Did you get emotional?

Puddleglum said:
I think several of us have a huge investment of time into this story. I have probably read it at least 15 times..........

That was a wonderful post Puddleglum , it summed up everything I feel certainly, well met friend, and welcome back to the site...although you haven't been away really, I just don't pay attention! :p
I didn't cry during the movie, but I teared up, alot in , like, every scene. But when I read the books, especially the last, I cried my eyes out. Other than the four children, my fav. character was Prince Caspian. So at the end of the Silver Chair, I was crying so hard for like and hour. Then at the end of the last book, how the Narnia they were in all along, was just a reflection of what I think of as Heaven, that just overwelmed me. I was sobbing so long after that. Wow, I LOVE these books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I LOVE William Moseley!!!!!!!
maybe its just me, but wasnt it really sad at the end when they fall out of the wardrobe and they're young again? i haven't read the books yet so i dont quite understand...does that mean that all they did was for nothing and that it didnt really change anything for Narnia or what??? Anybody out there wanna help a poor girl out? :( :( :( :(
What you have to realize (and they DIDN'T cover this point well in the movie) is that time in our world and time in Narnia are not the same. Lucy said she had been gone for hours, yet she returned before Peter finished counting to 100.

In the book, the children tell the Professor that she said she had been gone for hours, but had only hid for a very short time. Professor Kirke tells them that is a reason which "makes your sister's story very likely to be true". The idea was the fact that in pretending, children normally don't consider mundane details like keeping up with time.

In Prince Caspian, this "time factor" will come into play once again.
Yes, they came back as they were, instead of grown up. But they also retain the memories of who they were and what they did, so it really isn't that sad.
Oreius said:
I got teary when Aslan died.I hated that part when I read it in the book.I hated when I saw it I the movie.

It's sad that Aslan had to die, that was a powerful scene. But just like Jesus, Aslan died so that others could have life. But remember he didn't stay dead for long!

Oreius, that's a cool name and he was a cool character. Was he in the books, I don't remember him?
I cried.

I cried when Aslan died

I cried when Edmund was injured.

I cried when Aslan was resurrected.

I cried...

I'm a 22yo female. But this was a very emotionally drawing movie. (that was a weird sentence). It totally pulled you in. But I get teary eyed when I read the books.

I also got goosebumps/chills when Aslan rose, and when he told Peter after he killed the witch "It is finished."

Man, they did a good job with this movie. I wanna go see it again!
I never get emotional during moives becuase its only a movie its not real it can't happen. I have see so many movies that nothing bothers me. That is why I can watch horror movies were people get eaten alive and ripped in half than walk ouit like nothing happened. IT is all special effects and makeup not real life.
Me (32 years old) saw the movie today for the first time (The Danish premiere), and I cried mostly at the stone table scene.
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i cried SO hard!!!!!

i started to cry when Aslan went to the stone table, and by the time the Witch said "Despair and Die!" i was crying hard and i got a muscle spasm in my lower back. that only happens when i am severely stressed!

and of course i cried at the end. i cry in EVERY movie.

and the whole time i knew what was going to happen. i am SO weird.
I don't cry much, but I let the waterworks go after Aslan was killed. And I didn't stop until the Pevensies were crowned.

I am a HUGE animal lover, and seeing so many animals get killed (Aslan, the fox, the animals in the battle..) got to me. It was also really sad to see Lucy so upset after Aslan is killed and when she finds Mr. Tumnus.
I went to the theater with a jacket pocket full of kleenex expecting to cry my eyes out when the Stone Table scene came. I had already seen a pic of Susan and Lucy with Aslan after he was killed and it broke my heart to look at it. And I am the knid of person that cries at nothing, so I fully expected to wail. I was surprised though that when it got to that part I cried, but I didn't totally bawl. I guess I went into it sorta prepared and there was the fact that it was a school trip and half the kids I teach were there too... now when I go see it again wothout so many people around it might be a different story.
I went to see this movie with my parents while we were at universal studios this past week, and we cried in the beginning when the children are leaving their mothers. My father even shed a tear!!! I cried when Tumnus was turned to stone, as well as when Lucy and Susan follow Aslan and is killed!!!!! I am 20 years of age and have no shame crying when something moves me so much. I even cried during the 4th Harry Potter movie, when Cedric died. He was such a wonderful charactor. The movie surpassed all of my expectations and I plan to go see it again.
Hey guys iluvsk's cuz and ummmmmmmm.......Yea well lol iluv u guyes sooooooo i still havent seen the movie and my friends said it they didn't like it well bye.