Debate on the Healthiness of Fangirlism

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Aitoren said:
Just cuz it's pleasurable doesn't mean it's right or healthy. Uh... don't take that in a wierd way...

No, but being fanatic about something that is completely seperate from your life, can never be productive, and is basically just a 'dead end' isn't too good. Making videos, writing, playing sports all have some benefits. This has none.

I agree, but that doesnt mean its un-healthy! It stimulates us to do other things. For instance, let's say Ive got a test, and then I think "study for Skandar", then, its productive, isn't it?
Cos, *time to emberass myself* when I had to eat a certain amount of food, I thought to myself to do it for Skandar and I ended up eating it. It stopped me from going to the hospital a second time.

So it's not that un-prodductive.
I've been following this thread and even though there are supposedly "different topics" it still seems like one topic with rephrased subtopics. Is obsessive fangirlism/boyism unhealthy? It's obvious that there are obsessive fans of Will, Skandar, Star Wars, Sports Teams, etc. and it is unhealthy, if it prevents you from doing things you need to do in your real life.

And is there a difference between fans and obsessive fans? Well, I think you guys are assuming that all these girls on the 'Nites are wasting their lives and not doing anything else. How do you know? For me, I don't post, but I read it and no it doesn't prevent me from doing what I need to do or other things I like to do. And you know, if you read the entire Willianites thread (can't say for Skandarnites), it stays on topic of Will for maybe half the time and the other half people are talking about other shared interests. Will is just one.

It just seems like you guys are talking about something intangible that you don't understand about the Nites threads existence and popularity and I don't think this discussion will solve that. You also talk in extremes about obsessiveness and wasting time when you pose your questions and most people don't fall into that category really, it's just that you perceive these threads to be obsessive in their very existence. But then I could say that this forum or any forum dedicated to any specific book, movie, person, sport etc. is obsessive in that it exists and that's just not necessarily true. Or then we would all be "guilty", including you guys.

For most of us, the Nites threads/this board are just a couple of many hobbies and do not control our lives. For those who are obsessive (only they know if they are), well, maybe this thread will cause them to think twice. But I think the actual question has been answered, but I'm curious as to how many more topics you can pull out of one.
Asphodel said:
Wow, IceMaiden, please don't make this thread out to be started by a bunch of jealous guys. That's not right. If you can't handle our discussion without sinking to that level, then perhaps you shouldn't post.

And you took what I said seriously? I think you need to lighten up. But what is your concern with girls and fandom? Why do you care how obsessed they are with an actor? If you have to worry about how much time OTHER people lust over an actor, then you have too much time on YOUR hands, I'd say. Perhaps it's you who should have never started a post about 'obsessive fan girls' being unhealthy, because you aren't even a girl yourself.

I don't see girls here stalking Will, letting their lives get so caught up in an actor fandom that they have nothing else better to do. What I see are a group of Narnia fan girls who happen to enjoy fantasizing and admiring another young, handsome actor who appeals to them BOTH visually and as a character role.

In other words, WHY should you care about it? Unless one of the members was seriously stalking or making her own life miserable, isn't HURTING anyone, then it should be none of your concern regarding how some young women on this forum want to ooh and ahh over an actor.
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IceMaiden said:
And you took what I said seriously? I think you need to lighten up. But what is your concern with girls and fandom? Why do you care how obsessed they are with an actor? If you have to worry about how much time OTHER people lust over an actor, then you have too much time on YOUR hands, I'd say. Perhaps it's you who should have never started a post about 'obsessive fan girls' being unhealthy, because you aren't even a girl yourself.

*gives IM and Paravel25 a standing ovation*
To answer Aitoren, I think you're mistaking typical girl fandom for something that is unhealthy and dangerous, such as fanaticism.

I don't pretend to be the tribal elder here at almost 40 years old, but I also firmly believe that at my age, older enough to be the mother of many people on this forum, that my experiences in life have garnered me enough wisdom to know the difference between what is healthy, unhealthy, fanatical, obsessive, and dangerous.

When I was a young girl, Andy Gibb and the Bee Gees were all the rage. Did I have posters of them on my walls? Yes. Did I fantasize that I'd meet or marry them? Yes. Did I scream and ahhhh when I heard their music or saw their pictures in TEEN BEAT? Yes I did. But I also got straight A's, did the dishes, painted, read, had friends, and had a life.

I think some young men here think that just because young women here on this forum are doing the same thing I did and just about every young girl has done ( let's not forget BOYS who lust after certain beautiful women in Victoria Secret catalogs or in magazine or the television or movies) that it's akin to something 'obsessive' and 'fanatical.' Well, let's get real here. The young women here seem very intelligent, are all students, it's summer time ( out of school, HELLO? Means more time to spend on a forum and scream about William Moseley!!) and they're having harmless fun.

Where do you see signs of UNHEALTHY behavior, Aitoren? Where do you see signs that these young women are wasting their lives away on a fantasy or admiring a young actor's handsomeness or his character in a movie? Are there any girls here who openly stated that they were going to sit outside William Moseley's house and wait for him? Because that might be going overboard, but I haven't read one thing in the Williamites or the William Moseley fan thread that I see as dangerous, unhealthy or obsessive and fanatic. I see young women who have stars in their eyes. And I don't remember anywhere in my psychology classes that said having starry eyes over a handsome actor was unhealthy.

Why worry or even concern yourselves about what these girls think or do? I would worry a lot more about internet stalkers, predators, rapists, and so forth, than I would about fan girls who adore an actor. And what does it matter if that actor isn't 'talented?' How do you define talent? A lot of the fandom here is because William Moseley and Skandar Keynes are attractive to the girls, and let's face it, looks do matter if you're an actor.It's what we see before anything else. Remember the Beatles and Elvis, and how girls would scream over those guys? Nothing different here.

I would concern myself with stalkers who are OLDER people. Most stars and musicians have been stalked by mentally unbalanced individuals who obviously had serious problems in their own lives and let their fandom become obsessively dangerous to the point where they had to be hospitalized or jailed. I see none of that here.
wow! when was this thread made?

well, this thread has way too many pages to take the time and read ya know? but i just have to say (not to offend anyone) that a lot of fangirls, not just the fangirls of will and the skand but of a lot of celebs :rolleyes: , take it to far...............................

thats it, i said what i had to ya know?
lions mane said:
well, this thread has way too many pages to take the time and read ya know? but i just have to say (not to offend anyone) that a lot of fangirls, not just the fangirls of will and the skand but of a lot of celebs :rolleyes: , take it to far...............................

thats it, i said what i had to ya know?

The thread was started because there was some fighting and disagreement going on in the Williamites section, I believe. Totally unnecessary.
umm.. hi! I have been reading what everyone else said, and IcaMaiden is right. Im a straight A student. Its summer, and I am in a dance team. I have been for seven years. My cheerleading squad won the gold medal at our last competition. I do chores and take care of the house. I actually had 5 papers to write for school when it gets back, but I went ahead and did them, so now i dont have to worry about it. And I was on the Willianites the whole time.

Now I wanna know, what is classified as unproductive? Are you just saying that as a geberal term. Id be very careful with some of these girls here. One of them is an excellent artist and just made the most beautiful painting I think ive ever seen. But she was on the Willianites.Does that autimically make her unproductive?
Now Ill agree. There are some who drool over Will, but to be honest, NONE of us have done that. I think the last time someone did that, we all got scared and left the forum lol! Im saying that it can be perfectly healthy. Now, grant it, if you dont do anything but sit at a computer for a week straight, yeah theres a problem. But none of us do that.

So in conclusion, after that long, tedious speech I reach this:
Being a fangirl can be perfectly healthy.
I have to agree with IM and others -- as long as the fangirls have a real llife, too, there is nothing wrong with being a fangirl. It's something teen girls do!
It would be unhealthy if it was all they did, and they spent their time and money trying to find Will's house, tap his phones and attack him in the street. But I think the fangirls here are nice well rounded young ladies who just happen to like Will (or Skandar or Mr. Beaver) and each other, so it seems healthy enough.

And they're young people, so this is the time to be "unproductive" if they want to be. It's not like they would be out curing cancer if not for their obesession with Will.
I like skandar...but I am NOT a fan girl I do not drool over photos of him dream of meating him and/or have posters of him covering my locker and room!
Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
*sigh* this debate is going to be neverending, i can see it now. it seems like everyone just keeps repeating themselves.

The wheels on the bus go round and round!

Like I said, Its really all one big topic!

Stop getting all over every one for 'changing' the subject for a second, please. It would stop most of the fighting because its only making some people mad.
IceMaiden said:
And you took what I said seriously? I think you need to lighten up. But what is your concern with girls and fandom? Why do you care how obsessed they are with an actor? If you have to worry about how much time OTHER people lust over an actor, then you have too much time on YOUR hands, I'd say. Perhaps it's you who should have never started a post about 'obsessive fan girls' being unhealthy, because you aren't even a girl yourself.

I don't see girls here stalking Will, letting their lives get so caught up in an actor fandom that they have nothing else better to do. What I see are a group of Narnia fan girls who happen to enjoy fantasizing and admiring another young, handsome actor who appeals to them BOTH visually and as a character role.

In other words, WHY should you care about it? Unless one of the members was seriously stalking or making her own life miserable, isn't HURTING anyone, then it should be none of your concern regarding how some young women on this forum want to ooh and ahh over an actor.
No, I don't think any of us need to lighten up. I'm sick of people making unproductive comments like that so they can all "agree with each other 500%" or whatever. It really does get annoying when we're just trying to have a discussion.

And I'm on here less than twenty minutes a day to post on this thread. Otherwise I'm doing something productive with my life. And hey, debates are productive too.
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♣Teh Deviant♣ said:
For instance, let's say Ive got a test, and then I think "study for Skandar", then, its productive, isn't it?
Cos, *time to emberass myself* when I had to eat a certain amount of food, I thought to myself to do it for Skandar and I ended up eating it. It stopped me from going to the hospital a second time. QUOTE]
i'd say that's extremely unhealthy, Teh Deviant. you should be doing those things for yourself, not for people you don't even know.
fawkes777 said:
No, I don't think any of us need to lighten up. I'm sick of people making unproductive comments like that so they can all "agree with each other 500%" or whatever. It really does get annoying when we're just trying to have a discussion.

And I'm on here less than twenty minutes a day to post on this thread. Otherwise I'm doing something productive with my life. And hey, debates are productive too.

It might be productive for your brain but for life, its not very productive.
Why? Because its getting anything done!
fawkes777 said:
No, I don't think any of us need to lighten up. I'm sick of people making unproductive comments like that so they can all "agree with each other 500%" or whatever. It really does get annoying when we're just trying to have a discussion.

And I'm on here less than twenty minutes a day to post on this thread. Otherwise I'm doing something productive with my life. And hey, debates are productive too.

I'm sorry but you seem to like to condescend to people on this thread about making 'unproductive comments'. I see nothing unproductive about IceMaiden's question to you. Why do you care? People have explained why the Willianites/Skandarnites exist, that it doesn't take up all their lives and that it's really their business. And if the posts are sounding the same because people are agreeing with each other, maybe you should accept it as your answer to the question from those who would know. Since you guys claim to be mystified and started the thread, how can you tell us we're not giving you the right answer. You have your answers, you just don't like them and that's fine.
Yah, play nice y'all.

IM's questions were valid -- why does anyone care about fangirlism if we have demonstrated the fangirls here aren't stalkers and they do have a life away fromhere?

A lot of fun things aren't particularly "productive."

Why does what the fangirls do on this Forum bother people? We don't have to read their threads, so it would seem a funny thing to obsess on: why I don't like fangirlism ...
Paravel25 said:
I'm sorry but you seem to like to condescend to people on this thread about making 'unproductive comments'. I see nothing unproductive about IceMaiden's question to you. Why do you care? People have explained why the Willianites/Skandarnites exist, that it doesn't take up all their lives and that it's really their business. And if the posts are sounding the same because people are agreeing with each other, maybe you should accept it as your answer to the question from those who would know. Since you guys claim to be mystified and started the thread, how can you tell us we're not giving you the right answer. You have your answers, you just don't like them and that's fine.
All right, I'm trying to remain calm about this comment you just made, Paravel. No one said that you are not giving the right answers. No one. Nadie. NO ONE. NO ONE. Find that post, please find it for me, and post it right after this. PLEASE, I'd very much like to see it!!!

I see a great deal of things that are unproductive about IceMaiden's comment, whether you think so or not. Just because we started a debate on a topic that may be touchy to others DOES NOT automatically mean that we are just guys who are "jealous" because other celebrities get attention. I think it's rather sad that you have to resort to that level of thinking to come back with a retaliation.
Paravel25 said:
I'm sorry but you seem to like to condescend to people on this thread about making 'unproductive comments'. I see nothing unproductive about IceMaiden's question to you. Why do you care? People have explained why the Willianites/Skandarnites exist, that it doesn't take up all their lives and that it's really their business. And if the posts are sounding the same because people are agreeing with each other, maybe you should accept it as your answer to the question from those who would know. Since you guys claim to be mystified and started the thread, how can you tell us we're not giving you the right answer. You have your answers, you just don't like them and that's fine.

Well, mostly the only people I see agreeing with 'it's not unhealthy' are people that are nites themselves. And I see a lot of people saying 'it's not healthy, but it's fun/pleasurable, and we have the right to do it!'

IceMaiden did have some valid points, but then again, she was also just complaining that we didn't know enough about this or we weren't old enough or something to know, which I'm not sure is comletely true. She wasn't arguing with us on those points, rather just telling us that we couldn't say our opinioin correctly. Then she was also saying this whole thread really didn't matter, because she just wanted some laisser faire deal. Do what they like and leave them alone kind of thing. She wasn't really answering questions or making points against our points.
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