Death Dealer series

I think thise story needs some more drunken brawls, that would make it even better. So if you're ever stuck, add another tavern fight. I know you want too.
Oh yes! Tavern Fights are so exciting...I randomly make up Tavern Fights for my stories when I get bored, most of them get discarded, but I love making them up....
Chapter Eight: A Plot Discovered

When Grace woke one morning the servants in the kitchen said Henry had returned late the night before and was still asleep. Grace was happy to hear the news; she looked forward to talking to him and finding out where he had gone. Though she had a pretty good idea.

Grace grabbed an apple for breakfast and headed out to take Olwen for a quick ride around the grounds. It would be a few hours before Henry woke, so she had plenty of time to continue exploring the area around his castle.

As she was saddling Olwen another horse neighed and stamped his hoof. Grace followed the noise and was shocked to see Pilgrim shaking his head back and forth trying to get her attention. The gelding seemed excited to see her.

“Pilgrim, but how is this possible?”

“Don’t dwell on how this is a possibility, Grace.”

Grace swung around and saw Jack feeding a sugar cube to Olwen. “Jack!”

She was overcome with joy to see Jack. She rushed for him and threw her arms around him for a big hug. Jack didn’t know quite how to respond to it. He had expected Grace to still be sore with him after he fought her battle with Mac. He knew Henry had told her the story of his past, but he never thought it would have such an effect on her.

“Hey now, no need for that.” Jack pushed Grace a little ways back.

“Oh Jack, I am so sorry.” Grace wanted to hug him again, but when she tried he put his arm up to block her. “I have judged you so horribly and I did not even know what hardship had fallen on you. I understand it now, I understand why you were so beastly toward me.”

“You shouldn’t be apologizing, Grace. No one knows at the Angel and I like it that way. I’d rather have them think of me as a bitter stable boy than a disgraced knight.”

“It is so unfair. To think no one would believe you except Henry.”

“And Drake. He has great faith in those who are accursed and cast out. I understand he had a bit of faith in you as well.”

Grace smiled and nodded in agreement. “So here we are, two cast out nobles. Both befriended by the only member of court who seems to care about someone other than himself.”

“And of course we are both honorary members of the Thieves Guild. And I do hope you’ll come back to see the Guild with me. Ridley has been a terror ever since you left. Her constant nagging is part of the reason I came in search of you.”

“What was the other reason then?”

Jack wanted to tell Grace, but the truth failed him. He smiled and patted Grace’s shoulder and said, “We’re friends, aren’t we? And friends try to make amends after arguments.”

“You consider me a friend?”

“You are stubborn and a pain to me. But you have trusted me with your secrets and now I trust you with mine.”

“And you are a brute and far too mean to others, but I know I am safe with you around. I guess we are friends, Jack.”

“So you’ll return to Glenbard with me?”

“Of course. I should be returning soon anyway. Donald is coming back from Nareroc soon and I miss Ridley terribly.”

“Not as much as she misses you I’m sure.” Jack held out his arm for Grace and she gladly took it. “I’m famished. Let’s see what Henry’s cook is making.”

* * * *

Henry hugged Grace good-bye and then did the same to Jack. They had stayed for three days in his company, but Grace had decided it was time for them to head home. Jack had happily agreed. Henry was going to miss the company the two had provided. They seemed like a fresh of breath air compared to the court surroundings.

“Come and visit me whenever you feel like it. The doors of my home are always open to you and your friends in Glenbard.”

“I’m sure we’ll be around soon enough,” Jack said. He mounted Pilgrim and turned the horse toward the road.

Grace hugged Henry one last time before mounting Olwen. “Thank you for everything, Henry. I am going to miss you.” She turned her mare toward the road and the two set off, back toward Glenbard.

* * * *

One more day of traveling lay before Jack and Grace. They had set up camp on the side of the road and had just finished their dinner. Grace took the first night watch and Jack stretched out on his back to watch the moon. If they set out at sunrise they could make it to the Angel by noon.

“Is Mac still in Glenbard?”

Jack rolled onto his stomach and propped himself up onto his elbows. “I’m afraid so. And when I left it looked like he was going to be staying quite a while.” Jack read Grace’s expressions by the firelight and shook his head. “I hope you’re not planning on picking any fights until you have learned better knife fighting skills.”

The knife, Grace suddenly remembered the mysterious dagger. She pulled it from her saddle bag and held it out to Jack. “Kitanna said it was from Escion. Is it yours?”

“It was mine, but now it is yours. After your incident in the woods and then the tavern brawl I knew you needed to learn how to fight with more than a sword. So, there is my great-grandfather’s dagger, given to the eldest son of my family for generations.” And now given to the woman I hope will give me a son. Jack thought, but dared not to say it outloud. “Now, I’m going to get some sleep. Wake me when you are too tired to keep watch.”

* * * *
Chapter Eight (cont.)

News traveled fast around Glenbard. Ridley was in Marcus’s house discussing with Marcus and his right hand man, Thom, what was to be done with Mac when news reached them that Grace Hilren had returned to the Angel.

Grace had felt unwanted as she left the port city, but many of the regulars in the tavern were pleased to see her return. None more than Ridley.

“Grace I am so happy you’ve come back! There’s no other female around for me to talk too. Except the old brothel women or the surly barmaids around here. I love them all, but it’s so nice to have someone around here close to my age.” Ridley hugged Grace again. “Come on, I have a surprise for you in your room.”

Ridley took Grace up to her old room in the Angel. On her bed were several ornate dresses unlike Grace had ever seen before. They were clearly met for the summer seasons and were bright, happy colors which many in Cesarnan did not wear. Also slung over her bed posts was the most beautiful leather saddle Grace had ever laid eyes on.

“Donald returned two days ago and brought the native dresses of Nareroc for you. He also said your birthday is barely a week away, so Marcus and I bought the saddle for you.”

Grace threw her arms around Ridley and hugged her tight. “This is the nicest thing anyone has done for me in a long time.”

“Come on now, you shouldn’t be surprised. We love you around here. You’ve been the friendliest person to come into the Angel or even Glenbard for the longest time. And you’ve done wonders with Jack. He used to sit in his corner and never speak and just drink all day. He talks more and he’s less surly with everyone now that you’re here. He’s actually pleasant to talk too.”

Grace smiled and blushed a bit. She has no idea she meant so much to those around the tavern. “So don’t run out on us again, alright?”

“I think I can manage that. Now, where is Donald? I need to speak to him.”

“There’s still work to be done on the trade ship he was on. He won’t be back until well after nightfall.”

Work, Grace groaned. She had forgotten all about her own work. “I should see Mayhew today. I suppose I am out of the stable job now.”

“Mayhew was furious those first few days after you left, but Marcus persuaded him to let you keep your job. He reminded Mayhew you lasted longer than some of the boys who had worked for him.”

“Oh dear, I should go speak to him and get right back to work then.”

Grace shooed Ridley out so she could change into her work breeches and tunic. She headed into the stables and found Mayhew brushing down Pilgrim. It appeared Olwen had already been taken care of. When he saw Grace he shot her a nasty glance.

“Look who decided to return.” He pushed the brush into her hands. “Finish brushing down Pilgrim, then muck out all the stables, polish all the saddles and bridles, milk Jim’s dairy cow, and make sure every animal in this stable has plenty of clean water and food. And you’re not leaving until it’s all done!” Mayhew stormed from the stable and Grace began her work.

She worked quickly and without complaint. Many of the horses were glad to have her gentle touch back instead of Mayhew and his rough hands and gruff voice. Grace noted, and quite gladly, that Hammer was gone. She wasn’t sure if Mac and Hammer were gone for good, but she was happy to see they were gone now.

* * * *

Dinner had come and gone and Grace was still working in the stables. Donald sat with Ridley and chatted over various things. He wasn’t really interested in what was being said, he just wanted to see Grace again. He was filled with fear when he learned she had run off. Now she was back and Mayhew wouldn’t even let him into the stables to see her.

The inn was bustling with activity that night. Marcus was in his usual seat of power, dispensing the members of the Guild to go where they could to do their thieving, Ridley was bouncing back and forth between talking to Donald and helping Marcus, and Jack was in his usual corner smoking his pipe.

Finally Grace emerged from the kitchen area, sweating and looking more than a little drawn. Donald jumped from his seat, leaving Ridley in mid-sentence.

He pulled Grace into a great bear hug. “You cause so much trouble for me! When Ridley said you had run off I feared the worse.”

“She did not mention Henry?”

“Well yes, but all I heard at first was ‘Grace has left the inn in a huff’.”

“I am sorry, Donald.” Grace looked toward the stairs. “Come then, we have much to discuss and it is all better left to closed quarters.”

* * * *

Donald sat at the little desk in Grace’s room and Grace lay on her stomach on the bed. She had listened with great interest of Donald’s journey to the spice islands of Nareroc and hoped she would one day get the chance to go there herself. But when his tale was finished she had to start in on her own.

She told him about Mac and how she was sure he was the man who stabbed her in the woods. She told him about Marcus’s cousin and how she was the woman Mac had killed in front of Grace that night. Finally she told him of the scuffle between her and Mac and Jack in the stables the day she left.

“And why do you think Mac kidnapped her in the first place?”

“I have not the slightest idea. Marcus does not really trust him, but he believes Mac’s tale of finding his cousin on the side of the road with her ‘murderer’ murdered by the Death Dealer beside her. Mac is up to something and I intend to find out what exactly it is.”

“Good luck, Mac left this morning. He looked like he would only be gone for a few days, but there’s no telling.”

“Can you keep your eyes and ears open down by the docks? I can get most any news I need here, but I cannot be all over Glenbard at one time.”

“I can see what people know, there are a few members of the Guild who worked on board with me,” Donald said. “Just try not to get too far in. Mac has beaten you twice and I’m sure he could do it again.”

“I will be fine. I just have to keep Marcus and the Guild blind and deaf to what I am doing until I know something for sure. You and Jack can help with that.” Grace rolled off her bed and pulled her Death Dealer jerkin out from under the pillow. “I think I need to see if I can track down Mac tonight.”

* * * *
Chapter Eight (conclusion)

Grace went out into the night alone. She brought Olwen out nearly ten miles from the city and left her on the edge of the forest. She dared not bring the mare in with her. Grace did what she could to keep her noise to a minimum, but the dry leaves of autumn cracked and crinkled under her feet.

As she walked a dim fire came into view. Grace kept low to the ground and moved forward. Voices murmured, but nothing could be made out. She needed to get closer. Grace grabbed a low branch of a nearby tree and swung herself into it. She climbed to a higher branch and crawled out as far as she could. She had a better view from her new spot and she could better hear those down by the fire.

There were about twenty men sitting around in all. Grace knew two to be lesser members of the Guild and then she spotted Mac. He stood beside the fire and began to address the men that sat around him. “Everything is in place then. More of my men will be arriving from Salatia any day now and then all we have to do is lure Marcus away from Thom and those other grovelin’ fools in the Guild. We will dethrone the King of Thieves and I will take his place. Then you rogues will have your day. Marcus doesn’t believe in takin’ women as part of our plunder or in killin’ those that get in the way. Once him, Thom, and Ridley are taken care of there’s no one to stand in our way.”

Grace suppressed a gasp. She only ever had a gut feeling Mac was up to no good, but now she had proof.

“How do you plan on gettin’ Marcus out here anyway?” Grace recognized the voice of Geary. He was a relatively well known member of the Guild. Grace had never pegged him as a dishonorable fiend like Mac.

“Leave that to me.” Mac growled. “It shouldn’t take much to lure Marcus out. He just needs the right incentive.”

Grace crawled back toward the trunk of the tree. There was no time to waste. She scrambled down the tree and as quiet as a mouse hurried back toward Olwen. Her horse was waiting patiently, grazing a bit, when Grace came running up.

“Come on girl, we have got to warn Marcus of his danger.”

Grace pushed Olwen harder than she had ever pushed her before. She couldn’t simply walk up to Marcus’s home though. She stopped outside the Angel and climbed into her bedroom window. She ripped off her Death Dealer hood and stripped out of her clothes. She pulled on a tattered dress and slipped on her riding boots. She rushed down the stairs and out the door of the tavern. Only a few drunks still remained up, a few drunks and Jack. He chose to follow her without her knowledge.

Grace forced Olwen onward toward Marcus’s house. It was a quick ride from the tavern and she had no trouble getting there. Grace banged frantically on the door. It seemed like hours, though it was barely five minutes, before Thom opened the door in a robe and holding a candle.

“Grace? What are you doing here at this hour?”

Grace pushed past Thom. “I need to speak to Marcus and it cannot wait until morning! Please, wake him for me.”

Thom was tired and groggy, but he understood the urgency in Grace’s voice. “Wait here.”

While Thom was gone Ridley emerged from her room. She stood before Grace in the kitchen and yawned, trying to knock the sleep from her voice. “What brings you here at such an unholy hour?” Ridley lit a few candles and in the light she recognized fear and urgency on Grace’s face.

Marcus came down the stairs in only a pair of tattered old breeches. “What is so bloody important that it could not wait?”

“I am truly sorry, but it is Mac. I have this horrible feeling about him.” There was no way to make him believe her without telling Marcus, Thom, and Ridley about the Death Dealer. So Grace lied. She used a lie that few would have dared, but it seemed like her only choice. “I had a dream tonight. The angel Diggery came to me and said Mac planned to harm you, Marcus.”

“A dream of the future?” Thom asked, in awe. “Marcus this is serious. My sister once had one and she did not heed it and terrible things befell her.”

“Please Marcus, if Mac tries to get you to leave Glenbard do not follow him.” Grace clutched at his hand. “I am begging you!”

Marcus squeezed Grace’s hand and nodded his head. “If you are sure this was a dream of foreboding, then I will do what you ask.”

“I am sure.”

“Alright Grace, then I won’t travel anywhere with Mac.”

“Thank you,” She whispered and sighed in relief.

“Now, let’s all get back to bed.” Marcus climbed the stairs back to his room. Ridley blew out the candles and returned to her own and Thom walked through the kitchen and into his.

Grace left the house thinking about the lie she had just told. She didn’t want to use a god’s gift as a lie, but what else could she have told Marcus to get him to believe her?

“What exactly did you need to see the king for so late?” Grace looked up and saw Jack standing beside Olwen, petting her on the nose.

“It was about Mac. I was out tonight and overheard his plan to dethrone Marcus. I had to warn him.” Grace now stood beside Jack and could see his doubt. It was written all over his face.

He took Olwen’s reigns and led the mare down the road, back toward the Angel. “And what did you tell Marcus? Surely nothing about the Death Dealer.”

“I said I had a prophetic dream about Mac. I was not sure what else I could have said. I think the gods will forgive my lie since I saved a life with it.”

“Perhaps or they will punish you for it. But you know you may have foiled one of Mac’s plans to dethrone Marcus, but it won’t be the last.”

“I know, but at least Marcus has more of a reason to distrust Mac and he can see what is coming before it is too late.” Grace sighed and hoped this was going to help Marcus in the end.

Jack now had more of a reason to worry about Grace. She was getting involved too heavily with the Guild and that was a dangerous game. Others had tried to dethrone the king of thieves before. The king before Marcus had usurped the throne from his own father and then he had passed it to Marcus when he was too old for the thieving game. And though Jack had only known of the thieves guild for five years he had seen many men try to usurp the throne from Marcus. Many ventures to do such had ended in bloody ends for the men and those that followed them.

Grace had no idea what she was getting into. If Mac was successful it would be found out Grace had tried to help Marcus and who knows what would happen to her after that? The whole affair was giving Jack a headache.

“I hope you’re not planning on doing anything rash concerning Mac. He’ll kill you next time you fight, that I can say with confidence.”

“I am not going to sit back and let him hurt my friends.”

“Neither are your friends. Leave this to Marcus and Thom. You just go back to fighting petty rogues in the wild and let Marcus do what he does. You’ll be safer that way.”

“Do you not even care about Marcus? I could help protect him.”

“I care more about someone protecting you.”

“Why? Marcus is just as much your friend as he is mine.”

“I don’t love Marcus like I love you!” Jack just blurted it out. He hadn’t meant to say it, but Grace and her stubbornness were getting the best of him. He handed the reigns to Grace and stalked off into the night. Jack didn’t care what she had to say in response.

Grace just stood in the middle of the street, holding Olwen’s reigns absently, completely dumbfounded by what Jack had said.
Nikia said:
And now given to the woman I hope will give me a son.
All I can say is::eek::eek::eek::eek:

That was funny, when I saw that I didn't realize that it was in italics and out of quotation marks....I was thinking 'HE SAID WHAT?'..
Chapter Nine: Fearless Dawn

At lunch the next day Grace was completely exhausted. She had tossed and turned most of the night thinking about Mac and Marcus and about what Jack had said. What little sleep she did get barely helped in getting her through her morning chores in the stable.

When lunch finally came around she sat at the table next to Jack’s and put her head down for a quick nap. She didn’t even care about eating.

Jack had his feet up on the table and was watching Grace. Normally he would have made a joke about a rough night, but he guessed why she was so tired and decided to keep his mouth shut.

The tavern was relatively dead until Ridley burst through the door. She was out of breath, but there was an enormous smile on her face. “You’ll never what I just saw down on the pier!”

A few regulars looked at Ridley and made some offhand jokes. Jim Little emerged from the kitchen and slung a dish towel over his shoulder. “Don’t keep us guessing, what was down at the pier?”

“A great ship, with tattered flags from Nareroc.”

Someone threw a half-eaten potato at Ridley. She dodged it and it slapped against the wall. “You got our hopes up for something that happens all the time?”

“No you fools! A Nareroc flag on a ship with a sea serpent’s head carved into the bow.” No one said anything. “Come on! The Fearless Dawn has returned!”

Grace lifted her head at this. The Fearless Dawn was a legendary pirate ship. The captain changed every few years, but the ship was a sailor’s nightmare, or so she had heard. Grace found the whole business very exciting.

Jack groaned in his corner. “That means Kay is back.”

Ridley pulled up a chair and sat between Grace and Jack’s tables. “Don’t be so harsh about Captain Kay.”

“That woman is absolutely insane. She comes in here and starts fights and then leaves the Angel and all of Glenbard in a mess.”

“This is your lucky day then, because Kay and some of the men from her crew are on their way. I’m going to go and meet them outside.” Ridley jumped up and rushed back outside.

“Is this Kay woman really all that bad?” Grace asked.

“She can be. She comes in using Nareroc flags so the king’s guard and the navy won’t bother her and then she causes quite the ruckus and leaves to plunder some helpless merchant ships or little coastline villages. She’s my age and has been captain for over six years. The crew seems to have become more bloodthirsty under her.”

“Ridley seemed quite taken by her.”

“Yes well, there a few women in this whole damn country that a girl can look up too. Women who fought back against what was expected, Kay is a hero to Ridley because she’s unafraid.”

Grace sighed, “She sounds interesting enough. Maybe you should give her another chance. She cannot be as bad as you say.”

“See for yourself.”

The great wooden door of the Angel was suddenly kicked opened. A woman of medium height walked through the door, with Ridley following. She looked like one of Donald’s descriptions of the native women of Nareroc. She was dark skinned with thick black hair that was tied back. She had a sword at her side and Grace could make out the hilt of a dagger tied to her boot. About five men swarmed in behind her, each looking more grizzled and deadly than the last.

“Jim!” The woman called, “Drinks all around! The boys of the Fearless Dawn have returned and they’re thirsty!”

The crew members of the Fearless Dawn bustled in and sat here and there, but Kay, with Ridley at her side, made straight for Jack.

“Jack Anders, still hanging around the Angel? Given any thought to my proposal?”

“I have no wish to join you, or those dogs you travel with, at sea. There’s no desire in me to be a pirate.” Jack put his pipe up to his lips and blew a smoke ring at Kay.

“A fighter like you? I could use your bite on my crew.” Kay pulled up a chair and sat across from Jack. Ridley returned to her chair between tables.
“Jack’s a lost cause, Kay. Me, on the other hand, I could be the best thing to happen to your ship,” Ridley sat straight up and puffed out her chest in an attempt to make herself look far tougher than she was. The action just made Grace laugh.

“And who are you?” Kay asked, turning her attention for the first time to Grace. “Who dares to sit so close to Mad Dog Anders? I’d like to say his bark is worse than his bite, but well…” Kay rolled up a bit of her sleeve and revealed a long scar across her forearm.

Grace was shocked Jack had dared to give such a mark to anyone, much less a woman. Jack cleared his throat, “As I recalled Kay challenged me to a duel and lost.”

“Who knew a stable boy was so good with swords.” Kay cut Jack a strange, almost seductive, look. Grace suddenly felt a bit jealous of the woman.

“Enough of that,” Kay said. “Tell me, girl, who are you?”

“This is Grace Hilren, Kay,” Ridley cut in. “The one I told you about as we were walking.”

“Ah yes, the countess. You certainly are skinnier and shorter than I expected. I almost don’t believe you could lift a lance, much less joust with one.”

“I have had a bit of training. Besides looking at you I judge you are not nearly as frightful as tales would have us believe.”

Kay glared hard at Grace. Ridley had seen Kay stare down many people, she intimidated them, but Grace stared right back, unflinching. Ridley was reminded of two alpha dogs getting ready to fight. Grace was a patient and sweet person, but Ridley had seen first hand just how stubborn she was when it came to someone doubting her and her skills. And Kay, well Kay, was likely to loose her temper simply because someone stared at her the wrong way.

Ridley felt a great deal of tension forming between them. Neither one looked like she was going to back down. Jack felt it too. He looked over at Ridley and shrugged. There was a silent battle raging.

“I can see you’re no coward,” Kay finally said. “I’m impressed; you have more gusto than I would have guessed.”

“You have no idea.” Grace rose from her seat, never taking her eyes off Kay. “But it is time I return to work. Those stables will not clean themselves.” Grace bowed her head to Kay and returned to her work in the stable.

Kay watched her go with great interest. She was thoroughly impressed with the girl’s stubbornness. “She certainly has a bit of spirit.”

“She’s wonderful to have around, Kay,” Ridley said cheerfully, “She has even been able to put up with Mayhew. And Jack has been less sharp and bitter toward everyone since Grace arrived.”

“Has he?” Kay turned her eyes toward Jack and raised her eyebrow. Jack said nothing, but simply blew another smoke ring in Kay’s direction.

* * * *
Last edited:
Well I'm glad you guys like the characters so much.
Anywho I'm actually drawing near to the end of part one (like two chapters away), so be on the lookout for that soon.
Rhyanidd said:
*wacks Amz* I knew that! But...well its only like 11 chapters long..and most books are like...20...yeah..umm...more?
True, but I got all I needed to say in 11 chapters (it's done!), but I've decided to blend all three parts of the trilogy into one three-parted book since it wouldn't be considered long enough in three parts. But if my brother lets me on his computer I can have the last chapters up tonight and then I'll start on Part Two. If my brother doesn't let me on I'll have them up bright and early tomorrow.
Nikia said:
Anywho I'm actually drawing near to the end of part one (like two chapters away), so be on the lookout for that soon.
There better be a major tavern brawl or I'll boycott your story!
Chapter Nine (cont.)

After supper that evening Grace and Ridley practiced knife fighting. Grace had spent a bit of time at Henry’s practicing what she could, but it was nice to be under the instruction of Ridley again. The girl was still far better than Grace ever hoped to be, but she was catching up.

Not long into Ridley’s lesson Kay came down to join them. “Ridley dear, mind stepping aside for me?” Kay removed her jacket threw it aside. “I’d like to fight the countess.” Kay unsheathed her sword.

Ridley moved out of the way and retrieved Grace’s sword. The princess of thieves knew how good Kay was with a sword and she was unsure Grace could handle it. And to top it off, Kay fought rather dirty.

“Not afraid are you, countess?” Kay mocked as she circled Grace.

“Afraid of a girl pretending to be a pirate? Hardly.”

“Pretending?” Kay swung out with a high arc and Grace caught her blade with little effort. “Who’s pretending?”

Kay tried a lower hit the second time around, but Grace caught her blade and smirked. She had no doubt Kay would try to pull something, so Grace stayed on her toes. Kay had a height advantage and more combat experience, she was sure, but Grace was faster and could read Kay’s body movements even in the failing light.

Kay soon realized Grace would be able to block all her shots all night. It was time to step things up a bit. Kay used her height and weight advantage and threw herself hard against Grace. She caught Grace right where she wanted her. Grace had brought her sword up to block the downward arc of Kay. She knew Kay was planning something with Grace’s midsection left wide open.

Kay moved faster and caught Grace in the gut with her hilt. Grace felt winded and would have only staggered a little, but she let herself drop down to one knee. Grace kicked out hard and fast and kicked Kay’s legs out from underneath her. With a thud Kay landed flat on her back. Grace jumped and hovered over her, with her sword tip directly over her throat.

Kay was stunned at first, but slowly a smile crossed her face and she laughed. “Well done!” Grace held out her free hand and helped Kay to her feet. “Ridley, bring us some water!”

Ridley didn’t need to be told twice. She hurried back to the Angel to fetch a bucket for the two women.

Kay wiped a bit of sweat off her face and clapped Grace on the back, “You’re not so soft as you look. You used my own trick against me.”

Grace was panting and nodded to Kay. “You have to be prepared for anything your opponent can throw at you, especially when they are bigger than you.”

“I can see why Jack is so smitten with you.” Grace was thrown off by Kay’s remark. The pirate grinned. “Surely you could tell.”

“I could…”

“I’ve tried for years to win over Jack and you’re barely here a season and you’ve already got him.” Kay sighed and reached out to pat Grace on the shoulder, but she ducked, afraid she would hit her. “I’m not going to hurt you over Jack. I did come out here to make you pay, but you’re nothing like I thought. At least Jack had the sense not to fall for some soft girl who expects a man to protect her.” Kay held out her hand to Grace. “I can leave with you and him, but if you break his heart I’ll kill ya.”

“I have no doubts,” Grace said, taking Kay’s hand and giving it a good shake.

* * * *

Kay and her men stayed for two days and they did everything Jack had said they would. As the Death Dealer Grace left the Guild alone, but she could not leave the crew of the Fearless Dawn alone. If she came across them at night being too friendly with someone who didn’t want them to be or if they were trying to steal from where they shouldn’t, Grace came along and gave them a good whack on the back of the head with the hilt of her sword. She refused to kill or seriously hurt any crew members, but she didn’t mind giving them a bump they wouldn’t soon forget.

After two days Kay announced her and the men would be leaving until winter had passed. “Its warm here in Cesarnan, but there’s many merchant ships going in and out of Nareroc for the winter to escape the snow and cold of their own countries. It’s every pirates dream to plunder that many ships in a single season. But I’ll be back come the spring time.”

Grace had to admit she would miss Kay. She and the captain had come to respect each other in a short time. Though they still acted like alpha dogs around one another, they seemed to have some sort of an understanding for one another. Grace looked forward to Kay’s return and perhaps even another duel for kicks.