Did you get emotional?

Something else I haven't heard anyone mention, is the first time we see Aslan. I got emotional there as well. Like seeing JESUS for the first time! Although I dare say I will be more emotional when that finally happens! :D
The minute it started...

Are you kidding me? I'm a 31yr old guy and I've been waiting for a movie like this to be made since I first read LWW in 1985 [5th grade]. I started crying the moment the opening credits began...
I just hope AA and Co.know how much this movie has affected people, in a positive way of course. To make a film so close to what we all hold so near to our hearts anyway is no mean feat!

I saw the movie twice. The first time I saw the movie I was choked up at the stone table scene. Then we took our 3rd and 4th graders to see the movie on a field trip today and the scene that got to me this time was when the four children recieved their crowns at their coronation. It made me think about when we get to heaven and the Lord says,"Well done thou good and faithful servant."

My students reactions awed me. I was sitting by five of my boys and they were leaned forward into their seats and didn't say a word. Mind you, these same students don't typically stay still or quiet during the regular school day. :D

Oh, talk about crying moment... one of our fourth grade teachers had never heard of the books or the movie until we planned the field trip. She still didn't have an opportunity to read it before we went. She cried throughout the movie (awesome testament to C.S. Lewis's body of work and Adam Adamson's faithful direction with this material!)
I don't really cry a lot for movies or books, but i ALMOST cried a little at the part where Tumnus admits what he was doing and Lucy says "I thought you were my friend .. " I don't know, it was just so sad to me .. also when it showed Edmund after being stabbed by the White Witch, grabbing at the grass for something to hold on to. Those two parts got to me the most .. oh yes, along with the part where Peter and Edmund hugged and they were both crying .. I loved that; i think it was after Lucy helped Edmund with her cordial, perhaps ..?

whoops, that got a little long. :eek:
melbren said:
Oh my goodness - I started crying during the opening credits. This story has just been such a part of my childhood as well as my adult life (I'm 29), I was overcome as soon as it started.

I was a bit overcome at the opening credits because I too have looking forward to this movie since I read the books as a child more than 40 years ago. I also read all of the books, a chapter a night to my 3 sons for bedtime. I am 48, and was so happy to attend the movie with 2 of my sons. what a treat.
The power of Lewis's work is great to have this effect on so many.

ps my sons were a bit emotional too, ages 19 and 21.
Ye, I did get emotional: something moved in my stomach and had to go in to the toilet. I blame the film. The Rest of the film I was laughing how bad it was and that is a weird feeling. Ps. I want my money back.
I think several of us have a huge investment of time into this story. I have probably read it at least 15 times. I loved fiction when I first started reading at age 4. I read a LOT up until about age 12, when sports, music, and dealing with a broken family took precedence.

At age 16 I became a Christian through Young Life. As I started reading the Bible voraciously, I also desired to read fiction once again. The wife of the man who prayed with me in Young Life camp also happened to be my home room teacher (in a PUBLIC SCHOOL, no less!). She also happened to be an English teacher.

One day I asked her if she could recommend any good Christian fiction. She said "Well you've probably already read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, haven't you?" I told her no. She got very excited and said "Welll you've GOT to get The Chronicles of Narnia! Then she explained (as this confused me) that The Chronicles of Narnia is a set of seven books by C. S. Lewis. I recognized that name as one of the recommended reading authors on a list of books a Young Life leader had given me. It turned out that book was Mere Christianity.

I bought LWW that week, and the box set the following week. I read the entire series in 10 weeks. Later that year, I began a personal tradition of reading LWW between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I passed this tradition on to my five children by reading it to them aloud. We are all Narnia fans.

Yes, I cried as the movie began. Why? Because the story was being presented to a lot more people who would never hear or see it otherwise.

Several of the scenes were very powerful. The most powerful for me was Lucy entering Narnia. That was what captured my imagination and hooked me as I first read the book. The look of wonder on her face, and then the transition and meeting of Tumnus are absolutely fantastic. The feeling to me was like finally arriving at a place I have longed to go for much of my life. It is a foretaste and foreshadowing of what Lewis describes as our first words in Heaven- "Of course!".

I didn't cry at the death of Aslan. I cried when he resurrected. I cried when Peter called out For Narnia and for Aslan. I cried when the children received their gifts from Father Christmas. I cried during the Coronation and when Lucy and Tumnus were talking. And yes, I even cried when Prof. Kirke said "You never know."
I tell ya what Puddleglum, that was one of the most beautifully written posts I've seen on here and it was very touching. It's great to see what Narnia has meant to so many other people.
You are totally not alone! I cried during Aslan's death scene, and got teary-eyed during the coronation. My friends were bawling the whole way through. The story just has very emotional strings attached to it. It's normal to cry, especially in epics like this or Lord of the Rings for example. Sometimes it's in sadness, and somtimes it's in awe. So don't worry, you're not the only one! :D
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Considering that they are some of my favorite books...yeah...I cried when I read the books but yeah, the movie had me crying all over the place.

It's a very emotional film...it's all about family and love, and God and well...yeah I cried...lots of times. It's a measure of what a brilliant film it is, and how much people love those books...they've meant a lot to me my whole life.

Cried, cried, cried. I'm going to go see it again...LOL but this time I know to take the handkerchief.
i saw the movie again (2nd time) and I still cried at the same parts i cried the first time.. the stone table scene was just a tear-jerker and also whenever else lucy starts to cry, i start to cry .. oh and the few seconds before the clash in batle you hear the heartbeats and somehow that part gets to me...
I got choked up at the train station scene in the beginning, when Tumnus was being mistreated in the dungeon, and especially when Lucy starts to open her cordial to help Aslan when it's too late.
okay, i'm not a twenty-four year old man, i'm a fifteen year old girl, however, i feel for you dude!!! I,like, hard core cried watching this movie three times!! i cried pretty hard at the end because i knew it was the end and it was gonna start all over again...its was so sad,but in a happy way.....does that make sense??
SwordMaiden said:
You are totally not alone! I cried during Aslan's death scene, and got teary-eyed during the coronation. My friends were bawling the whole way through. The story just has very emotional strings attached to it. It's normal to cry, especially in epics like this or Lord of the Rings for example. Sometimes it's in sadness, and somtimes it's in awe. So don't worry, you're not the only one! :D
i thought it was just me that cried during lord of the rings and star wars and harry potter and stuff, you guys are making me happy...anyway....
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Christine~Pevensie said:
i saw the movie again (2nd time) and I still cried at the same parts i cried the first time.. the stone table scene was just a tear-jerker and also whenever else lucy starts to cry, i start to cry .. oh and the few seconds before the clash in batle you hear the heartbeats and somehow that part gets to me...
i couldnt agree with you more, i dont know why that part got to me, but it did...