Death Dealer series

Chapter Two: The Nobles Arrive

With so many foreign nobles coming into Glenbard, the roads were guarded all day and night. That meant Grace had no need to venture out at night as the Death Dealer. It made Donald and Jack happy that she was forced to stay inside, but Grace felt restless not being able to get out and do some good at night.

She woke up the morning after her visit with Drake feeling as though she had never even gone to bed. Stumbling down the stairs of the Angel she found few people had begun to file in. Grace knew they wouldn’t, not until after midday. The first of the nobles were going to parade through the streets today. Last night Grace had wondered who would be first, but now she just wanted to crawl back into bed.

Jack Anders was in his usual corner, smoking his pipe. Grace slid in across from him, folded her arms, and cradled her head in them.

“Just a few more days and all the nobles will be out of Glenbard and the road guards will go with them.”

“But they eventually have to return this way to go home.”

“Only the king and queen from the Sun Kingdom and the king and queen from Mutar will be leaving almost immediately after the wedding. The other nobles will be staying on almost all winter. They’re going to try and escape the bitter fingers of winter here.”

Grace groaned loudly, that meant foreign nobles would be in and out of Cesarnan for months. It had been last spring when a large group from Mutar came to Cesarnan and they were staying at the king’s favorite castle in Ursana. It was at least a two week journey from Ursana to Glenbard and the nobles of Mutar always seemed to have time to come to Glenbard. Their presence disrupted everything and worst of all nobles from Mutar were less than pleasant to the low classes of Cesarnan.

The guards in Glenbard doubled or even tripled when the nobles came to see the dock and what have you. The guards made sure no one tried to cheat or rob the nobles, but they looked the other way when the nobles would give a kick to a poor beggar or they would cheat a merchant from his fair share. The whole affair sickened Grace. And as the Death Dealer she had sworn to protect people against that kind of behavior.

But she was in no position to harm a noble, but she certainly wasn’t above pranks. Ridley, the princess of thieves, was clever and with her help Grace was able to take the money the nobles owed for damage done. And in return for the money taken Grace would leave a token of gratitude, often an article of tattered clothing from whoever the money ended up with.

Now here they were again. There were more nobles from Mutar flooding Cesarnan and tormenting the lower classes of people there. Plus nobles from other countries were going to be present. Grace and Rdiley were probably going to have their work cut out for them this time. Grace sighed at the very thought.

“It may be no comfort, but most time will be spent in Ursana for the wedding.” Jack always seemed to know what Grace was thinking and yet half the time she couldn’t even guess what was going on in his mind.

“But after the wedding, they will be here for months and there are going to be more of them.”

Jack rolled his eyes, “It’s not going to be nearly as bad as you think. You’ll see.” Grace just groaned again.

* * * *

Grace, Ridley, Donald, and Jack had headed to the pier early to see the first of the nobles leave their ship. Though not all had arrived yet, a few were ready to head for the castle in Ursana. Prince Drake was sitting on his stallion with three ambassadors beside him, waiting before the ship that belonged to King Christian of the Sun Kingdom.

The king was supposedly the youngest ruling king at the moment, though he was barely over forty years. He had been only nineteen when his father was murdered and the crown came to him. King Frederick had respected Christian’s father, Allen, a good deal, but he had little care for Christian. The king had placed a good deal of trust in some of the prominent duchesses in his land. The king had even dared to bring one of them along as one of his guests.

The Duchess of Nadian was legendary, even in Cesarnan, and that made Frederick hate her and her king. The truth had been lost before Grace was born, but many said Corine Huntley of Nadian had saved the Sun Kingdom with a group of dragons and she had fought an enemy army with no other soldiers and one dragon and had completely vanquished them. The thought sickened Frederick, but his thoughts were ignored by Christian. Clearly, this king understood a person’s internal worth regardless of what they were on the outside.

If Frederick’s anger was not already boiling over matters were often times made worse by the Sun Kingdom’s presence on Nareroc. Both countries had legitimate claims to the spice islands, but both wanted them to themselves. Frederick and Christian were often butting heads on the issue. And rumor from Henry of Egona was that Christian and his wife, Derica, had only been invited to the wedding for show and they were only coming to as a show of good will. It would make for quite an interesting gathering.

“I can’t believe Kay is going to miss this,” Ridley said.

“You know how she is,” Donald looked toward the great ship before them. “She cannot stand these gatherings and she has no interest in looking upon the people she robs on the seas.”

“Still, she’s missing the biggest gatherings of nobles in Cesarnan since Frederick’s parents were married. This is quite the event.”

“It’s only like this because Elisabeth is a vain and selfish princess and everyone in the known world must be invited to see her.” Jack said.

Grace had met Elisabeth a few times and understood what Jack was saying. The princess could be nice enough, but as soon as she was no longer the center of attention her attitude changed completely.

“Well, I think Kay should be here. Think of all she’ll be missing, nobles who will probably never be here again.”

“I would be more interested in seeing the legends that will be coming here.” Grace suddenly said.

“Legends? What are you talking about?”

“She means Corine Huntley.” Jack answered. “The fabled ‘Dragon Mistress’ from the Sun Kingdom.”

“She’s coming here?” Ridley swung around to face Jack.

“She’s coming off the ship with King Christian.”

Ridley turned back toward the ramp that led up to the Sun Kingdom’s ship. Any moment the legendary duchess would be coming off.

Finally a trumpet sounded from the deck of the ship. The crowd cheered. The first foreigner would be coming down. Grace was now thankful they had arrived early. The avenue from the ship to Prince Drake was completely packed. Guards were keeping people out of the pathway, but all of Glenbard and beyond surged up to get a better view.

Another trumpet sounded and a couple appeared at the top of the ship deck. They were atop two grey geldings. At first Grace would have guessed Christian and Derica, but she changed her mind as the two descended the ramp.

The man was older than the woman and he had dulled red hair. His face was kind and his eyes happy; he was dressed as a knight. On his shield he bore the symbol of a golden tree and a crescent moon behind it. That was not the symbol of the king. The woman was dressed as a warrior maiden. Though she wore a fine royal purple dress she had a metal corset on to show she was also a knight of the king. Her shield held the symbol of a single rose.

“May I introduce Scott, the Duke of Lowry, and Corine, Duchess of Nadian.” The herald called from the ship.

Corine and Scott trotted their horses to Drake and bowed graciously. “Hail the future king of Cesarnan.” They sang out in harmony.

Now the king and queen appeared. Dressed in lavish clothes and looking almost too beautiful to be real they descended on their own horses toward Drake. The king had grey hair and a thick grey beard. His wife was a beautiful blond, who showed little sign of grey in her long curly hair. Another blond haired woman rode silently behind them.

“The royal highnesses, King Christian and Queen Derica, and our lady, the king’s own sister, Princess Gwendolyn, also the duchess of Nafing.”

The crowd silenced as the king and queen rode toward Drake with the princess riding behind. This time Drake bowed. “It is a pleasure for you to join us for my sister’s wedding. My guard will escort you and all in your party toward Ursana and we implore you to take your time and enjoy the countryside.”

“We are pleased to be here in your father’s country,” Christian spoke, “And we wish your sister all the best and we wish you a continued prosperity on your father’s greatness.” He put a hand on his chest and bowed his head. “And let our differences in politics be forgotten for this most joyous occasion.”

Grace was stunned. Frederick had never been so courteous, even to his friends and allies. This king was certainly a gentleman by all accounts and when he finished speaking the crowd cheered. Why wasn’t their king so gentle with his words?
My computer remains dead. Though between classes and work and band I get on to use the school's or a friend's computer and I work on the story. Though it's slow going right now and will be for a while. I'm probably not replacing my computer anytime soon.
very good. A little confusing, though, i'm not sure exactly what is going on between Christain and Frederick, but i have a good guess. post more when you can.
Chapter Two (cont.)

Ta-da! Nikia e-mailed me a little bit more of her story, plus an author's note.
(Sorry I couldn't update myself. But here's the end of hopefully my next update will come sooner than the last few. Curse my classes, they always get in the way!)
All of Glenbard was buzzing with the excitement of the arrival of the nobles. Of course those from the Sun Kingdom had arrived first, but a few hours later a group of nobles from Archon had arrived and all had begun the journey to Ursana. As the sun set it seemed there was no house in the city not speaking of the day’s excitement.

Ridley, Grace, and Kay headed toward the docks to meet Donald. He had sent word Kitanna was down by the docks and they should come down and surprise. The wanderer had promised she would come to the tavern the night before, but she never made her way over. It would be nice to see her, especially since there was no one better to gain information from.

As Donald has said Kitanna and he were sitting on the docks, enjoying apples and talking. “What have we here?” Kay said sitting on Donald’s left side. Ridley sat on Kitanna’s right and Grace pulled up an empty barrel and sat behind all of them.

“My apologies for not coming to the Angel last night,” Kitanna said. “I am afraid time got away from me.”

“No apologies necessary,” Ridley clapped her on the back and stole the apple from her hand. “You missed very little, however tonight could be a night to remember. The crews from these foreign ships will be at the Angel drinking away their voyages and no doubt brawling with the boys of the Fearless Dawn.”

“A brawl between sailors? I will be there.”

While the others had been laughing and talking Grace had been watching the horizon. She thought she had seen something on the ocean, but she believed it to be a trick of the failing sun. But it had gotten closer and she was almost positive it was a ship. But it was a ship different from any vessel that had entered the harbor in Glenbard before.

“Anyone recognize that ship?”

The eyes of her friends followed her pointing finger. “It looks like a Mutarian vessel.” Kay said, but shook her head as she spoke. “But those are not the sails flown on Mutar ships.”

Donald shrugged, “In this light there is no way for me to tell. Ridley, your eyes are pretty good.”

“I don’t recognize those sails. If I didn’t know any better I’d say they were from…”

“Otanna,” Kitanna cut in. “Those sails have the silver, rearing horses of Otanna. And they’re purple sails, the sails used only when a member of the royal family is on board. That means Queen Peony is on board.”

“She is coming here? But I thought King Frederick despised her.” Grace said.

“He does,” Kitanna replied, “They have never gotten along and even less so when King Pedar of Otanna died. I have heard rumors from men on the docks and road guards of who was attending, but never once did Peony’s name come up. I wonder if this is a planned guest.”

A silence fell over the group. Had Frederick really put his hate aside and invited the most powerful female leader in the lands? Grace felt her heart racing. Two years ago Henry of Egona had told all he knew about the queen and Grace longed for the chance to meet her. She knew it was unlikely she’d have the chance, but still her heart raced at the thought they would be in the same country.

* * * *

Today was the day Queen Peony from Otanna landed. Her ship had already docked and from where Grace stood she could see the flag of Otanna, two silver, rearing horses. Jack and Ridley stood on either side of Grace and they waited for the queen and her knights to leave their ship and begin toward the king’s castle. A few of the king’s ambassadors and Prince Drake waited on horseback in the middle of the road. Almost all of Glenbard had turned out to see Peony, the road had to be completely cleared so many sat on rooftops to catch a glimpse of the only ruling queen in the known world. It had been a shock when word spread like wildfire that the queen had docked and it seemed only Drake knew she was expected.

“What? She’s not off the blasted ship yet?” Grace turned a bit and caught sight of the pirate Kay coming toward them. The woman was elbowing people to get them out of her way.

“Kay, I had no idea you had any interest in seeing the nobles from other lands.” Ridley said.

“Only in Peony. Since she became queen no pirate has been able to board her ships. She’s made sure of it. Her navy is unbeatable these days. I want to see, with my own eyes, the woman who has bested me at sea.”

“They say she’s a witch, you know.” The four friends turned to an old woman who was on the opposite side of Jack. “She sold her soul to demons so that she could take the throne from her father and brothers. It’s said she is hideous now that she is older. Deformed and haggard, twisted from years in service to a dark master.”

“And who says all this, old woman?” Jack asked. Jack was never one for rumors and doubted ones that dealt with angels and demons and other immortals especially.

“It’s common knowledge, boy. You’re about to see the ugliest woman ever. Beware her witchcraft!”

Ridley shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Tell someone else, woman, we are in no mood for your tales.” The woman hissed and turned away from them.

“Witchcraft and lost souls! Bah!” Kay growled, “All I know is I’ve tried for years to get on board one of her merchant ships and I lose more and more men with every attempt.”

“Henry says Peony has seen much war and does not want to lose any more good people needlessly. That includes the sailors your men would kill in a pirating raid, Kay.” Grace looked at Kay and Kay rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“Believe what you will.”

A hush fell over the crowd. A trumpet announce that the queen was making her way up the road to the ambassadors. Vague figures on horseback could be made out, coming down from the docks and before them four great dogs.

“Dogs? She brought dogs?” Ridley stood on her tip-toes to get a better look.

“I can’t tell,” Kay began pushing to the front, so she could stand right by the roadside. Jack, Grace, and Ridley followed.

“Those are not dogs,” Grace said. “They are wolves.”

“No surprise,” was Jack’s answer, “In Otanna wolves are kept to help in hunting and war. No doubt these are prize wolves to the queen.”

Two knights rode before the queen bearing the flag of her house. Four rode behind. All were on the finest horses Grace had ever seen. She had heard tales of the horses bred in Otanna, but none seemed to do the animals any justice now. And then Grace saw her. Long had she hoped to lay eyes on the queen who in her youth had been a great warrior and was now a beloved queen.

She was not ugly, not as the old woman had said. Her face had a few wrinkles from years of care and unwanted wars, and her hair sprouted more than a few grey hairs, but still there was beauty. What was not grey was a fiery red and she had sharp emerald eyes that were not dulled by age. She was somewhere over forty and still held a certain air of youth about her. Her silver crown glistened in the sun.

The queen and her company stopped before Drake and the ambassadors and the queen was almost directly in front of Grace. The wolves trotted back and sat by the queen’s horse while the two knights in front spoke and announced their queen to the ambassadors and the people.

The largest wolf, a large black alpha female growled at the queen’s feet. And as though the queen understand its speech she looked down and nodded to it. The wolf looked toward Grace and the queen’s gaze followed. For a moment Grace and Peony locked eyes. Grace’s heart failed for a moment and the queen smiled and nodded to her.
very the new development. Hopefully, Nikia, you will get a chance to come on yourself and read the comments. I thought this was veyr good...i'm curoius; do Peony's wolves have anything to do with the wolf saint that helped Grace before?
Chapter Three: The Wedding

Ta-da! It's a new chapter and sooner than expected!
Prince Aaron of Mutar had arrived in Cesarnan many months before the rest had. He had stayed in Actis while waiting for the other guests to arrive. As tradition dictated he was not to see Princess Elisabeth until two days before the wedding. Now here he was, the eldest son of King Lutfi in Mutar, marrying the second child of King Frederick of Cesarnan. To Calvin of Arganis it seemed a match made by the immortals.

Aaron and Elisabeth were both shallow and obsessed with themselves. They fit into the other’s image, so the marriage proposed by their fathers was now wholly unwanted. Calvin looked from the soon to be married and then to King Frederick and Queen Bethany and then to King Lutfi and his wife Queen Laveda. This was clearly a marriage based solely on land and gold. Neither country had much to gain in an alliance of arms, but Cesaran was extremely wealthy because of the Nareroc Islands and Mutar had more wealth still in its mining. No doubt Lutfi was as greedy for profits in the spice islands as Frederick was for profits in the mines of Mutar. With the way Aaron and Elisabeth had been raised, Calvin predicted only bad things with this union.

“Calvin of Arganis!” Calvin recognized the overly cheerful voice of Katherine of Actis. He had hoped to avoid her for the evening. “Calvin dear boy.”

He turned to face the older woman. The same woman who had shunned his cousin, Grace, so viciously when she had come to court. “Katherine,” He bowed and kissed her had. He then did the same to the woman Katherine had brought over.

“Allow me to introduce you to the Duchess Princess of Nafing in the Sun Kingdom.”

“Ah, Princess Gwendolyn,” Calvin bowed again to her. “A pleasure to have you and your brother here in Cesarnan.”

“And a pleasure it is to be here.”

Katherine smiled pleasantly and Calvin could tell she had forced it. The Duchess from Actis never could stand when she was not the center of attention. “We will catch up later, Gwendolyn dear.” And she was gone, much to Calvin’s relief.

“Are you enjoying Cesarnan, milady?”

“Oh yes, I have never traveled much. I often stay in Nafing with my children, but now that they are older I take what trips I can with or on my brother’s behalf.”

“I am sure King Frederick is glad you could attend his daughter’s wedding.” Calvin could think of little else to say. He wanted to keep up appearances for his homeland, but he detested Frederick and often found it hard to use kind words about him.

“Well he does much to hide his joy then. I do not believe Frederick has ever liked the Sun Kingdom, even less now that my brother is the king. Though I believe when my father king, before my birth or my brother’s, Cesarnan respected the Sun Kingdom.”

“What do you suppose happened?”

“Oneida,” Calvin raised an eyebrow and Gwendolyn laughed a bit. “I suppose you are a bit young to remember Duchess Oneida of Panderas, my father’s cousin and the only child in her family. When her father died he left her as the heiress and she took control of the province. It never sat right with Frederick or his father, though as I understand it was never an open issue, until my brother took the crown. That is when Corine became duchess of Nadian and Wren of Salais became an ally, Frederick openly opposed my brother and his advisors. It puts such a strain on everything in Nareroc too.”

Calvin nodded. Frederick was too stubborn to realize some women made better advisors than men. It was no surprise he could not stand to see King Christian trusting women with political matters.

“King Frederick is just stubborn; it is sometimes hard to realize that those we disregard are often the most valuable.” Calvin’s thoughts went to Grace immediately. She could have been a valuable asset as a shield maiden if Frederick had not been so rash in banishing her.

“Come now friends and countrymen!” Frederick’s voice rang out over the din of the room. “Let us take our seats and begin this feast in honor of Aaron and Elisabeth.”

Calvin sauntered over to Henry of Egona and took his seat beside him. A priest of Ciro said a prayer of thanksgiving and then the food was brought out for the feast. Once the first plate was laid down the conversations began again and once more the room was bustling.

“Tell me, Queen Peony,” Katherine said so that everyone heard and fell silent. “You have brought wolves here as a gift, but it seems strange to bring an animal that preys on the weak and carries them off into the night.”

“The wolf is more than a hunter, ma’am. The wolf is part of a strong family element. It is custom in Otanna to give a newlywed couple a pair of mating wolves. Because you see wolves keep the same mate their entire lives and the families run together in packs. Otanna reveres the wolf as the ultimate symbol of family and fidelity. And so as is our custom I have bestowed the newlyweds with two hunting wolves to show just what family can do for them.”

Calvin was impressed. The queen was confident even though most of Cesarnan hated her for refusing to submit to men.

“If wolves are for the married how is it that a rogue such as yourself has so many?” Frederick asked. It seemed a bit rude and uncalled for to have the king insult the foreign queen about her lack of family.

Peony would have called out Frederick’s subtle challenge with her own if Corine Huntley of the Sun Kingdom had not stepped in.

“I have heard rumors,” She said, clearing stopping Frederick and Peony before too many harsh words were spoken. “I have heard rumors of someone called the Death Dealer. I wonder if someone could explain this to me.”

“The Death Dealer, milady, is a man who rides around Cesarnan righting wrongs. He is called such because of the executioner’s hood he wears.” Drake said, taking Corine’s hint to stop a fight. “If a bully exists anywhere where the Death Dealer is, he makes damn sure no one is harmed. Those threatened and downtrodden have found a hero within this hooded man.”

“He has been a bit quiet these past few weeks. Most likely because of the extra guards and soldiers about for the wedding.” Frederick said, seeming to brag about his army and its effectiveness.

“If the guards and soldiers were out there always protecting the people then you mean to say this ‘Death Dealer’ would never exist?” King Christian asked.

To Calvin it seemed disaster could not be avoided forever. Frederick had insulted a powerful ally to the Sun Kingdom and Christian was obviously refusing to take the insult lying down.

“My husband means no disrespect by the statement.” Derica jumped in, but it was too late. The words hung in the air, most notably above Frederick’s head, and there seemed to be no turning back.

“It would be just like King Christian to have a woman speak for him. He seems incapable of making the slightest decision without a woman whispering poison into his ear.” Frederick glared across the table to Christian.

“Keep your forked tongue between your teeth!” Peony suddenly spat back. “Speak not of matters which you can never possibly grasp.”

“You are no ruler here, Peony,” King Lutfi said, “Do not instruct this king as you would your puppet Christian.”

“Speak no ill of the same woman who rode to your aid in war.” Scott, the duke from the Sun Kingdom, snapped.

“It seems there is no true man within power in the Sun Kingdom.” Frederick growled, “Why not just turn the country over to the women, Christian? It is clear your power is greatly diminished by feminine wiles.”

One of Christian’s knights jumped from his seat with his sword in hand and as he did so Tristan of Escion did the same on Frederick’s behalf.

“Away with your weapons!” Corine Huntley was out of her seat and between the two knights. “We are here to celebrate the union between the prince and princess and to remember the joy felt at their wedding. Not to remember the hate and the fights between stubborn monarchs, who are so threatened by one another they would ruin the happiest day in a young woman’s life.”

The knights lowered their weapons and returned to their seats. For a moment no one spoke. Corine had clearly shamed those involved, even Frederick showed some remorse in his stubborn face. Calvin wanted nothing more than to applaud the duchess because she seemed the only one who had any sense left.

The rest of the feast continued with pleasant conversations, but the tension of the early argument and near brawl hung heavy over everyone.

* * * *
Chapter Three (cont.)

Calvin walked through the castle garden. He found sleep was not coming this night. He wanted the wedding to be over so he could go into Glenbard and find Grace. He had grave news to deliver to her and he worried each passing day made it too late.

Countess Dedre, Grace’s mother, had fallen ill. Her memory was going and she walked endlessly through the castle in Arganis calling for her dead husband and her daughter, begging them to come out from their hiding spots. It was clear the countess was losing her mind. Though Grace had been banished from the court and was no longer allowed to see anyone of status, Calvin felt Dedre should be allowed to see her only child one last time before she went completely mad or died.

But Calvin could not get away from this wedding. The day after the wedding he would go, but it seemed so far away. Grace needed to know exactly what was happening back at her old home.

Calvin continued to walk aimlessly about, until he heard voices. They spoke in whispers, but it all sounded urgent. He ducked behind a tree as the voices came closer.

“I feel as though we are being watched,” Calvin peeked out to see who was there. It was Corine Huntley and King Christian. “Every waking moment I feel as though eyes are just behind me, but when I turn they are gone. We never should have come here. Frederick hates us and especially you.”

“We came to show Frederick we are not afraid and no matter how much he intimidates us on Nareroc we have the same claim to the spice islands as him. He is just a bully, Corine, he is no real threat to us.”

“How many times do his soldiers and seaman on Nareroc have to burn you in effigy before you take his threats seriously? He is going to stop at nothing to get us off the Nareroc Islands. His invitation to this wedding was tainted with lies. I know we are being spied upon.”

“You are worried over nothing. There is nothing Frederick’s spies are going to learn from the time we spend here.” Christian took Corine by the shoulders and kissed her forehead and pulled her into a hug. “We will be away from Cesarnan soon and you will see.”

Christian and Corine continued down the path and Calvin came out from behind the tree. Had it been true? Had the soldiers on Nareroc really burned images of King Christian? Did Frederick hate them that much in the Sun Kingdom? Calvin hated Frederick, but he failed to believe the king was spying and threatening the other monarchs present.

“Sir Calvin!” A guard came up to him and bowed low. “I thought I was the one to be watching King Christian this evening. I was unaware you were involved with this.”

Calvin was normally a truthful man, but he needed to know just what was going on. “I was to be watching the Duchess Corine.”

“Then his highness, King Frederick, did enlist your help? I knew Sir Tristan of Escion and Sir Benjamin of Salatia were watching Peony and Scott, but from all that was told to me you and Prince Drake were not asked to spy.”

“It was a recent development on the king’s part. But be on your way, guardsman. I wish to report to the king, you keep on those two.”

The guard bowed and was gone. The whole affair gave Calvin a headache. There were few he could trust, certainly not anyone in the court. Henry could be trusted, but it would be dangerous now to speak to him. The guard would report to Frederick and ask about Calvin, and then Calvin would have to tread carefully until he could get away from Ursana and into Glenbard and then it would be likely he’d be followed. Who knew a few moments of overheard conversation would have such an effect on one’s life?

* * * *
wow. the plot grows even more. it gave me an image of a spider web, growing more and more intricate. Love this Nikia. Please, keep coming soon.
*chokes*If I was Calvin, I'd tell Peony, Scott, Corine, and Christain that they are being spied on...and I'd tell Drake, too.----If I knew nothing about Drake, but that he saved Grace from being executed, that'd be enough!

Sorry I haven't been keeping up...It's very good..

But she was in no position to harm a noble, but she certainly wasn’t above pranks.
Thats the way to go

“A brawl between sailors? I will be there.”
I want to see;)
Chapter Three (cont.)

The guard, Timothy, entered King Frederick’s personal library just after midnight. Tristan of Escion and Benjamin of Salatia were already seated before the king. Timothy bowed and Frederick motioned to an empty seat beside Benjamin.

“What information do you have?”

“Nothing new your highness, the duchess of Nadian still suspects she is being watched. Though, perhaps Sir Calvin can give you a better description.”

“Calvin of Arganis?”

“Yes, he was watching Christian and Corine this evening. Under your orders, correct?”

“Yes, of course.” Frederick nodded, “Thank you guardsman, return to your post.”

Timothy rose and bowed; when he had exited the library Frederick turned his eyes on Benjamin and Tristan.

“So it appears Calvin is now wise to our plans. Ever since the expulsion of his cousin, he has not been my most loyal knight.”

“Are you suggesting Calvin was hired by the Sun Kingdom and Otanna?” Tristan sat straight up in his seat. The thought of catching Calvin committing treason against the king excited him. If Calvin was stripped of his title there was a chance the land in Arganis would be turned over to Escion thanks to Tristan’s loyalty.

“It is possible, Benjamin, what do you think?”

“Calvin of Arganis has clearly been troubled since his cousin was expelled from court, but he has shown no disloyalty toward you, my lord. I have sat in court with that man for these past few years and there is not a treasonous bone within his body.” Benjamin saw the anguish in Calvin’s face whenever Frederick was unjust, but he never spoke out and he always showed the utmost respect for king and country. “I do not see Calvin deliberately spying on you or your enemies.”

Tristan shot a glance to Benjamin. The other knight was a few years older than himself and aside from Drake, clearly the king’s favorite. Frederick would take Benjamin’s word and judgment over his own.

“But perhaps Calvin is bidding his time and plans to strike.” Tristan fished for anything that king might take over what Benjamin had just said.

“Nay, Tristan, I feel perhaps Benjamin is right. But we cannot rule out the possibility he was spying intentionally. That is why, Tristan, you are going to keep a close watch over Sir Calvin. Wherever he goes, make sure you are not more than two steps behind.”

“Yes your highness.”

* * * *

Calvin stood near the back of the Temple of Ciro. The ceremony was almost over, soon Elisabeth and Aaron would be married, then there would be a great feast to honor them, and then in the morning Calvin would be gone.

He longed to see Grace again. He had not seen her since the day she left court. There had been letters of course. They kept in as close contact as was possible, but Calvin rarely came to court in Ursana and Grace was unable to make the journey into Arganis. But he knew would come when she heard of her mother’s illness. True, the mother and daughter had not been close after the death of Grace’s father, but it was clear Dedre had never stopped loving her daughter despite her grief.

“And may the twins, Ciro and Kamaria, watch over your union and bless it.” The priest of Cesarnan said.

The priest of Mutar spoke next, “The Immortals shall watch down upon you and keep your house safe and fruitful.”

Together the priests spoke in unison, “Elisabeth and Aaron are now joined and are as one, together, forever.”

The congregation cheered for the newlyweds and Calvin found it in himself to clap politely. He no longer cared, in a precious few hours he would be on the road to Glenbard and his cousin.

* * * *

The sun was not even above the horizon yet and Calvin was already ready and saddling his horse. He expected to be alone that morning, but someone came into the stable and began to rifle through the saddles and bridles.

Calvin peeked over the stall wall and saw Tristan of Escion heading into his horse’s stall. “Oh Calvin,” he exclaimed, “I was unaware you were up this early.”

“I have a bit of a ride ahead of me, I wanted an early start.”

“Really? And where are you headed too?” Calvin hated Tristan’s mock interest. It was an insult to them both.

“As I am sure you have heard, my Aunt Dedre is not doing well and I hoped to see what herbs the Nareroc Islands have yielded to the market in Glenbard. With any luck there is something that will ease my aunt’s hurt.”

“Glenbard? I have heard great things about the city; would it be an intrusion if I joined you? My mother has always had some strange fondness for that place. It would be a pleasant surprise if I were to get her a gift there.”

“I suppose, but hurry and pack a few things for the journey. I wish to leave before the sun has completely risen.”

“Ten minutes and I shall return.” Tristan hurried out of the stables and Calvin groaned.
Chapter Four: To Arganis

The weeks had passed slowly, almost a month, in fact. Kay and the Fearless Dawn had finally left port. Donald’s merchant ship had left too and most of the excitement had died down. Grace still found her nights free because of all the nobility in Cesarnan, but soon some nobles would be returning to Glenbard and Grace would find her evenings opened up. She supposed she could always take over the night shift in the stables for Mayhew. The old man had chased away the night stablehand and Grace found herself working alone during the days and Mayhew working alone during the nights.

There was still little use at night for the Death Dealer and Grace was finding it harder and harder to just sit around most evenings. She hoped that if she traded routines with Mayhew she wouldn’t be so bored. She would miss little during the days, though time spent with Jack and Ridley would be cut back, that mattered little. It would only be for a few weeks anyway.

As Grace finished her dinner she made for the stables. Mayhew was grumbling and checking the stalls. The cranky old man went through help like no one Grace had ever seen, she was the only one who ever made it past the first two months. She shook her head and approached Mayhew.

“The nights not treating you so well, Mayhew?”

Mayhew shot her an angry glance, but she just smiled. “I don’t need any sass from you!”

“If you simply apologized to Jenner, he would come back. I spoke to him during lunch yesterday and he will come back for the nights.”

“We’re doing fine without that worthless rat!”

Grace rolled her eyes, “Perhaps you need to see daylight again. Then you will see Jenner is worth having around. I would be willing to take the nights for a while.”

Mayhew didn’t need her to say it twice. He pushed a feed bag into Grace’s hand and stormed out of the stables. She put the bag down and headed over to her mare’s stall. Olwen was lazily eating some hay. “Prepared to spend a few nights with me?” Grace produced a sugar lump from her pocket and held it out for the horse. She laughed as Olwen licked the last bit of sugar from her fingers.

“Stable boy! I have two horses of the finest breed here that need looking after!” Nothing annoyed Grace more than when she was called a boy. It was times like this she wished Mayhew would allow her to wear skirts to work in the stables.

“Sir, I will tend your horses if you kindly acknowledge I am not a boy,” Grace turned to face the man and she fell back into Olwen’s stall door. “Tristan!”

“You! I see you have changed little.” He looked her up and down, “Beautiful, but nothing more than a little wench.” He took a step closer and Grace moved away from the stall door and backed away. “I am sure the men around here were able to turn you into an obedient servant.” Tristan took another step forward.

“What do you want? You have hurt me enough already.”
“I am letting you glimpse upon a real gentleman for a change, instead of the fat, greasy sailors you are used to bedding.”

“Gentleman? A gentleman with a heart as black as night, perhaps! Go back to Ursana and find some poor unsuspecting girl, wed her and ruin her like your father ruined your mother!”

Tristan reached and grabbed Grace by the throat and slammed her hard against the wall. “What right do you have to speak like that of my father?” He began to squeeze her throat tight. “You are not to ever speak to members of court again, under pain of death, I will be doing King Frederick a favor by taking your life now.”

“You sir…are no…nothing more…than…a cow…coward!” Tristan squeezed harder.

“Grace,” The door from the inn swung open and Jack stepped through, “Mayhew just stormed through and notified us that you were…” His eyes widened in anger at seeing his brother.

Tristan released Grace and she rushed to Jack’s side. He pulled her away from Tristan and placed her between the door and himself.

“What a surprise that you would make Grace your wench.”

“You have no right to speak to her like that! And I should kill you for daring to touch her.”

“Jack, please, he is not worth our time,” Grace tried to pull Jack toward the door. “He is a waste of your time and mine.” She whispered into his ear, “Watch him and I will get Jim out here while I care for his horses.” Grace quickly disappeared through the door.

“One failure deserves another I suppose.” Tristan leaned against the wall. “But knowing you, she is probably little more to you than an object, just like Danielle.”

“You should take your ignorance and leave this inn. You know nothing about me or Grace.” Jack kept balling and unballing his fists as he spoke. He was trying to keep from flying at his brother and beating the life from him.

“Oh I see it all so clearly. To mend your ways you have found someone to ‘love’ and someone who quite possibly loves you in return. There are so many wenches here in Glenbard, why this one?”

Jim and Grace reappeared from the inn. The innkeeper crossed his arms and stood just to the side of the door. “Your companion has rented your rooms for the evening, I suggest you go in a get some rest, sir.” Jack knew Jim wanted nothing more than to show Tristan who ran this inn and that no one got away with harassing his workers. But he also knew Jim would never strike out at someone of such a high class.

“Thank you, inn keep,” Tristan slowly walked for the door, letting his glare linger on Jack and Grace. Jim followed him back into the inn to make sure he didn’t try to return.

Once gone Jack blew out a sigh, “Will you be alright in here alone?”

Grace had learned to live with Jack always trying to come to her rescue. Most days she was stubborn and argued with him over it, but there were times when, though she would never admit it, she was glad to have him helping her. Tonight, though she knew could handle Tristan, she was happy Jack was around to come to her aid.

“No,” she said, “There is no reason to worry about him. I can handle Tristan.”

Jack looked skeptically over her. “I’m sure you can,” he quipped sarcastically.

“Do not worry about me, you just get go back to your pipe and your pint and let me work.”

Jack sighed and pulled Grace into a hug, he kissed her forehead. As he returned to the inn she saw him shaking his head.

* * * *

Just before dawn Mayhew returned and relieved a very exhausted Grace. Slowly she plodded up the stairs of the Angel to her room. Though sleep was so close, she was unable to grasp it. A letter had been slipped under her door. Groaning, she picked it up and unfolded it.

Dearest Grace,
I tried to come alone, but Tristan of Escion is following me, I am sure under king’s orders. I must speak with you, in person if at all possible. I will find a way to see you, wait for my word.
From your most loving cousin,

Grace stopped thinking about sleep for a moment and rushed back into the inn’s common room. Few were there and that was to be expected, but the men Grace wanted to see were hanging around. Marcus and his right hand man, Thom, were always at the Angel just before the sun rose to prepare for a day of thieving.

“Marcus,” Grace bowed before the King of Thieves as was the custom in Glenbard amoung the damned. “Thom,” she added giving Thom a nod of her head. “I have a favor to ask.”

“For the young lady who warned us of the dangers of Mac, I am willing to perform whatever favor she asks.” Marcus said, laughing.

“I wonder if you have any of the sleeping potion Madam Jade sold to you a few months back.”

“You mean the potion we used to drug those guards?” Thom asked, raising an eyebrow. He was always concerned when Grace or Ridley made strange requests, things never ended well.

“Yes. I am sure you all heard about the man in the stables last night.” They nodded, their merry faces turning dark for a moment. Rumors spread fast around the Angel. “I need him knocked out so I may speak with his companion in private. It is of the utmost importance.”

“Who is his companion? Hopefully not a former lover of yours, if that is so I can’t help you in hurting Jack Anders.”

“No lover, but my cousin from Arganis. I must be allowed to speak to him, but I cannot while his companion is forever lurking about, following him.”

“Ah, family matters,” Marcus stroked his beard and nodded, “Consider the man taken care of. And once the deed is done we shall send your cousin up to speak with you.”

Grace hugged the king of thieves and hurried back to her room. She wanted to be a little rested before Calvin came to see her.
Has Benjamin of Salatia been mentioned before? I don't remember him. He seems like a nice enough fellow, what's he doing spying on people under the King's unjust orders?

It seems a bit odd the someone as cool as Drake would be such good friends with someone as upsetting as Tristan....
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Rhyanidd said:
Has Benjamin of Salatia been mentioned before? I don't remember him. He seems like a nice enough fellow, what's he doing spying on people under the King's unjust orders?
I believe he was mentioned in the first part, like chapter one or two. A brief role, but I know he was mentioned early on.
Nice Nikia. i must admit that little talk was a tad confusing. its hard to keep charecters straight; theres so many names. but good job anyway.