Did you get emotional?

For me it was sort of strange, I cried at the Aslan scene even though I knew exactly what was going to happen. Aslan will come back to life! It was so well done and yes, I cried.
It was touching and really inspired me to start a Narnia fan site that comes in fourth place to the others in terms of hits!

I like the way the movie really represented the Christian walk and Aslan's sacrifice (Like Jesus dying for us)
she-elfwarrior19 said:
I almost cried at the beginning song not the "blitz" song but when they are like travelling on the train that songs makes me like almost cry./
I DID cry at the "evacuating london" song...it gives me goosebumps! Did anybody else cry the first time they ever watched the Narnia trailer? :eek: <-
the Large Voice said:
I DID cry at the "evacuating london" song...it gives me goosebumps! Did anybody else cry the first time they ever watched the Narnia trailer? :eek: <-
i saw the trailo a few months before it came out, and although i didn't cry i got the goosebumps (hard) and i could feel myself getting ready to choke up. :eek: . i mean it was soo emotional, that i've been a narnia fan since the 3rd grade and finally it was coming out.
NarniaPevensiefan said:
I was crying because of the stone table. I mean,I knew aslan was coming back to life,but it was just so sad! Someone stabbed the poor,BEAUTIFUL lion.I Am like obsessed with narnia and after the movie I wanted my mind off of it.
During the stone table scene, I was ok...I held back all the tears...I was gonna get through it somehow! But I lost it when Aslan looked at Susan and Lucy - with that face! I watched the movie 3 times, but never cried at the resurrection. It seemed like the movie was too fast paced during the last 15 minutes - I think they should've developed certain situations a little more...oh well, those are my thoughts. :rolleyes:


I almost cried when Edmund was stabbed. I didn't cry during Aslan's execution - I was actually laughing during that scene, but that's another story. I also almost cried when Tumnus finds out that Ed betrayed him ("You are here because he turned you in for sweeties.") and then Ed sees Mr. Tumnus as stone.
When I look back on the movie, I get emotional because it was so beautiful and well-done overall - I was first read Narnia when I was about three by my dad so I grew up with the story in my head as well.
The last time I saw the movie I got emotional at the scene where they are at the train station saying goodbye to their mom, as well as when they are on the train leaving their mom.

I really love the movie because it is able to be suspenseful, sad, happy, humrous (and even more emotions!) without being cheesy.
I cried at the exact moment the narnian army collided with the White Witch's forces. It was not a particularly moving moment but it was so beautifully shot and dramatic. Everything seemed to escalate to that moment when good would challenge evil. It was quite powerful.
I cried during Aslan's exacution but no where else....well I dont know if I cried, but I was very sad I think I cried...Heehee not very good memory here...*taps head*
I cried watching LWW when the stone table scene came....I had NO IDEA what was going to happen heh,I havn't read any of the books before I watched the movie and didn't know a single thing to exspect
(I'm reading the books now though I'm on horse and his boy :) ) I felt so clueless when watching the movie casue like the scene were Aslan has a private discussion with the witch I kept turning to diffrent memebers of my youth group and asking, "whats happening?" or "why are they going in the tent? whats going to happen!?" heh, I was freaking out exspecially when it came to the Stone Table scene i kept turning to my youth paster and asking him if Aslan were going to die and he wouldn't tell me someone finally told me like the moment before it happend and I was in tears (I cried kinda hard at that scene cause it was really touching and ended up bringing me back to God and opening up the door for me to start getting closer to Jesus) so yeah....the Stone Table scene was really emotional for me.......
I didn't...

I'm the sort of person who never ever ever cries during movies. Ever... So... Narnia was no different... I never cried. I was rooting for the Witch the whole time, the stone table didn't bother me, it was my favourite scene. I just love weird creatures and special effects.
It is sort of weird that I always root for the witch, even though I know that she will always lose. (I read the book before seeing the movie.) I rooted for the Green Witch in SC. She had a chance... for a second...
~JadisTheWhiteWitch~ said:
oh I see I think this is odd I cried at that scene but my favorite char is the witch

I cried a lil harder the third time seeing the movie and it came to that scene...(heh, I tried my best not to try the second time I saw it becuase I had a guy friend with me and I don't feel comterable crying in front of guys.....lol)

heh, I love Aslan and it hurt to see that scene....
I'm crying inside for you! I didn't quite cry (I've only ever cried with two movies) but the movie was amazing and definately moving.
I cried three times the first time I saw it, mainly because of the few really hard-hitting moments - like when the white witch drops to her knees when Aslan roared, and the moment He appeared in the archway after rising again, they're such powerful representations of Christianity, I was really overcome
I, also, like most of you guys, was very emotional during this film. I cried at tons of different parts all three times I saw it.
I think we cry and it makes us sad more than non-Christians because we all were Edmund's once, and Aslan was Jesus for us. it becomes real to us and we know exactly what the whole Narnia books mean. if that made sense... lol. Any one agree with me?
Sharlene said:
I, also, like most of you guys, was very emotional during this film. I cried at tons of different parts all three times I saw it.
I think we cry and it makes us sad more than non-Christians because we all were Edmund's once, and Aslan was Jesus for us. it becomes real to us and we know exactly what the whole Narnia books mean. if that made sense... lol. Any one agree with me?
I very much agree with you! Christians who understand the symbolism have a much higher emotional stake in the film. The Stone Table for us is something like The Passion, which of course was much more meaningful to believers than non-believers.