Did you get emotional?

The one moment I lost it was when Peter raises his sword and says "For Narnia, and Aslan!" It was a defining moment, being realized in a great, big screen epic, and that came through at that moment. I was thinking "WOW!"
Mark said:
The one moment I lost it was when Peter raises his sword and says "For Narnia, and Aslan!" It was a defining moment, being realized in a great, big screen epic, and that came through at that moment. I was thinking "WOW!"

Ya, that was an amazing scene. I almost cried there. Actually during the whole movie I was a little emotional/teary eyed :eek:...and I don't cry during movies normally.
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Same here. I think when you have been familiar with the material for so long, and it means something to you, seeing it on film (especially a good film) does that to you. I had the same reactions to certain scenes in Lord of the Rings, as well.
I though most of the scenes with the kids was some what emotional especially when Aslan made the deal with the white witch. It was all so moving.
I got weepy, but didn't really cry, but sort of buried my face against my husband's shoulder and tried to hide it when Tumnus was in prison. That scene really choked me up the most.

Aslan's sacrifice did get to me a little, but not very much, simply because I knew that it was coming. If I didn't know what was happening and had no idea about the resurrection that would come, then I would have blubbed like a schoolgirl.
melbren said:
Oh my goodness - I started crying during the opening credits. This story has just been such a part of my childhood as well as my adult life (I'm 29), I was overcome as soon as it started.

This was my experience as well. I was either smiling or welling up the entire movie - not bad for a 30 year old dude. I had better stop thinking about or I'll start again here at work...can't wait until Saturday to see it again!
melbren said:
Oh my goodness - I started crying during the opening credits. This story has just been such a part of my childhood as well as my adult life (I'm 29), I was overcome as soon as it started.
That's how I felt! And like Paul said, I have been waiting for this film so long, and to see it done so well, it was overwhelming.
Okay i'm not really "elligible" to say whether i cried or not since i havent watched the film. (it opens only on dec22 here ):) However, i am more than 100% sure that i will indeed cry, i mean come on, i cried in kid movies like really kiddie. Eg, Lilo and Stitch, Finding nemo, almost every single movie i watch i cry. And Narnia is very close to my heart so i'm bringing 10 packets of tissue with me to get ready. lol
Well... this sounds really bad and all, but I got teary eyed at the very begining when Edmund ran back into the house after the picture of his father. :eek: Then when Lucy ran into Mr. Tummins and the wolves had already attack it. I hope I am not spoiling this for anybody. When the White Witch froze Mr. Tummins, when Aslan make the pact with the White Witch, when they shaved Aslan, when they killed Aslan ;), and when Lucy saved Edmund from the White Witches wound!! There. I am sure those are not the only time just the ones I could see through my teary eyes!! :rolleyes: ~Bree~
melbren said:
Oh my goodness - I started crying during the opening credits. This story has just been such a part of my childhood as well as my adult life (I'm 29), I was overcome as soon as it started.

Me too!! Although I have seen the BBC version, it just didn't compare to this movie, to me. The LWW is what sparked my interest (now an obession) with reading and books. The LWW definitely holds a special place in my heart and seeing it come to life like this was amazing. But now, being 27 and having grown spiritually the books bring on an even greater meaning to me. So, like Melbren said, it was like my childhood being brought to life....but then on the spiritual side it was also like God was speaking to me through this as well. OH I was very emotional!!!
I didn't cry properly, but Iw as on the cusp most the way through. The first 15minutes caused me the most emotional stress, I was really overwhelming to see it on the big screen finally. Seeing lucy find Narnia for the first time was almost too much, seeing her face and knowing all the great things to come, I was quite lost in the movie for a moment.
i almost started crying, especially when aslan sacrificed himself on the table just seeing him so helpless was...wow. i'm such a nerd. but i was getting teary eyed. plus just...everything. it was all so beautiful.i can't wait for it to come out on dvd
Well I'm glad I'm not alone. I'm actually proud that I cried. It shows I'm not as cold hearted as I thought. :)

Besides the stone table scene, (as I have said earlier) I got the most chocked up when Peter, Susan, and Lucy were going to see Aslan and all the Narnian's saw them. It was like they had been under opression so long from the witch, and now the prophecy was coming true right before their eyes! Powerful stuff.

I know this is probably not what Lewis meant, but that moment reminded me of the Shepherds in the CHRISTmas story. All their lives they were waiting on a Messiah and Deliverer, then on CHRISTmas night they got to see him face to face.
i cried on a few parts when mr. tumnus was dragged out of prison cuz he couldnt even walk...when aslan was 'killed' and somehow the battle scene made me cry as well... oh and also at the end when aslan was leaving..

it was really awesome movie.. it stayed true to the book, which i liked! and the casting was perfect! I'd defintely see it a second time.. and probably cry at the same scenes a second time..
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melbren said:
Oh my goodness - I started crying during the opening credits. This story has just been such a part of my childhood as well as my adult life (I'm 29), I was overcome as soon as it started.

I am only 19, but I know EXACTLY how you feel. This story is tied so close to my heart, I was sad just knowing that at the end of Prince Caspian that Peter and Susan won't be coming back. (unless you count LB).
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Oh YES,I was on edge dearing the movie, I almost cryed seriouly. And to make it even better, the gurl next to me thought I was CRAZY!!!!!!!!

P.S. THAT WAS FUN!!! hahahahaa
I didn't quite cry, though I had tears in my eyes. It was more of a....'Gasp! Shockhorror! Ohmygee!' kinda thing for me. I always get upset by the book :(
Yep, lots of emotion...

I cried, and laughed, and sat speechless at different places in the movie. I had to cry when (though it's not in the books) Lucy pulls out the cordial thinking she might be able to heal Aslan that way. It was just something I had never thought of before--she would perhaps obviously had tried that. I also had to cry when Edmund pretends he and Lucy were only pretending. I cried during the train ride....I don't know, there's just something powerful in that train ride that makes the hair on my neck stand on edge right as the Narnia title comes up.

Oh..and I think they did awesome when they showed the wardrobe for the first time...they had that happy music playing really loud and right when Lucy opens the door to the wardrobe room it just wooshes silent.....goosebumps!
