”

“Yes sir.”

The innkeeper held out his hand to her, “Name’s Jim Little.”

“Grace Hilren.”

“Be up bright and early tomorrow for your first day.” Jim smiled down at Grace. She looked plucky and Mayhew would have a hard time driving this one away.

* * * *
Chapter Four (cont.)

Grace was quite pleased with herself. It was not going to be easy, all she knew was how to groom a horse and saddle and unsaddle one. She would manage though. She would just have to keep reminding herself she’d have more freedom here than she ever had at court.

“Working for old Mayhew are you?” Grace looked up and saw the teenager she had noticed earlier. “He can be quite the pain. Hates everyone, except of course those blasted animals.” She extended her hand to Grace, “Hi, I’m Ridley Hunewn.”

Grace gladly accepted her hand, “Grace Hilren.”

“And new to Glenbard I see, I noticed you and that man enter a while back. We always like to see strangers around here, they bring the best news. I love news from outside Glenbard and Ursana. That’s why I love tournament season, many of our merchants head to the castle area to set up shop and they bring back the greatest stories of the tournament. I don’t suppose you have any stories from the tournament.”

Grace immediately liked Ridley. The girl clearly liked to talk, but she was friendly and didn’t judge Grace as harshly as the women of the court. “I actually come from Arganis, but I spent a few days at the tournament. What I saw was exciting.”

“Arganis?” Ridley began leading Grace toward an empty table, “We rarely get someone from so far north here. Only a few from Arganis ever pass through and most never stay to tell us about it. That’s where the Death Dealer is from they say.” Ridley’s eyes brightened as she said it, “Have you ever seen him?” Ridley sat down at a corner table and Grace sat across from her.

“Only once, just outside my village.”

“Was he as wonderful and courageous as the tales tell?”

“I did not get the chance to really speak to him. He was walking a young woman home after she was attacked in the woods. He rescued her. He seemed quite dashing and heroic from what the woman said.” Grace felt guilty lying to her new found friend, but the Death Dealer was not a secret easily laid out on the table.

Ridley sighed and got a wishful look in her eye, “I do hope one day I will get the chance to meet him. Glenbard needs someone like him hanging around. The king’s guards do nothing but bully us lower classes.”

“That’s awfully funny coming from the princess of thieves.” The man Grace had noticed before spoke from his corner.

“The Thieves Guild doesn’t steal from our own class. We only steal from those who can afford it and those that hurt others. We have honor you know,” She snapped back at the corner dweller, “And we don’t attack folk in dark alleys and we most certainly don’t kill defenseless people.”

“But you steal and pick fights with rogue thieves. If your precious Death Dealer ever came to Glenbard I will bet he starts by cleaning out the Guild.”

“He would not! He only goes after bullies and no one is the in the Guild who’s a bully.”

“You live with rather strange delusions, Ridley.”

Ridley turned away from the man in the corner and crossed her arms over her chest. She huffed loudly and angrily and took a few deep breaths. “It’s best if you stay away from Jack Anders. He’s just an old grump who tries to drag everyone down into his rut.”

Grace look over at Jack. He did not look that much older than her. He looked a bit angry and his face was a little lined with cares, but underneath it all Grace saw a bit of decency. She wondered what had made him so bitter though. She looked away from Jack and back to Ridley.

“What is the Thieves Guild?”

“Oh we’re a group of thieves who band together to rob from the rich. We give to our families and friends who are down on their luck. Frederick’s been trying to root us out for years, but we’re clever. We can all sneak around and get into places most other people can’t. People judge us harshly because we’re thieves, but we don’t hurt other people unless they hurt us first.” Ridley noticed the shocked look on Grace’s face and laughed a bit, “Don’t judge us too harshly. We’re not bad people and old Marcus is our king. He makes sure we follow a code of honor around here.” Ridley motioned to the fierce looking man who Grace saw when she first entered.

“And you’re the princess? So you must be Marcus’s daughter.”

“Sort of, my pa was in the Guild and when my parents died I came into Marc’s care. I’ve been in the Guild since I was six.”

“How old are you now?”

“Sixteen and I don’t regret these last ten years as a thief.”

Grace smiled and nodded. She had become the Death Dealer to punish those who preyed on the weak and poor, but the Thieves Guild sounded like it had been made by the weak and preyed on the strong and rich. She would have attacked the Guild if she had not learned all this information from Ridley. Grace was going to have to see how the Guild worked before deciding if she should go against them. Until that time she would go after those who attacked and tried to kill the weaker folk.

* * * *

(the rest of Chapter Four will be up soon)
I cannot tell you how happy it makes me that you like this story so much. I was worried no one would read it and I'd have wasted my time. But now I look forward to my time off from work so I can add more and more to it and get it on here for feedback.
i know the feeling, and the worst part is sometimes that happens. but you have a great story and i for one look forward to reading it.
if i didn't know Grace as the Death Dealer i would think mayhap Jack was.
Chapter Four (cont.)

Lost Dreamer said:
if i didn't know Grace as the Death Dealer i would think mayhap Jack was.
Don't think the idea wasn't toyed with. ;)

Ridley had readily agreed to show Grace around the city when she asked for a guide. The young princess of thieves was ready to do whatever she could to make her new friend more comfortable in her new home. Grace was thankful she had someone to talk to aside from Donald.

Ridley took her by the dock and showed her all the ships that were coming into port. Grace knew many of the flags that the different ships flew under. The crowned sun of the Sun Kingdom, the golden star of Archon, the two rearing silver horses from Otanna, and more countries were in the port, countries Grace was not even aware of. Ridley had her by the arm and was guiding her along, but Grace’s eyes stayed on the port. She was in utter awe of how many came to Cesarnan to trade. A sudden longing to sail out to sea overcame Grace. She signed heavily as Ridley turned a corner and the view of the port was lost.

Grace’s eyes widened as they entered the next area of Glenbard.

“This is the temple district.” Ridley explained.

Grace did not need to be told where they stood. The first temple was the biggest of all three on the street. Grace was familiar with it. The insignia of the sun on the huge iron doors gave it all away. This was the temple to the Sun King Ciro. The roof was domed and made mostly from glass so the light could enter and shine on the alter. Many high pillars ran around the temple, all of them lined in gold. Several smaller houses were next to the temple. Each one with a domed roof, these were the houses to the priests of Ciro.

Across the street was a slightly smaller temple. The sign of the crescent moon was on its iron doors. The temple to the Moon Queen and Ciro’s sister, Kamaria. The roof here was high arched, but huge windows opened in the east and in the west. It was for when the moon rose and set, that way the moon’s light could shine in on the alter. This temple had the same type of pillars as Ciro’s did, only they were lined with silver, Kamaria’s color. Smaller houses were next to it, homes to the priestesses of Kamaria.

The third temple was entirely new to Grace. Every province had a temple to Ciro and Kamaria, but this third one was different. It was much smaller and plainer. It had the image of a winged star on the wooden doors. It had a high vaulted ceiling and a few stained glass windows.

“Who is this temple for? I am not familiar with insignia on the door.”

“Diggery, the angel of protection and guardian of lost souls.”

Diggery was not an unknown deity to any in Cesarnan. It was argued that she was an angel by some, but others believed her to be an equal to the god Ciro and the goddess Kamaria. In any case people prayed to her to help guide them through hard times, but Grace had never seen or heard of a temple erected in her honor.

“This temple is quite new to me. Why has it been built here?”

“Glenbard is the refuse for the damned and cast-out. Many here consider Diggery their patron, so why not build a temple to honor her?”

Grace looked at the winged star and knew where she was coming after dinner this evening.

“Come on, there’s still more to see,” Ridley took Grace by the arm again and lead her away from the temples.

* * * *

“Stay here, I’ll get us some dinner.” Ridley had Grace sit where they had earlier that day. The Angel Tavern was getting pretty full and Ridley wanted to make sure they had a place to sit and eat their dinner.

“Now that she’s found you, you’ll never get her to shut up.”

Grace turned to see Jack Anders where he had been since the moment she entered the tavern earlier that day. “Do you ever move from that spot, sir?”

“Of course, but only when the tavern is ablaze.”

“Well if being rude and bitter is your choice, then fine, but you should not try to bring the rest of us down into your rut. Ridley is sweet girl and has been kind enough to show me around, what reason do I have to want her to be quiet?”

“I’m just telling you. Once she starts, she won’t stop. I find it all very funny someone as proper as you are becoming friends with someone as low as Ridley.” Grace shot Jack a nasty glare. “Ridley’s a nice kid, but you two aren’t exactly from the same game.”

“What are you talking about?”

Jack looked around and got out of his chair. He leaned over the table and hung his face in Grace’s. “I’m no fool. I was once a stable hand for the king, I saw all the knights. You don’t have to play this game with me, Grace. You’re from Arganis; your accent proves it to any who would doubt. But you have Countess Dedre’s nose and you have Count Daniel’s eyes, whatever you did to get out of court must have been very daring or very stupid.”

Grace wanted to respond, but her voice was stuck in her throat. Jack’s grey eyes bore down on her. She wished she could speak, but her words were lost. She just glared up at him.

“Jack! Leave poor Grace alone!” Ridley’s voice cut through. Jack backed away from the table and returned to his own seat.

“I was just having a chat with your new friend.”

“She doesn’t want to chat with you,” Ridley snapped. She set a plate of potatoes and fish down in front of Grace. “It’s the cook’s specialty. It’s actually all he can make that doesn’t taste horrid.”

Grace smiled and dug into her plate. Ridley chatted on and on, but Grace didn’t hear all of it. Her eyes kept straying toward Jack. He was watching her with interest now.

“Don’t be bothered by him,” Ridley finally said, “He just likes to ruffle feathers. He’s really quite harmless.”

Grace pushed her plate away, “I am sorry, I have lost my appetite. I am going for a walk.”

Ridley nodded and Grace rose from her seat. She headed out into the night.

* * * *

(there's a little more to go for chapter four and it'll be up tonight or early tomorrow)
Nikia said:
I cannot tell you how happy it makes me that you like this story so much. I was worried no one would read it and I'd have wasted my time. But now I look forward to my time off from work so I can add more and more to it and get it on here for feedback.

I've just finished reading everything you've posted here so far, and frankly it's excellent.

But remember, you can post a story, and even though nobody reads it, it isn't a waste of time. ;)