Well, If it was the episode we haven't seen in the US, then I don't know. I thought I saw something like that when they showed scenes of the coming episode. I made a comment to someone else who was watching with me saying that it looked to me like he was kind of (Spoilers: highlight to see)"degrading" and that it looked to me like he was disappearing. I was afraid that this was the beginning of the end for DT. But that person told me that DT has a contract to keep playing until 2010 or something.
Hehehehehe - I know the answers to all your wonders and queries cos we just saw the final episode this Saturday. I could reveal all Mwahahahahahaha!!!!

... but I wont. :D So where are you up to then? Which one follows the Library episode!??! And which one was Episode 6? Oh is that the Hath and the Doctor's Daughter one!??! So what are peeps thoughts on the earlier episodes. It's funny looking back cos almost all are connected to the finale in some way. Either that or introducing a new idea into the general franchise.

Btw - Catherine Tate is AWESOME!!! later in the series and the final to episodes are UNMISSABLE the best finale I've EVER seen.

















I was SO glad that they relented and brought the Doctor's modified-clone daughter back to life, even though it was after he left that planet! I hope they will eventually be reunited, so that the Doctor won't have to go on always believing that his only (as far as I know) child is dead.
Seems I was wrong.

Spoiler: He managed to come back to life again. Did something odd with his hand... That he had cut of earler or soemthing...

But tis the end of the serise here now :(

If you go onto a website called www.bbc.co.uk and then look for the bbci player then you can watch the finalie. Well untill the Saturday coming that is...
Hehehehehe - I know the answers to all your wonders and queries cos we just saw the final episode this Saturday. I could reveal all Mwahahahahahaha!!!!

... but I wont. :D So where are you up to then? Which one follows the Library episode!??! And which one was Episode 6? Oh is that the Hath and the Doctor's Daughter one!??! So what are peeps thoughts on the earlier episodes. It's funny looking back cos almost all are connected to the finale in some way. Either that or introducing a new idea into the general franchise.

Btw - Catherine Tate is AWESOME!!! later in the series and the final to episodes are UNMISSABLE the best finale I've EVER seen.

Well, don't then. I have only seen to the second part of the "Library" episode. I liked it so much, I had to do a banner with the quotes. I don't know how long my banner will last but for a while I guess. So I think I still need to see one more episode before the finale.

Seems I was wrong.

Spoiler: He managed to come back to life again. Did something odd with his hand... That he had cut of earler or soemthing...

But tis the end of the serise here now :(

If you go onto a website called www.bbc.co.uk and then look for the bbci player then you can watch the finalie. Well untill the Saturday coming that is...
Thanks. I will check it out. And I personally saw an entry in Wikipedia that said DT is "confirmed" to play the Doctor at least until 2010 so that's cool.

















I was SO glad that they relented and brought the Doctor's modified-clone daughter back to life, even though it was after he left that planet! I hope they will eventually be reunited, so that the Doctor won't have to go on always believing that his only (as far as I know) child is dead.

Do you reckon they might do a spin off series with her???
It has to have at least crossed their minds to make a spinoff. But they seem not to have given a fair chance to the Sarah Jane spinoff. Maybe they could put this daughter IN Sarah Jane's program.

Back in the older era of the series, I would have liked to see a spinoff series with Romanadvoratrelundar in E-space. They could even have worked in a bit where she temporarily popped back into N-space long enough to prevent Adric from dying. As for that, however much characters like Rose and Donna understandably are in love with the Doctor, only Romana is of his actual species; and being in E-space she could well have survived. Though Time Lords are able to intermarry with humans and produce viable offspring, it should be Romana who finally gets to marry the Doctor; then they could have sons and daughters who would marry humans, like the children of King Frank and Queen Helen marrying humanlike Narnian beings, and the Time Lord race would be reborn!
I was SO glad that they relented and brought the Doctor's modified-clone daughter back to life, even though it was after he left that planet! I hope they will eventually be reunited, so that the Doctor won't have to go on always believing that his only (as far as I know) child is dead.
I believe he did have other children once. Since he says 'i was a father once' (i believe not referring to the clone daughter) and since the first doctor has a (timelordlike) granddaughter (which seems kinda impossible if he didn't have a son or daughter first).

But that's just from reading, i happened to look into this thread ;)

Also, i saw the last two episodes on BBC1, and i just saw the first two episodes of the new series, season one (ninth doctor), so i'm just looking if i like it. I've got a friend who loves it, but i'm not quite sure yet (it freaks me out a bit at times, i'm not much of a hero).
The Doctor's so-called granddaughter Susan in the earliest shows, though she was of his race, was not related to him by blood according to what I've read; she was his "adopted" granddaughter, much as Bruiser on this forum is mine. By the way, I believe Susan eventually married an Earthman, just as the human companion Leela "settled for" marrying the Time Lord Andred because she couldn't get the Doctor interested in her that way.
The Doctor's so-called granddaughter Susan in the earliest shows, though she was of his race, was not related to him by blood according to what I've read; she was his "adopted" granddaughter, much as Bruiser on this forum is mine. By the way, I believe Susan eventually married an Earthman, just as the human companion Leela "settled for" marrying the Time Lord Andred because she couldn't get the Doctor interested in her that way.
Susan is the granddaughter and a companion of the Time Lord known as the Doctor. Her last name of Foreman is an alias taken from the junkyard, owned by an "I. M. Foreman", at 76 Totter's Lane where she and the Doctor lived during their time in London in 1963. The original outline for the series did not intend the pair to be related, but writer Anthony Coburn created the family tie as he was disturbed by the possible sexual connotations of an old man travelling alone with a teenage girl.

The Doctor explains in "An Unearthly Child" (the very first episode of Doctor Who and a title often used for the first four-part serial) that he and Susan are exiles from their own people. Susan adds, "I was born in another time, on another world" (presumably Gallifrey).

And then what happened to her:

Susan continues to travel with the Doctor and her two teachers until the 1964 serial, The Dalek Invasion of Earth. During the events of that story, Susan falls in love with David Campbell, a freedom fighter in the 22nd century. However, Susan feels that she has to stay with and take care of her grandfather. The Doctor, realising that Susan is now a grown woman and deserves a future away from him, locks her out of the TARDIS and leaves after a tearful farewell.[4] Carole Ann Ford had expressed a desire to leave the series as she felt the character of Susan was too limiting. Ford reprised the role of Susan on television in the 20th anniversary special The Five Doctors (1983), but no mention of David, or what became of him, was made.[5]

In The Curse of Fenric (1989), the Seventh Doctor states that he does not know if he has any family, which may indicate uncertainty of Susan's whereabouts.[6] In 2005's "The End of the World" the Ninth Doctor states that his home world has been destroyed and that he is the last of the Time Lords.[7] Although Susan is not mentioned by name, the Doctor says in "Father's Day" that his "whole family" died,[8] and in "The Empty Child" some dialogue implies that he is no longer a father or grandfather.[9] In "The Age of Steel", Mrs Moore asks the Doctor if he has any family, to which he replies "Who needs family? I've got the whole world on my shoulders."[10] In "Fear Her," the Tenth Doctor states he "was a Dad once," but does not elaborate further. In "The Sound of Drums", the Tenth Doctor discusses with the Master the fact that they each chose their own names.[3] In Susan's case, it is unknown where hers comes from. In "The Doctor's Daughter" the Doctor says that he has had a family (including, it is assumed by the context, a child/children) before and is still hurt by their deaths.

I know that wikipedia isn't always correct, but if you look at the number of sources they quote, it seems to me that it is reliable information.
In the series before this one, there's an episode where the Doctor becomes human for a time and falls in love with some random human woman. Am I wrong in thinking there may have been the possibility of a child coming from that relationship??
I didn't watch the previous season, as I was still unhappy about the dropping of Rose as his companion. However, I believe that if he became human and fell in love, it definitely gives the writers and angle to make anything come of it.
Thing is, they managed to bring her back, even though the suggestion at the end of series 2 was that she was stuck there forever!! Similarly I can imagine they'll find a way of bringing Donna back. They're clever at that kind of thing.

In terms of the next series I think the companion is gonna be the lass from the Library episode who played the doctor in ER, I think she's called Alex Kingston?! I think he'll meet her as she said he would and the start of their extended friendship will begin.
I really enjoy this show! Even if I see it two years behind! (We just finished the 2006 I think season and now they've started it again.) Last week was The Christmas Invasion.
Really! In the US we are only an episode or two behind.

And I do think that "lass from the Library" will be his companion in the next season. It is a given. They already said he gives her the screwdriver. But then again, maybe she is only in one or two episodes.
They could always have ONE episode where that "library" actress is seen onscreen...the Doctor says to whoever else is with him, "Excuse us a moment"...he walks away with the Library-story woman...and then, as time is experienced by the viewer and by the other character, the Doctor comes back a minute or two later...but as HE experiences time, he has just finished spending YEARS travelling the cosmos with that other, "destined" companion.
OK what is this show about? I've asked someone my friends and they don't know how to tell, so now I reall want to know.
Long ago on a planet called Gallifrey, the humanlike inhabitants achieved two scientific breakthroughs. First: they invented a form of "hyperspace" travel which could take them not only to other locations in space, but backward and forward in time if they chose. Second: already having a long lifespan, they extended it further through "regeneration": if a Gallifreyan was about to die of old age, or was mortally injured, he or she would have a burst of energy which reconstructed his or her body. Only in their first incarnations were they ever children; each regeneration would appear as an adult, with all the memories of the previous lifetime, but sometimes with changes in personality and temperament. They could regenerate twelve times, giving each one thirteen lives in all. Because of these advantages, the Gallifreyans came to be known as the Time Lords. Like Star Trek's Vulcans, they were certainly more like good guys than the opposite, but not usually very passionate about taking sides and righting wrongs.

One exception was a male Time Lord whose real given name seems to have been Theta Sigma, but who preferred to call himself just The Doctor. Setting out on his own to get away from the overly regulated society of Gallifrey, the Doctor soon settled on Earth as the planet he liked best. A certain version of his biography says that, like Mister Spock, the Doctor actually had an Earth-human mother; this would confirm that Gallifreyans can intermarry with Earthlings--a fact which many female characters in the TV series wish the Doctor would give more thought to! (Still, the original premise that the Doctor WASN'T trying to get inside the pants of every lovely Earthwoman he met WAS refreshing.)

The Doctor Who universe has the same plague as the Star Trek universe: ultra-super-duper-extra-hyper-unbeatable space aliens behind every asteroid and black hole. Dealing with them, and with "only sort of unbeatable" aliens, always kept the Doctor busy. There was a long hiatus of the series; and when they finally brought it back, the out-of-control fashion for oversimplifying everything in TV and movies made the producers decide to say that all the OTHER Gallifreyans had died, leaving only the Doctor.

There, does that help?
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Cool Copperfox. It is possible that he spends a lot of time with that lass but we only see a moment in time from our point of view. That will really save a lot of production costs;);)!

And thanks for the explanation. I didn't know that it was only in the recent series that all the other Time Lords are dead and The Doctor is the last one. That's not cool! I hope they change it again to make his species still surviving.