Did you get emotional?

back to the question in the title.....
I did get emotional but I think it was because God was showing me some things. I guess it all has to do with your perspective.
I am a VERY creative, VERY passionate person. As an artist I see and think differently.
Yes, I got shivers and wanted to cry. I got a little teary but my friend was right there so I blinked back my tears and excepted that I saw some things I needed to see.

........ That was corny wasn't it? Sorry.
I dont think that theres anything wrong with a grown man crying in a movie like this, and i dont think that you should feel weird about it as well.

Im 22 years old, i didnt cry myself but i do admit that some scenes i felt a lump in the back of my throat, which is quite rare when watching movies.
I begin to cry intermittently but consistently beginning at the Sacrifice scene, through the Battlle and to the final Conclusion.
im not a personne
who crys during movies
i usaly jump but i never cry
but when i went to see narnia with my best friend
i think there was only 2 parts that made me cry
and it was when lucy met tumnus
bcuz tumnus is my fav carecter so seing him
for the first time was relly emotional
and when aslan got sacrificed it was so sad
and even tho i knew he wasnt dead
i just started up the works again it was just so sad :(
ahhh u really dont want to know! i cry when they evacuate London, when they first enter Narnia, when Aslan first shows up on the screen; in his camp, when Aslan is sacrificed, of course, during the Battle, and at the end. :eek:
And I've seen the movie 5 times! :eek: I still cry everytime at those moments....and get goosebumps!
btw im not sure if I've already replied to this thread before..

OMG. I have never SOBBED at a movie. I cried when they Evacuated London...I cried when Aslan was Sacrificed (that always touches me), and I cried various times at the Battle, 'specially when Edmund got stabbed. I've seen it three times, and I still can't over those emotional scenes!
WillsGirl said:
back to the question in the title.....
I did get emotional but I think it was because God was showing me some things. I guess it all has to do with your perspective.
I am a VERY creative, VERY passionate person. As an artist I see and think differently.
Yes, I got shivers and wanted to cry. I got a little teary but my friend was right there so I blinked back my tears and excepted that I saw some things I needed to see.

........ That was corny wasn't it? Sorry.
me too :) Same reason
I did.I don't use to cry watching a movie,but with this one I did.One of the reasons for why Narnia is now so special to me.I love Narnia with every space of my heart :)
crying =me

<33 I was so emo in the movie when aslan died...I mean I couldn't even think about anything eles and I was balling! It was just so sad..It was nothing that I had ever seen before, and the second time I saw it I brought tissues haha! :p
I think all Narnia fans have something different, a different connection to the book and movie so we must have all got emotional, where non narnian fans, our people who read the books just thought "What weirdos!"
I usually get emotional during movies, but I rarely actually cry...The only movie I've ever cried during is "The Green Mile".

But yeah, I was emotional throughout the WHOLE movie. I felt like I was on the verge of tears through the whole movie, LOL.
I was crying

I was crying because of the stone table. I mean,I knew aslan was coming back to life,but it was just so sad! Someone stabbed the poor,BEAUTIFUL lion.I Am like obsessed with narnia and after the movie I wanted my mind off of it.