Debate on the Healthiness of Fangirlism

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Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
if everyone took what i posted seriously, then well.. we'd have a serious problem.

*sigh* this debate is going to be neverending, i can see it now. it seems like everyone just keeps repeating themselves.

Yes. I htink we should just learn to live with eachother. (meaning, us and the antifangirls :rolleyes: )
tinman said:
Well, we definitely think it's right to separate the two. Not only right, but necessary.
I'm sorry for that. tinman went a little overboard on what he said, though I do believe there is a fine line between obsessive fans and inobsessive (word?) fans. Which leads me to the next topic.


Do you believe that there is a difference between fangirls/boys and fans who aren't obsessive? Why or why not?

And Lucy_QueenofNarnia, not to be rude, but half of the time you are not sticking to the topics, but reverting back to the very first one. That may be why things seem so repetitive.
♣Teh Deviant♣ said:
Yes. I htink we should just learn to live with eachother. (meaning, us and the antifangirls :rolleyes: )

i dont think the guys could handle that. i mean, we weren't even bugging them and they just come into the fan club thread to tell us we're unhealthy.
Asphodel said:
I'm sorry for that. tinman went a little overboard on what he said, though I do believe there is a fine line between obsessive fans and inobsessive (word?) fans. Which leads me to the next topic.


Do you believe that there is a difference between fangirls/boys and fans who aren't obsessive? Why or why not?

Before responding, can I ask you to define what you think OBSESSIVE entails? Please, just so I can debate this and know we are on the same page on what counts fans as obsessive.
Asphodel said:
I'm sorry for that. tinman went a little overboard on what he said, though I do believe there is a fine line between obsessive fans and inobsessive (word?) fans. Which leads me to the next topic.


Do you believe that there is a difference between fangirls/boys and fans who aren't obsessive? Why or why not?

You sound soo much like a textbook (not a bad tihng..just a comment. :D)

Of course there's a difference. :rolleyes: Fangirls are called fanGIRLS cos the fact that they are girls means that they're in love in an attraction-romantic way to the of, meaning the person they are fanning. :D
But, some fangirls call themselves fangirls JUST cos theyre fans and are girls, but, like Luce Queen of Narnia, arent really obsessive, but more of a righteous, supportive fan (which fangirls are as well, but..and
Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
i dont think the guys could handle that. i mean, we weren't even bugging them and they just come into the fan club thread to tell us we're unhealthy.
Once again, LQN, stick to the topics or DO NOT post here. I don't know how many times we've debated what you keep stating. Please stop, it's not doing anyone any good when you personally attack people who are trying to have a civilized conversation.
Asphodel said:
Once again, LQN, stick to the topics or DO NOT post here. I don't know how many times we've debated what you keep stating. Please stop, it's not doing anyone any good when you personally attack people who are trying to have a civilized conversation.

I dont think that was attacking you. Why dont you PM a mod then and ask of her/his opinion?

Not to seem rude.
Asphodel said:
Once again, LQN, stick to the topics or DO NOT post here. I don't know how many times we've debated what you keep stating. Please stop, it's not doing anyone any good when you personally attack people who are trying to have a civilized conversation.

I'm sorry- I was just stating something to Teh Deviant. And it was meant in a joking sort of way- I guess I'll stick to smileys. :)

I'm really not trying to be rude or anything, I'm stating my opinions.
♣Teh Deviant♣ said:
You sound soo much like a textbook (not a bad tihng..just a comment. :D)

Of course there's a difference. :rolleyes: Fangirls are called fanGIRLS cos the fact that they are girls means that they're in love in an attraction-romantic way to the of, meaning the person they are fanning. :D
But, some fangirls call themselves fangirls JUST cos theyre fans and are girls, but, like Luce Queen of Narnia, arent really obsessive, but more of a righteous, supportive fan (which fangirls are as well, but..and
But, Teh Deviant, as I hope you see, we are not discussing that type of fangirlism. Ones who support and promote constructive conversations are not the ones we are discussing now.
Well, uber-obsessed girls need to find something better to do. I don't think their doing themselves any good being on forums for so long, especially for something less than constructive, to say it lightly.
Aitoren said:
Well, uber-obsessed girls need to find something better to do. I don't think their doing themselves any good being on forums for so long, especially for something less than constructive, to say it lightly.

Why!??! WHY!?!? Why cant we express how we feel?? Would you rather us be expressing it as I did last year, becoming Anorexic?? Would you rahter us taking up smoking or drugs, or..!??!?

I am not attacking you, by the way. Those punctuations express how I feel. Which is a good tihng.

If spending time on a forum was so bad then I dont htink our guardians would let us go on living like this. :rolleyes:
*sigh* I see Asphodel left so I will ask someone else :rolleyes:

Ummm... perhaps aitoren could answer: what counts as obsessive? I just want to know what other people count as obsessive- or maybe come up with an agreed definition so we're talking about the same thing.
♣Teh Deviant♣ said:
Why!??! WHY!?!? Why cant we express how we feel?? Would you rather us be expressing it as I did last year, becoming Anorexic?? Would you rahter us taking up smoking or drugs, or..!??!?

I am not attacking you, by the way. Those punctuations express how I feel. Which is a good tihng.

If spending time on a forum was so bad then I dont htink our guardians would let us go on living like this. :rolleyes:

♣Teh Deviant♣ said:
Why!??! WHY!?!? Why cant we express how we feel?? Would you rather us be expressing it as I did last year, becoming Anorexic?? Would you rahter us taking up smoking or drugs, or..!??!?

I am not attacking you, by the way. Those punctuations express how I feel. Which is a good tihng.

If spending time on a forum was so bad then I dont htink our guardians would let us go on living like this. :rolleyes:
I understand what you mean to an extent, but when it comes to expressing yourself, I don't get what you mean at all. I thought the whole Will or Skandar thing was more of a joke, or that's the feeling I'm getting from you.
fawkes777 said:
I understand what you mean to an extent, but when it comes to expressing yourself, I don't get what you mean at all. I thought the whole Will or Skandar thing was more of a joke, or that's the feeling I'm getting from you.

What feeling exactly am I emitting, fawkes?
♣Teh Deviant♣ said:
What feeling exactly am I emitting, fawkes?
The one I just stated in my last post.

And LQN, I don't think it's the so-called "obsessiveness" is the problem, I think what it is used for is the problem. I honestly think it promotes a waste of time that could have been productive. Honestly I do, and I'm not trying to attack or be mean, but that's how I feel on the matter. As you can see, my fellow friends and I disagree slightly on the matter.
Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
*sigh* I see Asphodel left so I will ask someone else :rolleyes:

Ummm... perhaps aitoren could answer: what counts as obsessive? I just want to know what other people count as obsessive- or maybe come up with an agreed definition so we're talking about the same thing.

Uh, oh. Did Asphodel leave me alone. With all of you wanting to kill me :eek: Gotta go!

jk. I'm not saying don't express yourself. If you have a crush on some actor, if you really must, that's all right, but I think that pushing that crush into an obsession, or really at all isn't good, because it can't lead to anything else. It's like a dead end.

And in my opinion, an obsession is when you're doing any of these. Thinking about something constantly, having what you do (could be just on your forums, or not) dictated by something, surrounding yourself completely (like with images of someone) with something, or paying attention to, or talking about something more than everything else.

Edit: AAK! Why does everyone type so much faster than me???
fawkes777 said:
The one I just stated in my last post.

And LQN, I don't think it's the so-called "obsessiveness" is the problem, I think what it is used for is the problem. I honestly think it promotes a waste of time that could have been productive. Honestly I do, and I'm not trying to attack or be mean, but that's how I feel on the matter. As you can see, my fellow friends and I disagree slightly on the matter.

Why does it look like I'm joking? This makes me mad, seeing as Ive strived the most to be the best fangirl..evah!:eek::D:rolleyes: I'm not joking about anything..unless I say 'lol' after it..just to clear that up.

Sure, this fangirlism isn't going to take us to college, or pay for food, put a roof over our heads..but it's one of those simple, guilty pleasures of life, not to make it seem like chocolate..but..we enjoy it. So why should people state is as being unhealthy. Sure, they can, because it is a free country, and just as we can be fangirls, they can be anti-that, but, it's not pleasant.
Just cuz it's pleasurable doesn't mean it's right or healthy. Uh... don't take that in a wierd way...

No, but being fanatic about something that is completely seperate from your life, can never be productive, and is basically just a 'dead end' isn't too good. Making videos, writing, playing sports all have some benefits. This has none.
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