Did you get emotional?

I thought at the very beginning when they are showing the tarin and it says "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" The music in that scene made me feel sad. And when Mr. Tumnus played on his panpipes for Lucy made me sad also...and when Aslan died
AslanJudah said:
I was just wondering if I, a 24 year old man, was alone in crying my eyes out in the movie?

I think it started when Peter, Susan, and Lucy were walking through the Narnian army to see Aslan. I think it was the faces of the Narnians, seeing them and knowing the prophecy, and how long they had waited for them to arrive and the prophecy was coming true before their very eyes.

Also, when Aslan came back to life, it was so spiritual and reminded me so much that I was once a traitor like Edmund, but someone else died to save me!

Did anyone else get emotional? (boy I'm going to feel weird if nobody else did!)
I'm glad you brought that up. I did cry (A little) when they left and when the mice came to free Aslan. I love it when there is loyalty. It is beutiful
being a Georgie fan, I cried on her tender scenes

- evacuating london scene

- when she was telling everybody she went to narnia and Edmund too but he denied it

- The scene when Aslan was killed and Lucy and Susan are crying, it was very touching to see them hugging his body

- Aslan back to life

- Lucy sees the stone of Mr Tumnus and she cries then later he is fine and Susan and Lucy hug him

- Edmund is fine after drinking the potion and Peter hugs him

- when they were old and suddenly became kids again lol

- the ending
I cried when the Pevensies and all the other children were leaving their Mothers, and they are getting on the train, saying bye to their mums, shouting to them that they love them

Pevensie89 said:
I cried when the Pevensies and all the other children were leaving their Mothers, and they are getting on the train, saying bye to their mums, shouting to them that they love them

Me, too! And I felt pretty silly, because the movie was just beginning!
this will give you an idea of how emotional I got:

I teared up when I saw a commercial for it because they were making a better version. that they were making it period. that it was coming out any time soon enough to have a commercial.

I cried through most of the movie.
I completely broke down when Aslan died. all three times I saw it in theaters. it isn't as easy to cry when you're watching it in your living room and people can see you. rather embarassing. but I might not be able to not cry, since I haven't seen it for so long.
I cried so many times on that movie!
First I cried when Tumnus was turned to stone, then I cried when Aslan walked out of the tent, I dont know why but the music got to me. Then I cried when Aslan was sacrificed. At the beginning middle and end of the battle, when Aslan came back, oh and then when Edmund got stabbed and all that rage was forcing Peter to fight faser and harder, the theme song got me at that part, then when Tumnus came back, lets see up when Edmund was cured and then at the end cause I wanted them to stay in Narnia not leave. Thats about it actually
pink-cheetah said:
who gets chills (not bad ones) watching the battle? dont tell me im the only one.
I deffinatley did! The music! The Mood! Its beautif dream come true that has inspired ideas for my own battle scenes!
If you DON'T cry , you have issues

I am 38 and I read the Chronicles of Narnia over and over as a kid. I wore the books out.

As an adult, I saw the LWW movie, and got all...um... I mean...I got salt in my eyes from the popcorn, and, uh...my eyes watered alot.

I just read the whole series of books again, and ...got even more salt in my eyes.

Seriously. I cry every time Aslan makes an appearance. The writing conjures such an awesome feeling! It makes me believe that God is much more loving than vengeful, and that Heaven might just be alot more fun than being eternally stuck in church.
Someonebeatmetowunderkind said:
I am 38 and I read the Chronicles of Narnia over and over as a kid. I wore the books out.

As an adult, I saw the LWW movie, and got all...um... I mean...I got salt in my eyes from the popcorn, and, uh...my eyes watered alot.

I just read the whole series of books again, and ...got even more salt in my eyes.

Seriously. I cry every time Aslan makes an appearance. The writing conjures such an awesome feeling! It makes me believe that God is much more loving than vengeful, and that Heaven might just be alot more fun than being eternally stuck in church.
Ha! Thats awsome! You have to have a least a lump in ur chest u know!?
Someonebeatmetowunderkind said:
I am 38 and I read the Chronicles of Narnia over and over as a kid. I wore the books out.

As an adult, I saw the LWW movie, and got all...um... I mean...I got salt in my eyes from the popcorn, and, uh...my eyes watered alot.

I just read the whole series of books again, and ...got even more salt in my eyes.

Seriously. I cry every time Aslan makes an appearance. The writing conjures such an awesome feeling! It makes me believe that God is much more loving than vengeful, and that Heaven might just be alot more fun than being eternally stuck in church.

OMG! Aslan does the exact same thing for me also! like whenever he makes an appearence I get this warm feeling inside and it almost makes me want to cry becuase I know in those moments what I've never known before about God (like about him being much more loving them Vangeful) and thats just...amazing....I thank God for the movie and deffinitly for Aslan! :)

heh, now that I have the Narnia DVD it's so hard for me to watch the Stone Table scene....I mean seriously I either cry or come close to crying every time I watch that scene....is it hard for anyone else to watch that scene without crying or feeling really sad/scared??? please don't tell me I'm the only one.....
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*~Aslansfriend~* said:
OMG! Aslan does the exact same thing for me also! like whenever he makes an appearence I get this warm feeling inside and it almost makes me want to cry becuase I know in those moments what I've never known before about God (like about him being much more loving them Vangeful) and thats just...amazing....I thank God for the movie and deffinitly for Aslan! :)

heh, now that I have the Narnia DVD it's so hard for me to watch the Stone Table scene....I mean seriously I either cry or come close to crying every time I watch that scene....is it hard for anyone else to watch that scene without crying or feeling really sad/scared??? please don't tell me I'm the only one.....
u have got to be crazt if you didnt cry! ur not the only one! My heart beats and I got worried during the battle!
i teared...............i didnt bawl or anything.... because if i did, then i wouldnt be able to see that scene!
i almost cried when the kids were leaving london.... dont know why....
i almost cried when edmund was wounded and they were all sad and stuff... dont ask...
pink-cheetah said:
i teared...............i didnt bawl or anything.... because if i did, then i wouldnt be able to see that scene!
i almost cried when the kids were leaving london.... dont know why....
i almost cried when edmund was wounded and they were all sad and stuff... dont ask...
LoL, u know the part after Edmund gets stabbed and it was quiet for a minute, and then the music started and Peter went wild on everyone? Well thats when I lost it (I was thinking of someone at that time)
I cried too,hehe :D.At first in the beginning when the Pevensies are evacuating London,and then when Aslan had been sacrificed,and also some other times.The whole movie is so beautiful and powerful,very touching sometimes!
Usually I don't cry watching movies,but when it happens,the movie is destined to be my fave movie forever :)