Debate on the Healthiness of Fangirlism

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IceMaiden said:
Thank you, Paravel. I keep getting accused of posting something that was so horrible that it obviously raised the point...why are some of these young guys here so bothered by the possibility that they might be jealous in some ways? Would they feel the same way about celebrity and fan girls if they were in the same shoes as Will or Skandar? Probably not.

And then I'm accused...goodness...of 'not giving the right answers.' Answers to WHAT? The 'idea' that the girls' fandom here is 'unhealthy?' I stated all my reasons quite clearly as to why I felt their fandom was NOT unhealthy in any way, and was a perfectly normal part of being a young girl who enjoys handsome young male actors' looks and character as well as their acting. What answers do you want me to give?

Yes, I'm not sure what else there is to say. I just feel like this "discussion" isn't a discussion if you can't ask the people who started it about their motives about starting the thread as well as the validity of debating the subject itself.

Well, I'd really like to see the answer to the "Why do you care?" question, which has been asked many times and never answered to my knowledge.
It seems to me that as you stated, Paravel, there is a sort of irony to the posting of this entire thread. Since some of the gentlemen here, if not all of them, think girl fandom is useless and a waste of time, I wonder why a thread was created in the first place to DISCUSS something useless and a waste of time. Wouldn't it be more logical to consider not bothering at ALL to create a thread which developed out of arguing and fighting in one of the fan sections?

In other words, practice what you preach. If you think girl fandom is a waste of time, then don't WASTE THE TIME creating USELESS threads about it.
IceMaiden said:
I don't think that's what she meant at all. Here's my question to YOU, Asphodel. What does it matter to YOU if she's using a celebrity ( if indeed that IS even the case) to cure or assist some of her problems instead of her family? Why is this any of your business how a young woman wants to relate to celebrities versus relating to her family? You don't know that she doesn't 'grasp onto' her family for support...and if she feels fandom for Skandar is making her life a little happier and better, then you should be glad for her, not try to make her feel worse about it.

And can you answer even one question for me, A? WHY DO YOU CARE? WHY IS THIS ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS? If you were so CONCERNED about the issues with young women here and fandom, why wait so long to 'express' these 'concerns' when the fan clubs and fan sections for Will and Skandar have been here for a long, long time? Is this a SUDDEN concern of yours for some reason?
Wait, wait, wait, IceMaiden, then what did you think she meant? And if Teh Deviant is willing to tell us that story, then she should be expecting our opinionated responses to them. Please don't get so nasty about one comment. Just our opinions, remember? :D

No, actually Asphodel signed on not too long ago, about a few weeks or so back, so he's been concerned about it ever since signing on. I'm not particularly concerned with it, some things are just difficult for me to understand. And please don't get under my skin for that. *hides*
Wow, IceMaiden really went on a rampage here...

I think this thread was made to show how, and to state in a good way with proof, that it's bad to do/waste of time/dislikeable. Stating your opinions really isn't a waste of time. Then why would we have polititians? All they do is try to get what they believe in passed. Why wouldn't we just leave everyone to do what they felt like?

Edit: Why does everyone post before me? Oh, and IceMaiden, one more thing. I think someone started this, and everyone just kind of agreed. At least, that's what I did.
fawkes777 said:
Wait, wait, wait, IceMaiden, then what did you think she meant? And if Teh Deviant is willing to tell us that story, then she should be expecting our opinionated responses to them. Please don't get so nasty about one comment. Just our opinions, remember? :D

No, actually Asphodel signed on not too long ago, about a few weeks or so back, so he's been concerned about it ever since signing on. I'm not particularly concerned with it, some things are just difficult for me to understand. And please don't get under my skin for that. *hides*

Because I happen to speak to her about it all the time.
JackD said:
Wow, IceMaiden really went on a rampage here...

I think this thread was made to show how, and to state in a good way with proof, that it's bad to do/waste of time/dislikeable. Stating your opinions really isn't a waste of time. Then why would we have polititians? All they do is try to get what they believe in passed. Why wouldn't we just leave everyone to do what they felt like?
Thank you. I'd hide if I were you, now, JackD. :D Opinions aren't taken well in this thread.
fawkes777 said:
Thank you. I'd hide if I were you, now, JackD. :D Opinions aren't taken well in this thread.
Just because someone refutes your argument doesn't mean that they are not taken well. Ice Maden, Inkspot, Parvel and all these people are pros in the debate department. They are able to debate heavy issues such as abortion and still keep the thread open.
QueenAravis48 said:
Just because someone refutes your argument doesn't mean that they are not taken well. Ice Maden, Inkspot, Parvel and all these people are pros in the debate department. They are able to debate heavy issues such as abortion and still keep the thread open.
No, no, we know, it was a joke. Jeez.

And you can kind of tell when your argument isn't taken well.
Mmm... So ya. I got lost here. All I see are people arguing over whether writing here's a waste of time or not. Whatever happened to the topic?
Paravel25 said:
That's what I said. The topic is fangirlism, which you think is a waste of anyone's time. Correct? If it is, then you could be doing something more productive then debating this subject in this thread, by your own logic.

I know that something that starts off as hobby without the obvious potential for "productivity" can end up introducing you to new friends, contacts, can inspire you to do something that you didn't think about before. Yes, that could happen in a 'Nite thread or any other thread on a forum. Anytime people can get together and communicate about one thing that interests them, they can usually find other common ground and build a friendship.

I don't think you always have to be producing something for the hobbies you do to have value. Sometimes you can be silly, joke around, chat about random things, and then go off and do what you do in real life. It's down time. I just think you are underestimating the value of those threads as something worthwhile. And I've already agreed that if it controls you life, then it is unhealthy. But as a part of your life, like any hobby, it can be rewarding.
Hey, Paravel, could you kind of cool yourself down? You don't have to go psycho, okay, no one's yelling at you. And did we ever say debating was as unproductive as we think fangirlism is? No.
Hmmm... I was told they closed this thread--apparently not. Oh well- I've got no problem with it other than the fact that neither side of this argument can agree to disagree on some parts, and are basically just shooting random opinions back at each other, often repeated.

fawkes777 said:
Thank you. I'd hide if I were you, now, JackD. :D Opinions aren't taken well in this thread.

I don't have anything to say about this particular ^quote, I just want to say that it shouldn't be right that fawkes can get away with posting something that doesn't have ANYTHING to do with the topic and not get yelled at, as I was last night. Fawkes, you even said it was a joke, right? I was saying something of the same sort (in a joking way, of course) to Teh Deviant last night and - I don't even remember who it was- basically blew my head off saying that if I didn't have anything to say about the topic I should just not post.

The gentlemen posting on this thread were obviously offended that Ice Maiden asked why they started this thread and that she stated her OPINION that it could be because of insecurity/jealousy *don't bite my head off, just saying something!* Guys, you've been asking us stuff like that the entire time that may come off as slightly offending, and if we ever said anything about it, you'd say we're just denying it.

Just saying that if we want this thread to continue, we might wanna try to be fair to each other when asking opinions and stating them.
fawkes777 said:
Hey, Paravel, could you kind of cool yourself down? You don't have to go psycho, okay, no one's yelling at you. And did we ever say debating was as unproductive as we think fangirlism is? No.

:confused: Ok, this is my last post in this thread because you have completely lost me. My post was psycho? I believe all I did was answer Jack D.'s question about what I posted and your question about productivity in a calm and rational way. And I'm the one saying that debating this topic is unproductive, there is irony here. Unsurprisingly, instead of answering to the content of what I said or answering IceMaiden's question, you chose to tell me I'm psycho. Bye and good luck.
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