Death Dealer series

Chapter Ten: Kidnapped

Grace had been back in Glenbard for six days. Her birthday was two days away, but she was afraid. Mac had tried to lure Marcus from his home early one morning, but Marcus had turned him away with many harsh words. Grace was unsure exactly what was said, but she was tremendously worried when Mac saddled up Hammer and seemed to disappear.

No one had heard from him since the day Kay had arrived. An uneasy feeling fell on Grace. Donald told her there was little to fear and Jack agreed, but she couldn’t shake the feeling.

On that fifth day Grace came in from mucking out the stables for her lunch and saw that Marcus, Thom, and Ridley were not present.

“Jim, where’s the king?” She asked, crossing the inn to sit by Jack.

“Geary, came bursting in here a while back saying something had happened with Ridley and Marcus left with him.”

Geary! Grace had forgotten about Geary. He had been there, plotting with Mac. When Mac’s plan had failed he had found someone else to lure out Marcus. Grace left the Angel at a sprint and made for Marcus’s home. Jack called after her, but she blocked him out.

At first everything looked fine in the house. But as Grace moved into Ridley’s bedroom she saw everything had been destroyed. There had been an immense struggle and it had not ended in Ridley’s favor.

There was a clatter in the kitchen and Grace jumped. Jack’s head poked into Ridley’s room. “She is gone!” Grace fell to her knees, but Jack quickly picked her up off the floor.

“There is no time for that.” Jack pushed a bag into Grace’s hands, “It’s time for this.”

He left the room and closed the door behind him. Grace opened the bag and saw the hood of the Death Dealer staring back at her. Her sword and the dagger of Escion were within.

She knew Jack was right. She changed quickly and exited the room. The sword was tied to her waist and the dagger was concealed beneath her jerkin. She clung to the hood with her left hand.

“Let’s search the house first.”

At first their search turned up nothing, but suddenly something moaned in Thom’s room. Jack pushed open the door and found the room looked like Ridley’s did. The only difference was Thom tied up in the corner, beaten almost behind recognition.

Grace quickly threw on the hood and Jack began to untie Thom.

“They waited until after Marcus left, then Mac came with so many men. I heard Ridley scream, but they were waiting outside my door. They took her, Jack! They’re trying to trap Marcus.”

“So far they’re succeeded, but it’s alright. We’ve got the Death Dealer.” Jack looked over his shoulder at Grace in her attire. He could barely tell it was her underneath it all.

Jack helped Thom onto his bed. “I am going to get you a healer, just lay here and try not to move.”

Jack left Thom alone for a few moments and walked Grace back downstairs and out to Marcus’s stables. There was no time to go and get Olwen, so she decided to saddle Jewel and continue the chase from there.

“After you get the healer, round up as many Guild members as you can. Head to the forest and see if you can track Mac and his party, I am sure they went that way. I will go on ahead and track down Mac.”

Jack pulled Grace into a hug, “Don’t be stupid and don’t get yourself killed.” Despite the hood Jack kissed Grace’s forehead. “Now hurry up!”

* * * *

The people of Glenbard were in shocked awe as they saw the Death Dealer riding through the streets in broad daylight. Word had spread like wildfire that Marcus and Ridley had gone missing and here rode the Death Dealer on Ridley’s horse, Jewel. The king and princess of thieves were well-loved in the port city so many cheered as Grace galloped past.

She was completely deaf to it all though. All her thoughts were bent on catching Mac before he hurt her friends. As Grace was rushing to the aid of the king of thieves Jack was on the docks calling all the Guild members to him. He also made sure Donald was made aware and brought along. No one was sure why honest, hard-working Donald was coming, but Jack and Donald knew and that was enough for them.
Chapter Ten (cont.)

* * * *

Grace forced Jewel to the spot she had been only a few precious nights before. If had not been for the executioner’s hood Grace’s face would have been severely cut by the whipping branches. She ignored the stinging sensation she felt underneath her hood and jumped down from Jewel.

There had been a fire in this spot and it had been recent. She guessed Mac and his group had put it out at sunrise. These men were no fools; they had covered their tracks well. Grace guessed they went north, but their tracks led off in all directions. Mac must have guessed their little hide away had not been so secret. He may not have known who, but he knew someone had warned Marcus.

Enraged by it all Grace kicked a charred log across the campsite. Mac was one step ahead and if she took the wrong path it could cost her hours. Already she was wasting time trying to guess which way the real path was. She mounted Jewel and pointed her north. The next largest port city was north of Glenbard. Mac might try heading out there.

Something growled and barked. Grace turned in the saddle and saw the largest black wolf she had ever seen in her life. It barked angrily at Grace. It made no move toward her so she slowly steered Jewel toward the north way. Seeing this, the wolf leapt after her and blocked the path.

It was stirring her away from the northern way. Then Grace noticed something odd. The wolf’s eyes had a glint of purple to them. Tales had been told in many legends of just this wolf.

“If you really are Diggery, guardian of the lost, then show me the right path.”

The wolf almost seemed pleased that Grace finally understood. It bounded past horse and rider and headed with all speed down an eastern path. Grace wasted no time and gave Jewel a swift kick. They were off.

The great black wolf led at a grueling pace and Grace felt Jewel’s muscles begin to tire and foam sprayed from the poor thing’s mouth as Grace pushed her harder. Finally the wolf began to shrink. Jewel’s body could no longer take it.

Grace dismounted and patted Jewel on the neck. “I know you love Ridley, but even that love cannot keep you going. I will run to save your master if I have too.” The wolf was gone from view, but Grace began running on down the path she had last seen the wolf.

About a mile away from Jewel the wolf jumped back into Grace’s path. She stopped and panted, “I…need a…a horse…”

The wolf threw back its head and let out a howl that shook the entire wood. Jewel came trotting up the path. The mare bowed its head before the wolf. Grace was unsure exactly what the wolf did, but she seemed to give new life to Jewel’s tired body. The horse was ready to bear Grace once more. She smiled and swung herself back up.

* * * *

Grace and Jewel ran well into the night, always keeping the wolf in their view. Suddenly the wolf stopped and Grace rode up beside her. Grace dismounted Jewel and the wolf began to slowly walk once more.

A fire came into Grace’s view. It was small and dim from where she stood, but she guessed that the wolf had brought her to Mac’s hide out. Grace wouldn’t dare leaving Jewel alone in the woods, not with Mac and his men so near. She clicked her tongue and Jewel treaded softly up to Grace and the wolf.

“I suppose I am on my own from here?”

The wolf growled a little and snuffed at Grace’s hand. You will not be alone, I promise. Grace was a bit shocked. She couldn’t see the wolf completely in the dark, but she was positive it had not moved its jaws. Yet it had spoken to her and somehow, the voice seemed like she had heard it before. Heard it in a dream, but it was not the time to dwell on where and how.

“Guard the horse,” The wolf whined a bit and Grace took it as a yes.

She snuck forward slowly. There was no telling how many guards Mac had posted about. The black of her clothes would help conceal her, but once she was closer to that fire, her shadows would give her away. The thought she might die that night kept running through Grace’s head.

She was not ready to fight against Mac and there was no Jack this time to come to her rescue. “You do not need someone to rescue you,” Grace whispered to herself.

Grace had a clear view of the camp. There was a large tent on the outskirts. Mac suddenly came out with a flagon of wine. “The king is almost ready to abdicate to me!” His men cheered.

Grace now at least knew where Marcus was, but how would she get inside? It was possible to sneak around and cut through the back of the tent, but not without making a lot of noise. Even in a drunken state the men would hear her cutting through the tent. Waiting for them all to sleep was no good either. Mac was probably waiting for Marcus to give in and then he would kill him.

Luck was on Grace’s side though. Jack had said he thought she’d be punished for lying about a prophetic dream, but it was quite the opposite. Her lie brought the help she needed.

The great wolf suddenly darted past Grace and jumped into the circle of Mac’s men. It snapped angrily and began attacking whoever was near. It howled and the horses of the camp went completely mad. The mutiny of the animal caused enough noise and enough of a distraction for Grace to sneak to the back of the tent.
Chapter Ten (cont.)

She used Jack’s dagger and cut a door for herself in the back. Grace slipped in and saw Marcus and Ridley lying, bloodied and beaten, tied to one another. Ridley was in terrible shape, but Marcus seemed to have his wits about him.

“Death Dealer? You’ve come to help us?”

Grace nodded. “Death…Dealer?” Ridley moaned and tried to open her eyes. Grace was filled with rage as she truly saw what had happened. Ridley had been beaten so badly her eyes were swollen shut and her nose appeared to be broken.

Grace cut them free and helped Marcus to his feet. In turn he lifted Ridley up over his shoulder. “Jewel is in the forest waiting.” Outside the wolf let out another howl. “She will take you to safety.”

“Thank you, Death Dealer.” Marcus disappeared through Grace’s little door. Soon he was gone into the night.

That was as far as Grace had brought her plan. She had not given much thought to how she would escape. The wolf howled again and Grace heard a great deal of running feet. “After the demon! It’s going into the forest!” Someone yelled.

“Let me get my good sword!” Mac’s voice. He was coming back into the tent.

Grace drew her sword and prepared herself. Mac threw open the tent flap and stopped dead in his tracks.

“You again? I see my last gift wasn’t enough to keep you away.” Mac picked up his sword. “I enjoyed marking you once, I’m goin’ love doing it again.”
He lunged and Grace sidestepped. Mac ripped another hole into the tent. The space was too small, but Grace couldn’t risk being in the open. The rogues in Mac’s group would tear her limp from limp, though she had a slim chance of survival within the tent, at least there was a little bit of hope.

Mac brought his sword into a high arc and brought it crashing down against Grace’s. Grace believed in honor in fighting, but she also had the wits to see there would be no honor in this fight and there was a chance it would end like their first fight. So, she used a little trick Kay had taught her. She waited until Mac went for a lower hit and then she kicked at the wrist on his sword arm. He dropped the sword and with a second well-placed kick Grace caught him in the chest.

He landed flat on his back, but his recovery time was amazingly swift. Grace grabbed his sword, but Mac had plenty of weapons in his tent. He picked up a huge axe and swung at Grace’s head. She ducked in time to feel the swing of the axe move the air around her head.

“You’re fast, boy, I’ll give ya that. But did you really think you’d best old Mac? You’re just a little boy, playing big boy games.” Grace dodged another swing of the axe. This time she smashed Mac’s right hand with the hilt of his sword. Something cracked and he loosened his grip with that hand.

“I am not a boy!” Grace ripped off her hood and threw it down.

“You? This is goin’ be more fun then I thought.” Mac dropped the axe. “I’m goin’ give you the beating you deserve.”

Grace dropped her own weapons and put her fists up. Mac jumped at her and brought her crashing to the ground. He got off one good, solid punch to her face, but not another. Grace used her knees and made contact with his stomach. When he tightened his midsection she used her foot to throw him off. As she scrambled to her feet, Mac grabbed her by the ankle and she came crashing back down.

Mac had a solid hold on her left foot, but he had neglected her right one. Grace kicked him hard in the face. This time she was able to get to her feet. Mac staggered up as well. Despite his pain he was fast and Grace was only able to get off one good punch before she was lifting her over his head.
The next thing Grace knew she was sailing through her newly made door and she hit the ground with a great deal of force. She couldn’t be sure, but she had landed on a large, sharp rock. She didn’t think she was bleeding, but the pain was unbearable.

Mac appeared in the hole she had just flown out of. She slowly climbed to her feet. Then she realized he was holding the axe again.

“I’ve had enough of these games, little girl.” Mac let out a primal scream and ran for Grace, bringing the axe high for the final blow.

But he did not expect the final trick Grace had waiting. She pulled the dagger of Escion out for her belt and when Mac was close enough she thrust it forward. The axe clattered to the ground and Mac gasped like a fish out of water. Grace felt his blood on her hand as she gave the dagger a turn. He fell to the ground and joined his axe.

“Hey! Behind here!” Someone called. Grace ignored her pain and took off running through the woods. “Hey wait a minute!”

* * * *

Grace was so tired, but she kept running. Her body was slowing down, but still she thought she was outrunning them. If she just kept moving, they’d never catch her. Mac’s men would never get her. But they did.

Hurt and confused from her fight with Mac, Grace failed to understand how close behind her follower was until he had a good strong hold on her from behind.

“Let me go!” She screamed, using her elbows and what was left of her strength to try and fight him off. “Let…me…GO!”

“Grace, stop fighting me!” Jack’s voice stopped Grace dead in her fight. He had been the one chasing after her, calling for her to stop.

She sunk down to her knees and panted. Jack knelt beside her. Jack hadn’t seen Grace in such a state. She was looking straight forward into the darkness. “Grace, are you alright? Are you hurt?”

“No, well yes, but no. He is dead…and his men…I thought they were chasing me.”

Jack smoothed Grace’s hair. “No, the Guild arrived sometime while you and Mac were fighting in the tent.”

The confusion began to clear in Grace’s head. The adrenaline rush was wearing off and Grace’s body was calming down. “Marcus? Marcus and Ridley?”

“Fine, we found them riding back to Glenbard on Jewel. And Thom is going to be fine as well. And everyone has you to thank, though I suppose no one will know it.”

Jack looked at Grace’s hands. They were coated in dried blood. He pulled out his water skin and poured a little over her hands.

“I beat him, Jack,” She said while Jack rubbed what he could of the blood from her hands. “I did not think I could, but I did. It was unfortunate to see him die like that, caught so unawares by the dagger.”

“Don’t think about it now.”

Grace met Jack’s eyes in the darkness. The glinted a little in the moonlight and she sighed heavily. Jack pulled her into a hug and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

“We have to get you back to Glenbard,” He said, helping Grace to her feet. “Wait here and I’ll get Pilgrim.”
Chapter Eleven: A New Beginning

Grace stood before the wolf statue in the temple of Diggery. There was no doubt in her mind that the great black wolf had been the angel. Grace wanted to make an offering, but she couldn’t decide what would be best. No one seemed to know what to offer to such an odd deity. Not even the priests or priestesses of Ciro and Kamaria.

Grace looked into the eyes of the statue, but it was not like looking into the eyes of the deity in wolf form. She sighed and hung her head.

“The cook at the Angel spent all day at Jim’s request making you a cake and you’re not even there to celebrate your own birthday.” Grace swung around and saw Jack sauntering up the aisle.

“I felt I needed to come here first. I have been trying to think of something to offer so Diggery knows how much I am thankful for her help.”

“She’ll know, now come on. Everyone’s waiting and Ridley is eyeing that cake with quite the ravenous look. It could be gone by the time we get there.”

Grace laughed and took Jack by the hand, “Then lead me to the cake.”

Jack put an arm around her shoulder and began leading her out. As they reached the door he stopped. “Before I forget, it seems Henry has been quite the busy man since I met him on the road. Did you know he sent a messenger bird to my mother?” Grace shook her head. “Well he did and here’s the end result.” Jack produced a silver chain with a winged star pendant dangling on the end.

“The symbol of Diggery?”

“Apparently my mother was a firm believer in Diggery and her protection. She felt I needed this I am a ‘lost soul’. But I say you need it more. I’ve never met anyone who managed to get into more trouble.” Jack placed the necklace into her hand.

Grace kissed his cheek and laughed. “Let’s go get some cake.”

“If there’s any to have.”

Grace laughed again and followed Jack to where their horses were hitched up. In all her twenty-one years Grace had never had a more fantastic birthday.
(And that's the end of Part One)
Diggery has purple eyes? Kitanna has purple eyes...hmmm...(<--That was for fun, I like finding similarties between characters)I don't know...I await the next part with eagerness
PART TWO/ Chapter One: Holiday

Wet hair hung in Grace’s face. She had been engaged in a sword fight when suddenly she found herself sitting in a horse trough outside the Angel. Still she held fast to her sword and growled a bit under her wet hair. Jack laughed and Ridley tried to hide her giggles.

Grace pushed the hair out of her face and glared up at Kay, “That was a dirty trick.”

Kay was known as being a vicious pirate and a dirty fighter, yet somehow it always shocked Grace that someone could have so little honor even fighting against a friend.

Grace Hilren had been living in the port city of Glenbard for nearly two years. At the age of twenty she had found herself exiled and ostracized from her family and traveling with her cousin’s squire, living almost without a purpose. Now at twenty-two she still had no real purpose, but she had found a new family among those in the kingdom’s under belly. With the exception of Kay she was surprised that those the nobles had deemed as “unjust” and “unclean” were really more honorable and kinder than those Grace had known in her past life.

Ridley Hunewn, the princess of thieves and Grace’s dearest friend since coming to Glenbard, held out her hand and pulled Grace from the trough.

“You should have seen it coming,” she remarked.

Kay clapped Grace on the back and smiled. “You’ve bested me plenty of times before, I figured I’d beat you this time in the fashion that suits me best.”

Each time Kay came to Glenbard she made sure to have a friendly dual against Grace. The first time they ever fought had been out of spite and jealously, but these days it was simply tradition.

Jack Anders threw Grace his jacket and shook his head. “This is what holidays do to us. We resort to petty fights in the streets.”

It was only half true. The princess of Cesarnan, Elisabeth, was getting married to a prince of Mutar, a country across the sea in the east. The wedding was just eight days away and so the country had gone on a holiday for the event. It was tradition in Mutar for the man to marry the woman in her home, so the prince of Mutar had his ship anchored in down at the docks.

Other kings and queens were to be present at the wedding. So with the exception of some merchants most of Glenbard shut down to witness the arrival of the guests from distance lands. Kay had left her pirating for the holiday simply because getting out of port without raising navy suspicions was near impossible. Her ship the Fearless Dawn was stuck anchored in the bay flying fake flags from the spice islands of Nareroc.

Donald, Grace’s friend and cousin’s squire, came waltzing out of the Angel Tavern. He looked at Grace in her soaking wet attire and chose to ignore her appearance. He was supposed to be working in the islands, loading and unloading cargo, but the holiday had docked the ship he worked on. Grace loved the holidays because all her friends were together in one spot for a while.

“I was just down at the docks, and you will never guess who I saw.”

“The suspense is killing us, Donald,” Kay said, sarcastically. “Who ever did you see?”

“If you’re just going to act like that, I won’t say.”

“Come on Donald, who did you see?” Ridley asked.

“Kitanna.” Kitanna was an old friend of Jack’s. She had known him well before he came to Glenbard and she kept his past a secret from everyone, but Grace. Kitanna was a mystery in herself, traveling here and there, to lands few had seen. It was good to hear she had come back to Cesarnan.

“I had a few hurried words with her. She seemed a bit rushed, but she promised to come to the tavern tonight.”

Grace wiped off her face with Jack’s jacket and wrung out her hair. “This has all been very fun, but standing here dripping is not how I would like to spend the rest of my afternoon.” She threw the jacket back at Jack. “I am going to get into some dry.”

She trotted into the inn and greeted the innkeeper Jim Little with a smile. “Busy with all these travelers, Jim?”

Jim rolled his eyes, “Unfortunately so. They come from all over Cesarnan and from other countries as well. They’re demanding the best service, but they seem be uninformed about what kind of city Glenbard is.”

Glenbard had become a refuge for the damned and nobles rarely, if ever, sent foot there. The influx of upper classes other countries had the people of Glenbard a bit shocked, no one was quite sure how to act, so they all just acted as they usually did. Coarse and unrefined.

Grace trudged up the stairs to her room. She stayed in the Angel Tavern and Inn for free and in return she worked most days in the stables with the stable master, Mayhew. It wasn’t always easy, but Grace usually heard things before anyone else and was always able to stop trouble when she knew it was brewing.

She pushed opened her door and something felt different. She stepped inside and slowly shut the door. And there, waiting quietly behind the door was a cloaked and hooded figure.

Grace squeaked and drew her sword against him. “Stay where you are!”

“Is that how you treat a friend, Grace Hilren of Arganis?”

“Friend? What friend are you, who sneaks into my room?” The figure stepped closer and Grace held out her sword.

“Do you not know me? Not even my voice?”

“Unmask yourself or my blade will find a new sheath, ‘friend’.”

“Of course,” The figure drew back his hood and Grace gasped.

Her face turned a bright red with shame and embarrassment. How could she have forgotten who the voice belonged too. She fell to one knee and bowed her head. “Please forgive me, Prince Drake!”

* * * *
wow, sorry for missing so much. i really liked the part where Diggory came and helped her, but i don't think you made it suspensful enough. I mean; you did a good job writng what Grace did, but now how Grace felt. i think that would be nice...
sorry, not tyring to be picky. very much like the new section, too. :eek:
I know you're busy with school and band and having me as a neighbor, but that's no excuse for slacking off. Update or your story will slip through the cracks.
YEAH! I don't start collEge (thank goodness) but I do have a life, but...well I pretend to have a life...and well I'd like to read more! PLEASE!
Chapter One (cont.)

I talked to Nikia about her lack of updates lately. Apparently her computer is dead, so she e-mailed me a little bit from the story. It's not much, but she said she hopes it tides everyone over until her computer is fixed.

(sorry for the delay, my computer sucks. Anywho here’s some more from Chapter One. It’s not as good as I’d have hoped, but I’m sure I’ll tweek it later. Enjoy.)

The prince of Cesarnan put his hands on Grace’s shoulders and brought her back to her feet. “None of that now.” He motioned for Grace to sit on the bed as he took a seat at her desk.

“What are you doing here?”

“I was sent as an ambassador. I am here to greet the foreign nobles on behalf of my father. I have a ship anchored in the bay. No one knows I am here yet, I will not be making a public appearance until tomorrow when I greet King Christian and Queen Derica from the Sun Kingdom. I thought I might use that to my advantage. Henry told me you were staying in Glenbard.”

“Henry never was any good at keeping secrets.” Grace laughed thinking about the man who had treated her like a daughter despite the shame that was often cast on her.

“Once he told me you were here I decided to come and see you. I hope it does not inconvenience you.”

“Of course not, you are welcome here anytime.” Grace practically owed Drake her life. When she faced the hangman’s noose only he and Henry had dared to stand up against King Frederick for her. She was glad to see him now, though his defense of her was always a source of confusion.

“I also hear Jack Anders is here. I hope you two plan on inviting me to your wedding.”

Drake’s statement caught Grace completely off guard. Rumors spread quickly through Glenbard about Grace and Jack. The men often said Jack had asked Grace for her hand and she had declined and now had a hold over Jack and his heart. The women said Grace wanted Jack to ask, but he was too stubborn and proud to ask the former countess.

Neither rumor was true though. Grace and Jack had never even bothered to discuss marriage. They figured they would eventually marry, but not anytime soon. How Drake even caught wind of the rumor was perplexing for Grace.

“Who said anything about marriage?”

“Henry, who else? He said you two were rather serious about one another and marriage seems like the next logical step.”

“Well, there will not be a marriage for a while. But if there is I will make sure you are invited.”

Drake nodded and looked around Grace’s room. “Nice, cozy room you live in. I do not think I could live here after living at the palace.”

“It took a bit of getting used too, but it beat living on the road.” Drake seemed to understand. The prince, like all knights, had spent his fair share of time out in the wilderness training or fighting. He could appreciate just being happy to be in a real bed and not sleeping with a root in his back.

“Drake, I have been wondering, why is that you did not seem to find me guilty at the tournament? I mean your father and everyone else was certain I was a witch, but you stood up for me. I have always wanted to know…”

“That was another reason I came by. I thought it might need some explaining. I had heard tales of how your cousin, Calvin, jousted. Benjamin of Salatia said he like jousting against an angry bull. All the knights that jousted against him said they had never encountered such force. After your first hit that day I knew you were not Calvin, but I admired whoever had taken his place. And I figured a witch would at least make a spell so she would hit harder than you.

“But you did joust well. Though you unhorsed me by luck and little more. I was impressed that a woman could do it, and I could not let them kill you for being so brave and strong. Though I was under close watch after you left. Everyone was convinced I was under some horrible spell.”

Grace smiled and patted Drake’s knee. “Well thank you. Life is different here, but I am glad I have had the chance to experience it.”
My computer is down and out for the count these days and it looks like it's gonna be like that for a long while, but I'm using the school's computers so I'll be able to update once in a while, maybe once a week.